narcissistic biomom, fear that it will be passed onto SD
SD14 is copying her biomom's method of living- being self centered, agreeing to things and then not doing them, acting wounded or angry if someone points out a problem she has caused (even if you do it in a really innocuous way), being needlessly mean, failing to solve very basic problems, etc.
BM really did a number on my spouse, she is a very abusive person. Dealing with the same behaviors from his daughter is really messing him up and I have no idea if its gonna end.
She is only 14 so I have no idea if this is just her age or if its who she is but man, I am afraid of it being permanent. We are in the middle of a custody evaluation and BM has made some very poor choices during this time and it seems likely that we will end up with SD the majority of the time. Her BM has convinced her that its all my fault and I am out to ruin their lives because I'm bitter and horrible blah blah blah. I'm sure everyone here knows the its-always-step-moms-fault thing that crappy biomoms pull.
anyway, does anyone have any experience with NPD bioparents and their kids in the long run?
The exact cause of
The exact cause of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is not known. However, most researchers and mental health professionals believe it results from a combination of factors. These factors include biological vulnerability, social interactions with early caregivers, and psychological factors that involve temperament. There are studies that suggest that a gene (or genes) for narcissism can be inherited but that a person also needs the “right” environment for narcissism to be manifested. There are scant studies that look specifically at whether narcissism is genetic, although many theories as to the cause including trauma or abuse in early childhood, overindulgent parenting, genetic predilection toward NPD and narcissistic parenting.
thank you. I was wondering if
thank you. I was wondering if anyone had these behaviors improve... I know anecdotes aren't a study, but it would be nice if one person has a story where the behaviors improve after being away from the narcissist for awhile.
I went through a narcissistic
I went through a narcissistic phase. It was when I turned 21 and Im sure someone can throw some kind of psycho babble saying what was the cause but the truth is that I don't have "daddy issues", my parents are still married and all my siblings are full so none of those COD issues either. I didn't have boyfriend issues because I didn't even start seeing anyone until after I was already acting like a narcissist. From what I can guess it came from me being at my best. I was about to graduate college with a pretty great gpa, I worked only part time, my boss loved me and I kicked ass at my job proven through evaluations and coworkers. I was hitting the gym and the pool regularly so was in the best physical shape I had ever been in. I had lost 30lbs and toned up. Im only 5'3 so it looked like Id lost a lot. So I felt really proud of myself and my family was really proud of me in comparison some other girls my age I was on track.
I started noticing how bad I was when I looked at my camera roll on my phone and saw how many selfies I had. Also by how much I started spending on make up and clothes. Before I didn't worry about make up or my hair, and I usually keep clothes forever so the influx was noticeable. The "Im better than so-and-so" ego was inflated by all the attention I was getting from friends and guys who were now buying me drinks.
I don't know how you can fix your skid but when I noted how bad I was I stopped taking pictures of myself, deleted most of my social media, I made myself stop blowing my money on makeup and clothes and started paying on my student loans. I stopped hanging out with the people who were pumping my ego and going out for drinks. Just a whole change in scenery and environment help me come out of it. Now if you look at my instagram, all my pictures are of my dog, SS and my husband. I rarely take pictures of myself anymore. My christmas gift for myself were a couple of new outfits (mainly bc I am pregnant and can't fit into anything but leggings). I would say that any indulging you or your DH gives to her to stop. I really think people can phase out of narcissism like I did with the right changes and environment. I wish you luck.
In my experience re
In my experience re narcissism..and BPD.....the fact that you had an awareness of what you were doing indicates its not "true" NBPD...these people aren't aware that their behaviour affects others and in fact, continue to blame other people for every discretion in their lives. Its always someone elses fault and they lack true self reflection.
You were likely just going through a phase.
