Not sure who's right
So, my dd16 is grounded for the remainder of 2014. She told me she was staying at a friends house and went and slept at her Boyfriends house, she got caught out the next day so phone and all other privileges were taken as well as grounded until the rest of the year! Here's the dilemma though, her year 10 school formal is on in about 3 weeks and I want to grant her a 'leave pass' and let her go, but my DH (her StepDad) thinks that she shouldn't be allowed to go! Her bio Dad agrees with me (although I didn't tell him that it was DH who was pushing for her to not be allowed to go) and now DH is all pissed off because I'm taking advice from bio Dad who only sees the girls for about 2 hours each week (they live with us full time)
Am I in the wrong!? I just think that the formal is a big deal to a young girl and DH thinks that in 2 years when she is actually leaving school it will be more important for her to celebrate then and that because she's grounded we can't be choosing what we will allow her to go too!!!
I think your husband is
I think your husband is right. Then agaain, I think grounding for the rest of the year is over the top. I think pulling 3 things that really matter to her (cell phone, formal.....) would have more of an impact.
This rest of the year thing with exceptions for things/events that are REALLY important to you, sends the wrong message.
While I think your husband is right about her missing the dance, I think he's wrong for trying to make you exclude her father from the decision.
I think Disneyfan pretty much
I think Disneyfan pretty much covered it.
This young lady didn't just lie, she slept overnight at her boyfriends house ( I hope she's on birth control). Why in the world would you allow her to now go to the formal? I'd be much more concerned about keeping this girl on track than going over the top with the 'grounded until end of year' thing. I don't particularly believe double, triple, and excessive punishments are actually productive. Taking daughter to a pregnancy test and then getting on birth control and bringing home the 'what the hell were you thinking being so careless' and as to how such a immature stunt could cost her the rest of her 'fun' teen years and on into her adulthood would be a priority along with no dance and no phone contact with friends would be very impacting at her age Missing the formal is going to be a major biggie for her at this age (at least in her eyes) and she certainly shouldn't be going off to a dance (where her boyfriend likely will be) .
I gotta go with StepDad on
I gotta go with StepDad on this one. She was boinking her BF at his house when she was supposed to be somewhere else. Grounded is grouded. She does not go to the dance.
Foregoing the dance may just make the connection she needs in the broken circuit she has in her judgement at the moment. I applaud you and StepDad for applying an actual consequence rather than just the touchy feely lose you phone and internet for a a week bullshit and comming up with some bullshit consequence that is no consequence at all, makes no impression, teaches no lesson, and gets no result.
When I was grounded it was usually for a notable amount of time. For grades I would be grounded until the next progress report or report card came home. 6ish weeks as I recall. For behavioral crap it was usually a minimum of a month or two. I never repeated the infringing behavior once I was released from being grounded.
We used a similar philosophy for the Skid. When he was punished it was for a number of weeks. One consequence that you may want to try is sentences. If she is grounded have her write countless thousands of sentences.
"I will not sneek off to have sex with my boyfriend and sleep at his house when I have told my parents I am staying with XYZLMNOP." 10,000 times in perfect handwriting at a quota of 200/hr. }:) }:) }:) If she misses an hour's quota or has one messy sentence she starts over. She will hate that. }:) When she is not at school or studying she is writing sentences. No watching TV with the family, no nothing but sentences. If everyone goes out to dinner, sure she can go as part of the family, but as soon as she walks through the door from dinner ... sentences.
My Skid wrote countless thousands of sentences from age ~8 to about ~14ish. We probably should have kept it going until he actually graduated from high school. We may have avoided the struggles he had in 10th grade and his Sr. year. To this day he cringes when the family jokingly discusses sentences. He laughs about them now though. And .. he is incapable of writing in messy hand writing. The kid has beautiful handwriting to the point that his boss has him fill out all of the forms and hand written logs that his USAF shop has to fill out.
Gotcha kid!! For the rest of you life you will know that your mom and dad cared and held you accountable for your behavior. Every Christmas card you fill out, every love note you write, when you read your own handwriting you will know. Ha!!!!!
Doing what they should do earns trust which is its own reward. When trust is lost the only thing to do is explain that regaining trust takes far longer than it took to build it initially and brings completely unpleasant consequences. Bring the pain mom. Stick with the grounding. No kid ever suffered an unrecoverable emotional or developmental trauma from missing a dance. Your DD won't either. Because the dance is important to her she should be held to the punishment and not be able go.
IMHO of course.
Grounded is grounded. Give
Grounded is grounded. Give in for this occassion and next time giving in will be expected
I agree with Ladyface
I agree with Ladyface completely. Not only would my kids be grounded for an extremely long time, that friends who tried to lie for her would be erased from my kids social circle.
