DH should have bought a yellow car!
DH was not very happy about getting up at the crack of dawn today to go take HHB to her court-ordered class! Oh, well....he is the one who caved and told her he would take her! He had to call her last night to make sure he was still needed...yeah, I know, he should have just not shown up because she couldn't take the time to call him and verify. But this is DH we are talking about...CREAM PUFF! He was on the phone with her finalizing all the details...telling her she needed to be ready and outside waiting in front of her house by X time. I couldn't help it...I had to chime in, "Oh, and have already eaten something, because there will be NO McDonald's stops in the morning!" I knew if I didn't throw that out there, HHB would get in the car, claim to be hungry, and DH would go driving to the nearest McDonald's, which would mean that the girl would be eating in his car AND have a sugary drink (as she would probably beg for a sugar filled McCafe, and DH would cave and buy it). DH passes along that message. After he gets off the phone, he asks why they couldn't stop for breakfast. I reminded him kindly of HHB's eating habits, and the way my back seat always looked before I had to institute the "no eating/drinking in the car" rule. The light bulb turned on very quick! Yeah, he doesn't want HHB eating or drinking ANYTHING in his car! Hope he checked his doors for gum wrappers!
Luckily, I've never found
Luckily, I've never found that. Now I have found gum wrapped up in paper in my door. That's just gross! I don't want to touch a wrapper that was soaked in spit from your gum! Girl is 16, but still leaves a mess around any area she eats like she is 2!
Also, because he doesn't have
Also, because he doesn't have any money left after his portion of the bills and his expenses. I'm already covering the overflow...so if it is my hard earned money (which it is)...no, I'm not paying for her to have a $10 breakfast out to eat and iced coffee! Reminding him about her dirty eating habits just help deter him from doing it without us getting into a fight about the fact that I don't want to spend a single unnecessary dime on the ungrateful brat! Her mom got the child support for the month...there should be breakfast food at their house! She could eat before getting picked up, and not put a meal on our tab! It was already bad enough that DH was having to spend the gas to take her to a court-ordered class for something that she after she moved back with BM and on BM's watch! The WHOLE thing should have fallen solely on HHB's and BM's shoulders, and DH should not have given in to give her a ride!
Girl does not even call DH unless she "needs" or wants something! It has been 4 months since she has moved out of this house...not a single visit! She doesn't care!
Funny part about
Funny part about yesterday...
HHB is already talking like she has made AP theater. DH said she was going on and on...saying they told her in her feed back that she bounces from one role to another. I nearly laughed sooooo hard, and before I could say it, DH says, "I had to keep my mouth shut. I wanted to say something like 'you've had plenty of practice your whole life...playing whatever role you think you had to play to get what you want!'" So he DOES see it...it he is just repeating what I've said for the last two years! I mean, if she wanted something from MIL, she would play the sweet, innocent Christian girl who could see Angels. She wanted something from me, she would pretend to be all in to punk rock, and wear all black for a few days. From DH? That act was similar to what she played for MIL. At school, she bounced from prep, to emo, to scene kid, to country girl...all depended on who the populars were at the school...or who ran the group she wanted to be part of (I.e., dance, cheerleading, etc.).
More interesting info...she has to make up 2 grading periods worth of grades in her core classes on the computer! After all that crying to get her grades changed, the school sent the unchanged grades to the new school (don't know what all the grades were, but DH mentioned she had a 28% in chemistry)! I didn't say anything, but HHB left the old school right at the end of the grading period, so the only way she would have to make up the grading period that just ended is if she hasn't been doing her work at the new school, either! She tried to cry to DH that she turned in all her work like she was supposed to, and again tried to put it on the teachers...saying they are the ones messing up and losing her work! We've heard that before. Girl is so on her way to being a 5th year high schooler. Seriously...I shouldn't care, except the way DH's court order is written, he has to pay if she is still in high school past her 18th birthday...so he could get stuck paying a whole other year! I will be shocked if she finishes this year with her full number of credits!