Yeah we are all a little self
Yeah we are all a little self absorbed sometimes, or really self absorbed for little bits of time. NPD people just get stuck in that phase forever and cannot deal with feeling bad about themselves for a second.
fortunately my spouse has
fortunately my spouse has really seen through her BS lately and is establishing firm boundaries. Its just like pulling teeth, but he does it.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I think we might just hand her over if it never changes.
kids pick up on the habits
kids pick up on the habits and behaviors of the people they are around the most. my SD14 is just like her mother who is the CP. she was also the primary "Caregiver" pre-divorce. (i put that in quotes because she doesnt nor has she ever parented this child).
my SD14 is extremely self absorbed, irresponsible, dim-witted, and generally just extremely immature. i have a niece who is the same age as her and its night and day.
fortunately, my fiance has learned to say no to her demands, but he still gives her whatever she wants in other ways (i.e., snacks before dinner instead of making her wait 30 minutes, carries her bag for her, lets her blow off visits, etc.)
in our case, BM is the "disney" parent. fiance isnt. if he was a disney dad, i probably would have bagged out by now.
I don't know what the experts
I don't know what the experts think...but it's my opinion that your SD WILL take after her BM..I speak from personal experience. I've been with my DH for 12 years. In those 12 years my SD's have transformed into their mother..and not just by their looks (they all three even have the same exact lol) but by their personalities as well. They're all narcissistic and's not a fun combo..good luck in the future!
well, shit. love your
well, shit.
love your signature btw, hilarious
Thank you (gotta love google
Thank you
(gotta love google and the great quotes you find there lol) I mean, every skid is different..but since my skids lived with their mom and were only with us every other weekend and one week a summer, she had more influence on them. Even though my SD20 lives with us full time..she's been exposed to her mother's behavior for so long that she won't change. It's kinda's like I live with my husbands ex wife lol
My bios BF is NPD and
My bios BF is NPD and bi-polar. Therapist has told me that a large percentage of children in these environments end up with NPD tendacies and they end up with personality disorders. A small percentage end up with actual NPD. The tendacies are because children learn by imitating their parents. But a large % can't be retrained if worked with early enough. After personality is set... The tenadies can grow to full NPD.
So in plain speak... Child of parents with NPD can end up with the actual NPD or NPD tenadcies or PD. BUT if the child (like my children) are in therapy before 8, or do not have a strong bond (DD) with bio the effects are less. DD has a very weak bond with BF and has been affected very little. BS has OCD and Aspergers which actually saved him because the NPD doesn't make sense to him. "It's just not how you act, mom. People should take care of each other"
My SD almost 17 is
My SD almost 17 is narcissistic and materialistic. What's funny is, DH said his ex was that way, and that you could take whatever she said, and believe the opposite. You can do the same with what his daughter says, and he doesn't see it. He's repeating the same life he had with his ex only it's now with his mini wife. I guess old habits are hard to break...
it would be nice if one
it would be nice if one person has a story where the behaviors improve after being away from the narcissist for awhile.
The trick is getting them away from the narcissist.
My SD is 23 and still almost completely dependent on her BM. SD was 5 when DH and I got together and she was so much like him for a long time. But my DH had a bad feeling that she was going to end up to be like BM. I didn't believe it but...
She's not good at the lying and the manipulating and I really don't believe she's cut out to be selfish or mean, but BM keeps filling her head with stupid things. My DH asks her, "How has that worked out for your mother?" I think SD knows he's right but it's easier to be self-absorbed and get people to do for you, than to do for yourself (in her mind). It's easier to blame others for everything wrong in your life than to take some responsibility.
My DH swears that had SD lived with us, she would not be like she is. In this case, I think he's right. I think for my SD, it's mostly a learned behavior and she's not very smart so she just goes along with BM and mimics her. Unfortunately, BM has made SD so dependent on her that SD will never get away from her to learn anything different. Anything my DH says to her goes in one ear and out the other.
This sounds so familiar. We
This sounds so familiar. We did have one summer where she was insisting on staying at our house the vast majority of the time and it seemed like it was going well, but I don't know anymore. When does it become permanent? Its hard to say. I really hope time away will fix it. I have heaps of evidence that BM involves SD in the conflict constantly so I don't know how they could recommend that she has her alone for long stretches of time. I know there are crappy evaluators out there so who knows... its hard with it being up in the air right now. Any rules we set don't exist at mom's house so how are we supposed to parent her without a lot of resentment? Its impossible.
