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Just pull over and let me out here!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

This is what was going through my head the entire way to church, and the entire ride home after! MIL's car is overheating, and we gave her a ride to church today. HHB posted some stuff on social media last night...more "whoa is me" B.S., so the topic of the day between MIL and DH was poor, poor HHB! Oh, poor thing wishes she could go back to the beginning of her freshman year of high school and start over! She doesn't have a clue what to do with her life, and feels she is going nowhere because her grades suck and so many people don't like her! DH and MIL were going on and on how they feel so bad for her! I seriously wanted to hurl!!!! I'm NOT going to feel bad for someone who can't deal with the bed they made for themselves! It isn't like she didn't know! She was told over and over about her grades...just do the work! Oh, but that takes time away from her lazy time! She has been told by me, her teachers, and others her whole life that she can't treat people like crap, but she continued to act like she was better than everyone...showing no one respect! I wanted to tell both of them, "Look...people need to quit babying the girl! She made choices, and now she needs to live with those choices! Does that mean the rest of her life is ruined? No, but she may have to take different paths to get where she wants to go! We all make a bad choice or two in our lives...everyone in this car has! The point is, do you learn from them and forge on in a new direction, or do you wallow in self pity and keep making the same mistakes? We have heard this crap from HHB over and over when HER world crashes, but she never makes any changes!" Like I said...wanted to say...out loud. Instead, I said it all in my head, as I glared out the window where no one could see me rolling my eyes in disgust!

I wish someone, anyone, would step up to her and tell it like it is! Oh, and HHB made a post that she was getting her little brother in trouble on his birthday for being on her computer...with a picture that supposedly was proof. MIL commented on the picture that HHB's HALF brother looked so so much like her! I thought in my head, "Really makes you wonder if DH is even the girl's father!" I've posted before...I've always wondered.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Maybe karma is getting ready to bite HHB in the ass? Pretty soon she won't even have any friends on social media as people she knows grow and mature, leaving her behind. Sadly my SD13 is like this. No real friends and she keeps trying to belong. She joined a Pokémon club that meets every Sunday. I think DH is starting to notice how juvenile she really is.

Maybe next time you can wear earplugs if MIL is in the car. SD19 is upstairs right now, using her old room as a clothes hamper. She keeps opening and closing the doors every minute so I put my earplugs in lol.

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

If only HHB were a senior. She is only a junior!! Well, she may barely have enough to credits to be classified as a junior. She only needed 11 total credits to be classified as a junior. Since I was on DH to be on HHB about her grades when she lived with us, she had 10.5 high school credits when she moved back with BM mid-year of school (7 for freshman year, and 3.5 for first semester of sophomore). She barely got those credits, but that meant she only had to pass one class second semester to be classified as a junior. We do know as of the last week of school, chemistry and English she was praying to pull out a high enough grade to bail herself out and not have to do the second half of these classes on computer or something. There is s good chance she was on the very edge with her other core classes. She did have an easy half credit in there to get her to 11, but considering recommended graduation is 26 credits, she may have some catching up! There is a way to graduate with only the 22 core classes, but you have to have those 22 core credits, and it is the core she is failing at.

DH was saying that HHB feels overwhelmed. My guess, she got next year's schedule in the mail and they won't let her do color guard because she has stuff to make up! She already didn't get theater because of her grades, so losing color guard too would surely put her in a funk! Sorry, core credits come before fun credits! I think this because I haven't heard jack about color guard since DH mentioned she was going back to it before school ended for the year.

Now, one other thing can be her girlfriend. I really don't know where that relationship stands any more, as HHB took everything down off of her social media that even referenced the girl! Anyway, the girlfriend just graduated, and I think will be starting college soon. Who will drive her around? Who's house will she stay at all the time?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Exactly, Sally! HHB always does this when her world is crashing for whatever reason. She goes through this "self reflection" crap about how she knows she hasn't been very nice to people and/or she knows she hasn't been working hard enough. She claims that she will work hard to change. Yeah, that lasts for maybe a few weeks...tops...then she is back to the same crap. Looking at the calendar, I'm pretty sure her report card arrived in the mail...maybe even her schedule. She didn't pull those core classes out to passing like she was hoping. SF probably laid into her. Yeah...he is actually allowed to do that because BM likes to be able to sit on her back side and not work. Of course, she later goes behind his back and "poor baby, sorry he yelled at you"...and then they bond over TV and junk food while SF is off at work.

After all the crap I had to listen to in the car, I later saw something a friend posted to Facebook..."Repentance is not crying. Repentance is changing!" Maybe someone needs to remind the whole lot of them of this! Just because HHB goes through these periods of "whoa is me" and says she is going to do all this stuff to change, it is not real until she actually takes the steps to really change! HHB couldn't have posted more truth later yesterday when she was listing her summer so far...

"... And the yearly thing on my to do list:
4. Wish I would've done better in school last year....
Seems like a typical summer to me."

Yup...end of every year she "wishes" she got better grades. First grading period of the next year, she pulls out A's and B's, and then the rest of the school year is a complete downhill steep slope!

Oh, and in the same post, she said she had a babysitting gig. Yeah, I least she has some kind of "job"...but it is scary that anyone would let that girl babysit their child!!!