My husband and my self married back in November. He had 2 children from a previous marriage and I had one. The oldest is his daughter who will be 13 in September. In the very beginning of our relationship me and her got along great. Our first Valentines Day together fell on his weekend with his kids. That was fine with me I insisted on celebrating the weekend after when we were kid free. However, my husband felt he was letting me down so he arranged with his ex wife to take the kids to her on late Saturday afternoon and get them back first thing the following morning. On the night before he had to work late and so I picked the kids up from his ex and took them to get dinner then to his house. On the way to his house the step daughter who at this time is 11 yrs old is talking to a friend on HER iphone!! First off I don't agree with a 11yr old having a cell phone under any circumstances. They shouldn't be anywhere without an adult anyways... Anyways she begins to tell her friend about how she has to go back to her moms the following afternoon where her dad can take his girlfriend out... This upset me very bad. I told my husband that I would never come between him and his kids and I left. CLUE #1 we have a problem. Things rock on after that and seem to be going pretty well. We got engaged in May and she was very excited. She even wanted to help me plan the wedding. When wedding day gets here she is great for about the first 2 hrs of getting ready and pictures until she realizes its not all about her. She makes a big scene and proceeds the rest of the day with her ass on her shoulders and a attitude from hell. Things semi smooth out after that and she even discusses wanting to come live with us once we get moved in our bigger house. NOTE* I went out and mortgaged my ass to the tilt to be able to provide a much larger house than we currently lived in for all the kids to be able to have a bedroom of their own plus a playroom. In January her attitude towards me has started to change and she has become very disrespectful toward me. I at that point received a job working night shift at my company working on the weekends that they are at our house. In my head i was thinking maybe this is the answer to everything. They can have their dads complete attention again and I won't have to be in the hostile environment. WRONG! The first time i actually get off to spend with her is on my daughters 4th birthday. I took off that Saturday from work and we had her birthday party. Again SD gets mad because the day is about my 4 yr old and not her. The week previous to this SD had broken her hand in a softball game and has to have surgery(which due to an unfortunate traffic jam my husband arrived as she was coming out of recovery). he helped get her to the car and she went home with her mother. He came home and took me to the ER due to that week doctors had found a lrg mass on my ovary and I was in a lot of pain. Fast forward to forth of July weekend...I took off work to spend with them since it felt like it had been forever since we had family time. Around 7 oclock my husband gets a text from the daughter saying she wants to stay at the lake with her mother for the weekend. he tells her no that it is his weekend and I have taken off to spend with them. She of course shows up pissed off and ready to just go to bed. I'm thinking maybe tomorrow will be better. Its not! She is angry and mad all day. My husband finally takes her outside and wants to know what was going on. She then tells him that she hates me and that he always chooses me over her blah blah blah. Eventually they come in the house and he makes her tell me what she has said. I remained calm at first and tried to reason with her but then she proceeded to tell me that she hates me and she hates my daughter(who is 4!) and wants nothing to do with us. I snap!(* not that I am proud of this) but I tell her fine if she wants to continue to be ungrateful and disrespectful she can get the hell out of my house. I then immediately regret what I said and decide that it would be better if I left.( yes I left MY own home). My husband calls his ex and has her come get the kids. The EX who we all haven't always gotten along then proceeds to blame it all on the changes of life!!! My self and my husband patch things up but I have no clue how to proceed from here. My husband has attempted to contact his ex for the last 8 days and can not get her to return his phone calls. He does however get a call from his 9 yr old son on his NEW cellphone!!! BTW daughter also got a new iphone 6 plus! Where does it end? I feel like I'm always going to loose every battle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Does your DH have a court
Does your DH have a court order? He can always enforce it if BM refuses contact or if SD refuses to visit. If he doesn't have one then he should look into going for one as this takes a lot of control away from BM.
Disengage completely from SD. No cooking, cleaning, washing - NOTHING. She does it herself or your hubby does it for her.
DH is the only one who can talk to her. He needs to talk to her about respect and following rules in your home.
Issues with the phones is not your concern - it's up to her parents as to whether or not what type of phone skids have.
Get used to her hating you. I met my SD when she was 12. She is now 15 and still hates the fact that her Dad and I remain in a relationship. Nothing you can do about that without BM's support.
Best thing you could do is focus on you and DH, your lives and what makes you happy. One thing your DH could do is, if she continues to disrespect you, then don't allow her in your home until she changes her attitude.
Thanks for the advice. At
Thanks for the advice. At this point this weekend is his visiation with the kids. We are still up in the air as to whether or no SD will be coming as she has yet to speak to my husband since everything happened 2 weeks ago. I have decided since I have to work this weekend anyways I am going to stay at my uncles house beside where I work to give my husband the opportunity to address the issues this weekend and try to resolve them. I refuse to be treated the way she treated me, however I will not ask my husband to choose between us. I would rather pack a bag and leave with my daughter on those weekends than have either one of us be disrespected. My daughter only visits her BD every other Sunday from 6a-6p.(He chooses not to have her anymore than this) My fear with this plan is however the SD will feel she has the upper hand and has ran me out of my house! I feel there is a no win with this SITUATION. I just want everyone to be happy but I have come to the sad realization that this may never happen.