I have a NM. After taking
I have a NM. After taking care of her for thirty years, and getting crapped on, I finally discovered narcissism. I have been no contact for four years now. However now, I have to see it in SD every day. I am disengaged, as I know it's hopeless to deal with a narcissist. DH is trapped by his daughter, just as I was trapped by my mother. Sad thing is, DH knows about narcissism, but refuses to see it in his child.
Luckily, when it started
Luckily, when it started rearing it's ugly head in my SD, DH recognized it right away and refused to put up with her crap. He didn't put up with it then and he doesn't put up with it now.
He loves her, he worries about her, he wants to help her but he knows she lies, tries to set him up, and tries to manipulate him.
She tested DH to get an invite over for Thanksgiving. We knew she didn't really want to come over, she never said or implied that she wanted to, she just wanted to see if DH would invite her.
The thing is, she thinks her dad is stupid; she doesn't realize that he knows what she is up to and acts accordingly. So, she goes around telling everybody what a bad dad he is and people feel sorry for her (and hate DH) because she doesn't get the end result that she wants.
Sometimes, I do feel bad for her because she is way out of her league in playing these head games.
I so wish my DH would do
I so wish my DH would do something about his daughter, but he's her puppet. It drives me crazy. I've heard her talk about how easy it is to fool him. She laughs behind his back and he would never believe it, so I keep my mouth shut. It would only make him defend her more, and give her more power.
My husband just recently
My husband just recently started laying down the law and realizing that he was being manipulated. Now she complains about how we are so controlling (by having rules and expecting her to clean herself) and ruining her life and on and on and on. If she ends up living w biomom at least we can say that we tried.
Oh ~ hell NO ~ Veruca has
Oh ~ hell NO ~ Veruca has turned into a Tinkerdouche. Everything she does just reeks from Tinker. The looks, the clothes, the new & improved sailor mouth with a unfiltered cut throat insults. Tied up with some entitlement & some seductiveness ~ what a friggin winner.
She's down right evil ~ can't figure out if she loves her father or is he just a possession.
Good god ~ this is why vodka is my best friend.
We are in the shit storm too
We are in the shit storm too with SS15 who is a chip off the old BM block....I say he has eerily similar NBPD tendencies that have been learnt, and are now who he is as a person....unfortunately.
BM has dumped SS as a result as her latest BF dosent like him so we are having to deal with the emotional fall out of him being abandoned by his own mother. She has recently put a restraining order on her own son too! Witch.
Jesus, that's awful. It is so
Jesus, that's awful. It is so hard to strike a balance between knowing where these problems come from (pain and abuse) and not getting reeled into whatever they are trying to get.
So true...and BM abandoning
So true...and BM abandoning her own son is her sons fault...its always someone elses the years Ive known the family, not ONCE has BM ever "owned" her shitty entitled behaviour and feels entitled to treat others like she owns them...and when her kids turn around and do unto her as she does unto them....all hell breaks loose and she abandons them.
Shit, if I was her kid, I would never feel safe to express my thoughts, opinions and feelings around her so its no wonder SS acts "fake 24/7 as he probably dosent even know who he is anyway as he has never been allowed to be himself.
She who must be obeyed and adorned at all times, thrives on all the attention and manipulates others to get what she wants.....unfortunately so does SS. Its exhausting and has been the reason we have broken up a few times as I cant handle the toxicity.
SD19 is a NBPD, in my
SD19 is a NBPD, in my opinion. BM, who has been dead two years, was a control freak, and SD19 was very defiant when living with her. Grandmother on that same tree branch is a nutjob, too. No one in the family talks to her because she has burned bridges many times with them. SD19 is extremely entitled and can't do much for herself. Well, maybe she COULD do them if forced to, but DH Disney Dad always steps in to help. SD19 has never balanced her bank account, just has DH transfer money over from savings to checking for her because "Otherwise (she) would spend it all." She was such a control freak NBPD that she went on a special diet for a year. She couldn't control everyone and everything in her life, so at age 18, she did what she could, and went on a diet that she controlled. That turned into an eating disorder (poor SD19) and she pigged out at night and ate like a bird during the day.
