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I Can't Let SD Move Back Into This House!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, since it worked last time, my SD is now trying again. As some know, she got into bad trouble at school again. Well, now she is trying to sweet talk my husband into letting her come live with us again. She is telling us that her step-father tells her she can't move until she is 18, and that she just feels like a live-in maid at her mom's house. Yes, she has chores over there, yet when she lived with us, she wouldn't even do her own dishes?

So, my husband comes home last night telling me we need to find the paperwork for my SD to go before a judge and tell him/her that she wants to live with us...that because she is now 14, she can do that. I tell him, "Good luck with that! That involves money that we don't have!" He goes on to say we shouldn't need a lot money, because it is just her telling the judge that she doesn't want to live with her mom any more, and him making a new ruling. Supposedly, everyone has been filling his head with the crap that my SD had the right to just up and choose, and he has already gone and told my SD she has that right, as well!

I proceed to explain to him that everyone misinterprets the law...that what the law actually states is that a child at a certain age can talk to the judge and tell them what their preference is and why, and that the judge can use this information in making his/her decision. However, an actual case for custody must first be filed by one or both of the parents, and the child's desire is simply used as evidence in determining the case. I told him if a teen could truly just go up in front of a judge and tell them they want to live with X and it be done that way, the courts would be overrun with teens ticked off a their parents for one thing or another wanting to flip-flop back and forth. He didn't think I was right...he kept saying that the law was probably changed. I looked it up this morning...the law WAS changed, but not in the way he thinks. See, the old law said that a child could right a note to the court stating their wishes in a custody case. Now, this would result in both parents getting the child to sign a letter to present to the court. The new law states that a parent can request that the child be allowed to talk to the judge in chambers and tell them who they want to live with and why. That's it! Again, there must first be a custody case on the table!

In our case, such a case would be very expensive, because we would have a fight on our hands! My husband's ex is not going to give my SD up easily...or should I say, will not give up her money easily, as it always ends up being about the child support check. At the same time, she has her husband backing her, because supposedly her husband doesn't pay for things...doesn't want to pay for things...and as long as my husband's ex is getting that child support payment, he doesn't have to!

But what is really getting me is that my husband is buying my SD's story hook, line, and sinker! I know personally that it is all coming to be because she has again gotten in trouble, and she is now having to face the consequences at home, and doesn't like it. The weekend right before all this trouble happened, I was alone with my SD at the mall, and she was telling me that some of her friends from the school here were asking her when she was going to come back, and she was telling them that she wasn't. She was going on and on about the drama and dance programs at the high school she will be going to next year, etc. At that point, she had NO intention of moving back in with us! However, now that she has gotten into big trouble again, she wants to run away back to dad's house, which will only last as long as she realizes that she will not walk all over me.

I know it will not work if my SD moves back into this house! I have a feeling that is the way it is I can see my husband pressuring his ex to let her come back. I seriously feel like my marriage will end in divorce if she moves back here! Here is what I think should really happen (though my husband refuses to agree with me):

1. We all sit, my husband, his ex, her husband, and my SD, and find out what is REALLY going on! At this point, we are only hearing my SD's side of things, and we all know how teenagers are. If they have one single chore, UGH, that is hard work and they are nothing but the maid. My SD has a habit of over-dramatizing things, so we need to get it all on the table.

2. IF things are truly like she says they are, and IF she is to move back into this house, my husband and I need to sit down, and he needs to agree to some things:

a. HE is the disciplinarian. I may ask her to put her plate in the dishwasher, get her stuff out of the dryer, etc. but if she gives me ANY lip, he needs to step in immediately and take control of the situation.

b. My SD will be required to clean up after herself, and my husband MUST reiterate this on a regular basis until she does it without argument.

c. HE is responsible for her if she gets into trouble. If she isn't doing her work and has to go to homework hall, HE needs to take off of work to go get her and bring her home (as there is no bus service for kids who have to stay after school). I will not take off work or send my son to go get her.

d. There WILL be consequences for bad actions. She will no longer be allowed to skate by for lying. If she lies, she is grounded, and that means NO TV, NO computer, NO phone, etc.

e. Her phone gets locked down so that she is not allowed to make/receive calls or texts after 10:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. Additionally, she needs to bring her laptop to him at 10:00 p.m., as there will be no internet access after this time, as well.

f. She WILL do her school work, and failure to do so will also result in grounding. If she brings home a bad progress report or report card, she is grounded until the next progress report or report card comes out (which one or the other comes out every 3 weeks here).