Step dad is right. Letting her still go to what she really is looking forward to even though she's grounded isn't going to make much of an impact on her. Especially since she'll probably be going with said BF and spending all night with him there.
She'll have her senior prom, 11th grade homecoming, yada yada yada. Take it from me...I had my first when I was 17 and yes I regret not going to my prom but I couldn't find a babysitter and buying diapers and formula was way more important than a prom ticket or dress.
True, you would always have
True, you would always have to keep an eye on the kid, but at the least I would be very wary of any plans she says she has with this friend
Give your dad some credit. He
Give your dad some credit. He gave you a guidebook which you found easy to follow once the whole world was on your own shoulders.
the whole point of grounding
the whole point of grounding is to punish her. kids who are grounded are grounded, no exceptions.
you cave on this, you lose all credibility and she will know she can do whatever she wants.
I'm with the "grounded is
I'm with the "grounded is grounded" crowd. Of course, that may be because of my own situation where DH is always wanting to "show mercy" and make exceptions, and I've watched this only backfire in his face (i.e., she never really changes, and does the same crap over and over again).
Here is my thing with what your daughter did.
1) First and foremost, she lied! That in my book is a big issue! These teens see it as no big deal, but they have no idea what the implications are for lying. If they can lie about something little, they can lie about something big. It breaks trust, which is a required foundation of ANY relationship...parent/child, between spouses, friends, etc. If you can't trust, you have a relationship breakdown.
2) What she lied about...she lied to spend the night with her boyfriend!!! Here is why #2 is so important, as well. As a parent, I would have to wonder..."Is she really going to stay at the dance? Or, is she going to sneak off with the boyfriend for another boink-fest?" Yes, I put it bluntly...because there is no other reason for her to have gone to spend the night with the boyfriend outside of having sex!
That is my two cents! No formal!
You could give her a choice-
You could give her a choice- if she goes to the dance, she gets the one time pass for it but the grounding through the year stays in effect. If she foregoes the dance, the grounding sentence will be lifted the day after the dance. So she can go to the dance but miss all potential holiday fun and activities, or she can miss the dnce but have her potential holiday fun times back. Seems to me if she picks her own poison the connection to actions and consequences will be stronger.
^^^Yes ma'am!!!
^^^Yes ma'am!!!
I agree with everyone saying
I agree with everyone saying not to let her go to the dance. You have to stick to your guns and follow the consequence of being grounded through to the end. I don't think 6 weeks is an unreasonable amount of time to be grounded for something so serious either. I was grounded for that long for a lot less serious things as a teenager and I'm a better person for it.
This is a decision her
This is a decision her parents should make together. Her BIO parents.
Yep. No formal. I wouldn't
Yep. No formal. I wouldn't change the grounding at this point either - you've already said it, stick to it. Your DH is being silly about getting mad that BioDad is being consulted. Sure, StepDad can have a say, but BioDad can have one too. You, as Mom and custodial, get final say.
Not sure if you know my story, but my SD17 also lied about spending the night at a friend's house so she could sleep with her boyfriend (an abusive asshole, by the way). She's expecting his baby in a couple months now. It's all an utter disaster. Teens just have no idea. They really don't. Playing house kinda look like fun, so they play with fire thinking the consequences aren't really that bad anyway. Which means it's YOUR job to give her some real consequences to think of - like missing the formal dance and 6 weeks of no phone and no friends. Be strong Mamma! I know you feel guilty and want her to experience the fun stuff, but trust me - it is MUCH more important in the long run that she's safe and her future is protected.
^^^^^Well said Ally!^^^^^
^^^^^Well said Ally!^^^^^
Screw the dance since she
Screw the dance since she screwed her BoyF. Where were HIS parents and why did they allow a girl to spend the night?!?!
No dance, by no means! This will have a great impact....
Pregnancy test.
Volunteer at soup kitchen (posted above), great idea.
Another pregnancy test
I always want to ground SD13 for a month and actually got 10 days out of DH this past summer. One time he grounded her on a Monday and she was "free" by Friday.
You cave and they push it further the next time. You WILL survive the guilt.
LOCK HER ASS DOWN, how stupid of her to try something THAT bad!
~ Moon
I'm with your DH on this one
I'm with your DH on this one because of WHY she's grounded. That's a serious offense. If she was grounded for being late for curfew or for getting a speeding ticket, not as serious imho and I'd grant her the pass for her formal in that case. But sleeping with the boyfriend? No way. And where the hell were his parents???