But that wasn't HER fault. No, never HER fault.
SD19 has talked back to me in my own home, has called ME immature just because I don't have a stick up my ass and I actually have a sense of humor. She has blatantly told her father "No," when he asks her to do something simple like move her dry clothes from the dryer so the next person (ME) can move their wet clothes over. Terrible ODD mixed into this equation, too. DH has always blamed it on the BM being so difficult, but now I see where it comes from. Perhaps it started with SD and BM couldn't control her, so they butted heads. SD never thought her shit stank and even got into horrible screaming matches when BM was going through chemo and SD was 17 and a senior in HS. SD even spit on her mother one time during an argument! DH and BM divorced when SD19 was 12, and SD13 was 6. SD12 was soon left home to watch her little sister, as BM had to find FT work with benefits. Enter the mini-wife role, a feeling of being in charge.
I met SD19 when she was 13 and by the time she was 14, I had called her a bitch to her face for the first time. She disrespected and mouthed off to her father because he simply asked her to put her dinner plate into the dishwasher. She to this day, HATES being asked to do anything. I made myself sick with the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, and when SD19 was home from school she spent 5 days on my couch with the TV on. God forbid anyone tell her to move her ass into another room and give the couch a break. Disney Dad DH didn't see anything wrong with this......until.....
I brought it up a week ago that she would be returning for winter break and I didn't want her treating the LR like her bedroom and sitting in there 8 hours a day. The kitchen opens right into the LR, so it's like she's taking over the entire first floor and main living area. I have been on DH, telling him for the first time since I've known him that I wasn't happy. This is all because I despise the fact that SD19 will be here soon in all of her glory. She bites back so we all walk on eggshells around her.
DH actually changed the furniture around in the basement this past weekend. For two years SD19 has planted herself in the LR because the basement wasn't to her liking. She couldn't LAY DOWN and watch TV because the part of the sectional didn't have the couch arm at the right end. DH finally shifted the TV, the pool table, the couch and chair so her royal highness can lay down there and watch TV. Next she'll say it's too cold. Too bad. I am going to password protect the TV in the LR and wait for WW3. Off to the basement my pretty, or live somewhere else. Like under an overpass. DH sent her a picture of the basement this past weekend, and SD19's text came back through. The first few words read, "Am I annoying....." Why, YES, yes you ARE.
Piece of work and NO it doesn't improve. Apple fell from the tree and then some. SD19 has been enabled far too long.
~ Moon
And WW3 will be all your
And WW3 will be all your fault!!
The sooner your SD suffers the consequences of her horrid actions by someone actually having the nerve to stand up to her, the sooner she can perhaps have some insight into how horrid her behaviour is to others... although true NBPD never have any insight so it will always be your fault. If that's the case, the sooner she can move out then and stop creating a toxic environment for "normal" people. Im always so surprised to watch people putting up with toxic behaviour when they should be kicking them to the curb. How are they ever going to learn??
The more enabling and pandering people do to her attention seeking ways, the more this continues....
So it might be the simple act of switching off the TV in the LR to spark the much needed WW3 confrontation and if she doesn't like it, she can leave.
Does she play the victim role of "poor BM died??" feel sorry for me?
She did last year on
She did last year on Thanksgiving. Curled up in a ball on the basement floor at age 18. She decided to get on the treadmill and run (part of that diet she was on) 30 minutes before the holiday dinner. Not only was it annoying to hear her and feel her smack on the treadmill below me in the kitchen, but....there was no way in hell she was going to sit at my table all sweaty. I told DH she would have to shower before joining us and that's when the screaming and tantrum started. Her BM had died in January 2013 and I realize it was the first Thanksgiving without her, but you don't take it out on your loving father and you certainly don't curl up at age 18, like a baby.
