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Lying and Conniving habits

marx404's picture

My teen SD is inheriting her BD's habits and I am desperate to know how to deal. My teen SD has always been a spoiled brat and her BM has always thought she would grow out of it. The skid is extremely egocentric and always bitching about people. She always starts up with her younger sister and with me and whines condecendingly w a nasty tone to everyone. She manipulates her grandmother and her mother and drags her mother into everything I ask her to do. I am constantly catching her in lies and when I do it gets even deeper. Her BD is a convicted Felon/Addict who abandoned her and has lied and connived his way through the marriage and court system and I am afraid she is adopting his personality disorder. Her BM is blind to this.

Rags's picture

Nurture, structure, and applied effective consequences can overcome the product of even the shallowest and most polluted gene pool.

My own Skid is the poster child of this truth.... at least as regards the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool.  He won the mom lottery while like your SD he lost tragically on the BioDad side of things. 

You are an equity life partner in your marriage and that makes you an equity parent to any children in your home regardless of kid biology.  So parent.  If your SO doesn't like  how  you parent and discipline then she can step up and get it done before you have to.  Not a complex process IMHO.

Set the behavioral standards for your home and enforce those standards.  Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.

Good luck.