I spent much of my teen years
I spent much of my teen years grounded. Couldn't/wouldn't keep curfew. Drove my parents NUTS. Didn't make a bit of difference to me UNTIL I missed special events. Dances, concerts, etc.
I'm with the others -- no exceptions for the formal. She messed up and she pays the price. And don't back down on the length of the grounding either. You need to be a tough parent right now.
im honestly shocked that this
im honestly shocked that this is even a discussion....
I'm not surprised. Because
I'm not surprised. Because the stepfather is angry at the OP for thinking about flip flopping on the punishment when the bio-parents are in agreement to allow the dance. This situation (but usually for less offenses) is presented here all the time. It's usually presented by a SM complaining about how Dad isn't following through with punishments or isn't punishing at all. This time it just happens to be a stepfather and the BM is feeling weak about taking away a sophomore dance (a big event to a teenager). BM is wavering and stepfather is pissed.
The BM is being a weak softie (caving to what she knows her daughter really wants to do. Dismissing what the violation offense to get this punishment was in the face of upsetting the girl over a teen event that's meant to be special for the teen). We have a BM who is waffling on a serious offense by this teen, a bio-dad who sees this kid 2hrs a week (what the hell does this father even know about who this girl's friends are, where the kid goes, and what the kid does the other 160hrs a month)and a stepparent who is living with this kid and the one who is going to pay the consequences for a wild teen who very well might end up with a baby in high school living also with him.
The offense wasn't 'just a lie', or a poor grade on a report card, or even a mouthy disrespectful teen. Grounding this teen for the next six to seven weeks isn't going to have near the impact that some people think it will. The kid still sees and socializes with her friends at school all week. I was a teen once. Grounding meant little to me (unless it hit the summer out of school time). As a obnoxious teen who was quite the little rebel, I looked at grounding as weighing the odds. Was grounding going to be worth what I did to get the punishment? Usually my self answer was yes. Meh, no biggie, Mom will ground me for 6 weeks if I do this, but hey, I really really want to do this so the six weeks is worth it.
Nope. My mother had to hit me (not physically of course) with total shock effect to get me to think twice and learn my lesson. She had to go for major impact. Grounding me from going out with my friends wasn't going to do it. Take away an important to me dance. She'd get my attention. If grounding meant also having to still participate in the usual family activities and outings with the family instead of hiding out in my room and pouting. She got my attention. What teen wants to do the normal family stuff when they are furious with the mom/dad?
Perfectly said, Two! SheSloth
Perfectly said, Two! SheSloth has been grounded for a week now for lying about picking up BS19's yearbook, and covering up that she "lost" it (seriously...I don't think it is lost, but it is my word against hers, and we all know how much credibility is given to these brats even when they lie all the time). She sure isn't acting like she is suffering! She is seeing her friends at school, uses her friends' phones to check her Facebook and Instagram, etc. Yesterday, she stayed after school to work on math and help one of the new girls to winter guard learn some stuff (which I think is total bull). She is locked out of the internet, but DH didn't take her computer away, so she is using her computer to watch DVDs borrowed from a friend, when she is not out in the TV room with us watching TV (yeah...already said something to DH, who sees this as her spending time with him, so he isn't going to tell her no).
Right after the incident, I told DH I didn't want SheSloth to go to RenFest with us this weekend. I pointed out that she lied, and that her negligence cost me $92. Because of that, I didn't feel she deserved a treat of going to RenFest, and that she should be made to stay with BM this weekend. DH said that we would talk about it, yet he has continued to try to avoid it, other than suggest maybe I can change my mind because someone gave him two free tickets. So since we are not paying for our tickets, what would it hurt to let SheSloth go (i.e., it would not cost extra money now if she went outside of what we were going to spend anyway). I point out that it is still a treat, and she does not deserve a treat when she lied. Not to mention, since being grounded, SheSloth has still been having major attitude with DH this week. On top of that, she is currently failing 2 classes...which of course, DH never checks. If he had, he would realize that she wasn't just 1 point away from A/B Honor Roll as he keeps stressing as why SheSloth is "trying"! Guess he didn't notice that big "I" instead of a grade for English (one of the classes she is currently failing...the one that she had to turn a project in for that I was emailed about because she didn't do it). Yeah, if he noticed that "I" because the teacher didn't have her grade finished (because of the late project), he would go online and realize she barely passed that class last 6-weeks!
So, no...grounding does nothing these days it seems. You have to hit them where it hurts! I still wish DH would get off of his duff and call the guard coach and find out what really went on that nearly got SheSloth kicked from guard. Would be interesting to see what gets said about her, instead of just hearing her "keep it safe and make myself the victim" side of the story!