We went to a restaurant this year. As soon as we got home, SD19 stepped out of her shoes and curled up on the couch again.
Thinking of a good code for the TV. I will let it run until 3pm daily, maybe, and then it will shut off unless you can unlock it.
It has been hard for me to stand up to her because she's not my kid, DH doesn't have my back and SD19 bites back. I get VERY PISSED at the disrespect. DH does nothing to reprimand her. We'll see. I'm already the bad guy so what have I got to lose? LOL
~ Moon
This is by far the best thing
This is by far the best thing that anyone could do in these situations. Instead of trying to verbally point out the bad in the "wolf in sheep clothing," show him. Alot of times men/women with horid pasts take offensive to even the best advice from their new found love because they automatically think you are trying to do something negative. Afterall, that is what they are used to.
I did not read all of the
I did not read all of the replies to this so I will apologize if I repeat something.
In my developmental psychology class we had a discussion about personality traits in children. Perticularlly this topic. My professor had also been a child psychologist. She said that if a child is a raised by one with narcissistic personality it will be picked up by the child and by the time that child is 12 that personality usually is stuck with them. The only way to change it is to undergo extensive therapy and of course during that time not to be around the parent who has this.
I have a stepdaughter with this as well. Her mother is a compulsive liar, has been a thief throughtout her life and if it isn't about her she wants nothing to do with it. SD is just like this. Dh doesn't see it because it is his daughter and that blinds some parents. Even though he was around that for 8 years he still doesn't want to think his daughter is like the person he despises.
Unfortunately people with these traits are great at fooling people. They are extremely convincing, overly nice and usually get their way due to their manipulating skills. It is almost sickening to me and when I am around her I wish I knew nothing about personality disorders to a point. I am glad I do because she can't get one over on me but on the otherhand it really bothers me.
Her dad is terrible at lying,
Her dad is terrible at lying, and she got that trait from him for sure. So she tries really hard to be manipulative but its extremely transparent and she tells the weirdest lies.
She spent a lot of time around me (a LOT) from around 8-10 years old. I don't know if that made an impact or not. Her mom is neglectful and passed her around to a lot of people (BM's sisters, mom, boyfriends, us, etc) so there is still some gray area.
I do know that there are daughters of NPD moms who don't have it... there are so many variables here. I don't know. If she is this way permanently I can handle it. I am a take-no-bs type of person.
Oh I absolutely agree with
Oh I absolutely agree with you. Not every child acquires this just because the parent has it. I apologize for making my reply sound like that. After reading your reply I went back and read mine. It does sound like I was insinuating that. There are so much more that goes into it. It is just a higher likelihood when living with a parent with NPD just because of the living conditions and constantly being around the parent that has this. It normal for everyone to pick up behaviors from another that they are around on a consistent basis for years.
It's okay, I am asking for
It's okay, I am asking for opinions after all. She certainly idolizes her mom though, for reasons I cannot seem to fathom. She is really stupid and mean. I'm saying that objectively.... she called 911 cuz her car broke down. She had no idea what to do.
SD19 came home last night but
SD19 came home last night but I haven't seen her yet. I just told DH over the phone that I might password-protect the LR TV. He told me not "to be a douche," and I'm at work, so I couldn't reply back the way I wanted to. }:) Instead, I told him to make SURE he spoke to her about not parking it in the LR and to use the basement, now that DH has rearranged the furniture. I told DH to sit back and watch the "magic unfold," meaning SD19 will have her ass planted in the LR. I told him she has ONE chance and it's up to HIM to make sure she gets the message.
Let the games begin. At least she works tomorrow. Now I have to get my nerve up and catch her when she returns, telling her to go change her clothes, she smells like peppers and onions.
That's when WW3 will start. Merry Christmas, I didn't buy you one thing. I pay for the roof over your head, so there's my "gift" to you. }:) }:)
~ Moon