Father allows 15 yr old son to heavily make out with girlfriend while dad sits next to them - WTF?!
Hi. I'm new. I have an issue...
Father allows son to have girlfriend over. They make out like crazy. Father allows it. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Father apparently didn't have an issue and sat there while this heavy make out session was going on. :jawdrop: I clearly let him know I was uncomfortable but he dismissed my feelings.
I know I am not allowed to tell him how to raise his kids. He impregnated his ex at 15/16 and proceeded to have a total of 4 kids (boys) with her. He specifically doesn't want that to happen to his boys and yet he allows this behavior to happen. Guess what... he may be a grandfather sooner than he wanted. I mean, if you don't want your kids to follow what you deemed an "error" then why would you condone this behavior?
Thoughts please!
I want to feel comfortable in my own home.
I'd like to have some rules set but do not know how to go about requesting them from him (the dad).
Thank you.
If you're not married to this
If you're not married to this guy, RUN FOR THE HILLS.
Send a private message to Rags. Honestly, your BF sounds a lot like his stepson's bio-dad.
Best of luck and please keep us posted.
I sent Rags a message. Thank
I sent Rags a message. Thank you.
If he sees absolutely nothing
If he sees absolutely nothing wrong with this inappropriate behavior, you're doomed, sorry. How old is this girl? Maybe talking to her parents would help. Do they have any idea how heavy these kids are getting and that your husband is allowing it in his home?
The girl is also 15. This was
The girl is also 15. This was the very first time she was at our house. I truly believe her father would have a huge issue with it. It's all new... we only met her parents one time. I also think my SO is allowing this to happen so he seems like the "fun" parent. He wants his boys to spend all their time with him/us - which is wonderful, but he is going about it the wrong way.
Reading this post made me
Reading this post made me feel gross. :jawdrop:
I dare any kid - mine, his, someone elses - to make out like that in front of me. That's just wrong.
Hell, I don't even want to be sitting next to my married friends while they make out like horny toads. A little PDA is ok, but you know...there is a line.
Clearly Dad is wishing to be a granddad by 35. (Oh god that made my head spin and I'm over 35)
I guess you have to start by talking to him, then talk to the girls parents - if all else fails, move to a different house where people have some decency and decorum
WOW - at 38 i dont even Make
WOW - at 38 i dont even Make Out with my BF in front of my parents!!!
and what kind of morals does this girl have makingout infront of BFs dad.... to me that would be Creepy
i hear ya. I would've NEVER
i hear ya. I would've NEVER done this. Is this how kids are nowadays??? I mean, I know things have definitely change since I was a kid but c'mon! Show some respect. And that little tramp, coming over to OUR home for the FIRST time and acting like that?!?!?! Hellllll NO.
Ask him if he allows it
Ask him if he allows it because he likes to watch.
Then ask son if he does it because he likes his dad as an audience.
When you can't beat them, make them feel stupid.
Look cheap? That girl is
Look cheap? That girl is obviously very cheap if she has no qualms about behaving like that in front of someone's parents. Maybe she's hoping to move from son to father some day.
yep. they stopped when i
yep. they stopped when i came into the room - sort of.
no respect. none. i'm still pissed about it.
good idea. Though I don't
good idea. Though I don't want to start anything. I'd rather like to resolve the issue.
I understand, but the problem
I understand, but the problem is you tried. He responded like you were weird that it bothered you to watch them make out.
Hence, pointing out how stupid they really are.
I think dad may be getting
I think dad may be getting off on watching the two of them. No parent in their right mind would be OK with this.
Next time be sure to pop
Next time be sure to pop popcorn. Walk in & dim the lights. Drop a bag of popcorn in Dh's lap with a pair of 3D glasses & give him an ottoman to kick his feet up on before you leave the room. :sick:
You shouldn't have to "request" permission to feel comfortable in your home. If dad has no qualms about his son fathering a child at 15, the least he can do is send them to ss's room. If he isn't willing to speak up, you have every right to do so.
I agree!!!!!!!!! You should
I agree!!!!!!!!!
You should definitely be able to tell these two to "get a room" instead of sprawling all out in front of you.
And your SO certainly needs to be taught a little respect for your feelings as well. If you are uncomfortable in your own home and he cannot respect that, you might want to consider getting out before too much longer. If he can't understand that you're not comfortable with this situation and at least TRY to change it for you, the bigger issues may be even worse, I'm afraid.
Good luck!
I would ask him if his kid
I would ask him if his kid does that in front of him what does he think those kids do when he is NOT there??? Then I would call him grandpa every chance I got, even during sex.
I'll probably get flagged,
I'll probably get flagged, but does this give your DH a boner? :sick: My oldest is ENGAGED and all they do is hold hands in public. At least in front of family. very vomit-y.
Not my DH... my SO. And who
Not my DH... my SO. And who knows... I'm still trying to find that out. I'm not going to flag ya.
(No subject)
I have a distant relative who
I have a distant relative who is a Grandmother at age 32. Like mother like daughter.
My step son did that ONCE!
My step son did that ONCE! My DH said nothing to him, but I did! I don't care if he's not my kid. I'm not going to sit there while you make out with your girlfriend! Gross! First time I elbowed him -- second time I kicked him to make him stop. If he's going to act like a dog, I'll treat him like one! haha -- btw, it wasn't a hard kick. Just to get his attention to make him stop -- we were at the movies and they were sitting right next to me.
Then later when girlfriend wasn't around i told him that was way inappropriate.
I would break out your phone
I would break out your phone or vidcam and record it and tell them its Going up on facebook and your mailing a cd to her parents! and then report SO to CPS or the cops, pack up and run!
OK, here's what I said to my
OK, here's what I said to my dh when I got uncomfortable with his constant inappropriate advice to ss14 on how to pick-up/treat girls. I told him that he was training the boy to treat women with zero respect and that he was going to turn out to be a user. I then pointed out to dh that he was way too interested in scoping teenage girls with the kid and that I think he is a closet pedophile (this pissed off my dh to no end ) now every single time I think he is even looking in the general direction of a girl, I call him a pedophile and I say it loud enough for anyone around us to hear, just to humiliate him. I have found that humiliation and calling him on his inappropriate parenting has been effective, it may not change what's going on in his damaged little brain, but on the surface he at least has been trying to better his parenting skills. I also pointed out that he was going to be a grandpa REAL QUICK if he didn't straighten out the ss on respecting women, no matter how young they are. My skids are not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex over to our home per my rules because I don't want to deal with this issue at all anymore, if the ss gets some stupid little girl knocked up it's out of my hands.
BTW You should be uber pissed at the SO... :sick:
Wow, Being a guy,i find that
Being a guy,i find that gross and uneasy as well.
Sounds like trouble ahead !!!