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SD18 takes a huge adult step

just.his.wife's picture

I have to admit I am actually proud of her. She has been busting her butt for a couple of months now making up school time, intervention hours, and is regularly attending therapy sessions once a week. (Week one is her, week two her and DH, week three is all three of us. Rinse and repeat)

I have honestly been wondering (and kind of feel guilty now for doubting the kid) if the changes in her were true changes or if it was an act being put on to lure DH back in to hers (old) and her mothers (constant) brand of insanity.

Yesterday she called me from school. BM was texting her. We can only presume that BM got SD18s phone number from the grandparents. SD18 knows from being reamed out by a judge that she is not supposed to have contact with BM. She has also started realizing all the drama that BM starts, then fans the flames of. She was upset that BM was putting her in the position of possibly getting in trouble with a judge again. She ignored the text message, more followed until she shut the phone off to stop feeling the vibration of it. Her question was what should she do.

We talked options, I really think the kid wanted me to call the cops to report the violation of the restraining order. But she would not come right out and say it, in fact danced all around it. She ended up going to her guidance counselor at school, and reporting BM to them. The school is well aware there is an RO, and the school resource officer got involved.

He saw the text messages, wrote a report and I am sure BM will be headed back to jail, again, for breaking the RO. Then he went one step further and showed her how to block the number from dialing her phone/texting her phone. She did lock the messages into the phone so they can't be erased or deleted on accident in case proof is needed in court.

She admitted it was hard to do. To ignore her mother and "get her in trouble" but she didn't feel "guilty" because BM apparently doesn't mind setting SD18 up to get in trouble (had she texted her back).

Growing up IS hard. I think this skid might actually be starting to get the hang of it though.


Delilah's picture

Am so pleased to hear sd18 is getting her act together.

It must be awful having to effectively drop her mother in doodoo however it sounds like she is also realising what a POS BM is by the fact she will willingly throw her kids off the cliff into troubled waters. Most parents try and instill a sense of rightness in their children, including not breaking the law and certainly not having a criminal record as a blot of the your adult landscape and sd seems to be beginning to realise this.

Am sure there is a loooong road ahead to undo most of the damage her BM has done, however they are all lucky to have you there.

Good luck!