Does that sound like too much? Is that too strict?

I mean, for those who don't know the situation, this is the child (who only turned 14 last month) who has gotten in trouble for having alcohol at school, who has already "experimented" with pot, has gotten suspended for destruction of school property, has been caught sneaking out of her mom's house, and most recently, is suspected of distributing a nude picture of one of her friends. We are talking serious stuff here. I prefer she not be in my house at all.

Rosem's picture

NO you are not being too strict at all. She sounds like she is going down the same path as my SD and believe me, it will only get worse. Do everything you can to convince your husband to drop this without pissing him off too much. Have to make it sound like he is doing SD a favor by not letting her back in. She needs a place where there is discipline and punishments right now. She needs to learn that just because you are forced to do a little work doesn't mean you get to just run away. What a horrible example that would set for her. Plus, like you said, a judge will NOT just let her move right in with you guys because she doesn't want to do chores at her mom's house. Doesn't quite work that way.
Good luck! I so wish I could send my SD to live at her mom's. she is a demon child! I

oldone's picture

She sounds like a train wreck in serious need of parenting. Sounds like her current household is at least attempting to do that.

Hope someone is putting her on BC. Her hormones will be on overdrive - add in pot/alcohol and any semblance of making good decisions goes out the door.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

In the other house, the step-father is the only one doing anything. My husband's ex is diagnosed bipolar, and I wouldn't be surprised if my SD is, too...but my husband refuses to accept that as a possibility. The way my SD makes it sound, the step-father is totally unreasonable...makes her do dishes, sweep the house, and take out the trash...yells at her all the time (but I would have to wonder why, as when she was with us, any time I tried to tell her anything...even in a normal tone of voice...I immediately got lip - she likes to talk back and argue). SD was originally supposed to go to a slumber party this weekend instead of coming to our house, but because of the trouble, she wasn't allowed to go. My SD goes on and on that her mom and step-father don't trust her...won't even let her have her old room back because it has a window facing the front of the house (and I don't blame them). At one point this past weekend, I hear my husband tell my SD, "Your mother thinks I'm an idiot for trusting you." I just kept my mouth shut!

She isn't getting a whole lot of discipline at her mom's, but it is still more than she gets here. My husband is too soft on her...a little talk and it all smoothed over. I don't work that way, but my hands are tied, and I refuse to spend the next 4 years having my house run by this child! My son (who my husband adopted) has one more year of high school, and then he is off to college, which will leave it totally 2 against one in this house! I also have an older daughter (22, also adopted by my husband), who will call me and say, "My brother told me __________. What the heck is dad thinking?" Both of my kids think it is crazy what my SD gets away with, and they both understand that I have no control over the situation...because they both know if I did, it would be way different because neither of them were allowed to get away with that crap!

Yesterday, my daughter calls me..."My brother says dad let _____ gauge her ears?" I told her that he didn't actually "let" my SD had money for her birthday, bought a bunch of gauges at the mall, and has just been doing it...that unfortunately, there is no way to disallow it (my SD already had her ears pierced normally). All my husband said when she started doing it was, "Well, you won't ever be able to wear regular earrings again."

I don't think anyone has thought about putting this child on BC. I have, especially since she was caught talking to an older boy last year...lying that she was 15 when she was only 13. I'm scared to death that this child is going to end up pregnant and on our door step, or that the ex will use my SD still living at home, but not in school, as an excuse to keep getting money out of us. No one will do it...just like no one will believe that SD is bulimic (though I have pointed out all the signs to my husband, and so has other people)!

And truthfully, I don't see us being able to win a custody fight in court...not without doing some serious damage that will cause my SD to hate us anyway, and then we would have gone through all that crap for nothing, because she would refuse to move in with us when it is done. We are talking we would have to bring in doctors to do evaluations on both my SD and her mom, which could also potentially cause mom to lose her son. If that happened, I could easily see my husband's ex convincing my SD that "daddy and his _____" ruined her life. To this day, my SD hates her grandfather for this very reason...her mom's parents split up years ago, with the grandfather leaving grandma for another woman, and mom would go on and on about how this ruined her life to my SD.

Thank you all for letting me vent! I don't know if I would even have a mind left if I hadn't found this place!