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SURPRISE : You're a step mom

nosurprises's picture

Let me start with a little back story. Almost 9 years ago I met an amazing guy and through our time of trials we obviously made it to where we are now, married with 2 beautiful little girls. (side note: I come from a multiple generation family with no STEP anythings!)

About 6 months ago a friend of my husband told him that this girl (whom he was with briefly before meeting me) wanted him to take a paternity test. She had already tested all the other men she had slept with and none of them were the father, my husband was last on the list. (Note: the time of conception is about 3 weeks before he met me) Before doing so, he sat me down and told me what was going on. :jawdrop: WHAT!! There's a possibility that this child could be yours and you're just now finding out!? After a few days of crying to the point of making myself sick :sick: , because now this 'perfect' life we had made was going down the drain, I came to the conclusion that we had to get the test done. It would either get this drama out of our hair or move us forward to the next step.

2 days before my birthday we get results in the mail. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm a soon to be step-mom. *insert frustration to kill an army* The expression 'fill a bucket with your tears' had nothing on me. I think I could have flooded the city. WHY!!!!!!! WHY!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!

Needless to say: My husband knows nothing about this child and needs to catch up on the past 8 years. but in the same sense, i feel like the 3 of us at home (me and my girls - one being a new baby!!) are going to be backdoored and forgotten about. Plus the fact that he now has something he's always wanted and it's not from me.... is BEYOND words. Sad

I'm trying to take each day as it comes. I'm working with my husband to get to know this child and for him to get to know US (not just my husband).

Am I butting in to much? Should I let my husband work on his relationship with him and then introduce me??
Am I putting to much thought into it?
What should I continue to do? Or do diffently?


Jsmom's picture

My thought is that you stay out of it and focus on your girls. He may connect with the kid, or he may not. Regardless, he will be paying CS. That may be an issue for you.

Just let him do what he wants to do and you stay out of it. Nothing good comes when we SM's intervene with these kids and the BM's. You need to stop worrying so much and just see what happens. I guarantee this is about the money and nothing else for the BM otherwise, she wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to test everyone....Can you say too many sexual partners here?

nosurprises's picture

I can't! I'm not the kind of person to sit back and let things happen.

She claims that the child wanted to know who his BD was and since she's told him, he is excited and wants his BD to be a part of his life. She seems like a calm and collective BM, not on the rage and mad at the world.

and yes, too many partners!

nosurprises's picture

He wants to know his BD..

She claims that the child wanted to know who his BD was and since she's told him, he is excited and wants his BD to be a part of his life.

secondplace's picture

I don't see anything wrong with a short period of father getting to know son.

But I'm sure the little fellow is going to be excited to meet and get to know his sisters too!

nosurprises's picture

short period?? couple months?

so you think i should take the back seat and let them get to know each other.
We have not said anything to my children!! i'm not sure how a 5year old will understand this.

StickAFork's picture

Wow, what a shock.

As tough as it is right now, I'd suggest taking a step back. Let DH and his kid get to know each other and work through whatever issues exist. It's a lot easier to start a relationship when it's one on one, not one on four. Besides, this kid may have questions you don't want to hear the answers to. Wink

Give it some time. When they seem to have gotten comfortable with each other, I'm sure the kid will want to meet his sisters!

hereiam's picture

I think the child should be introduced to all of you, as a family unit so there is no question that you are a family. He can either accept it and get to know all of you or not. Not saying he should never have any alone time with his dad, but I think he needs to see up front that his dad comes with a family.

Ghost Rider's picture

I agree with hereiam..

Take no back seat to anything. The child should be introduce to all of y'all as a family.

Justrun's picture

My goodness I just want to hug you. I was in a similar situation where a fling told my BF at the time that she was pregnant with his baby.. He did not believe her and 9 motnhs later his mother called us to let us know that she had a babygirl and she said was indeed his.

DNA Test positive..It broke my heart. The relationship was over because that same week some girl said she had a 6 year son by him and he didn't know about it. DNA Positive..
Overnight he dad 2 kids and not with me ! I loved him so much but i couldn't deal with all the BMS the babygirl was from a fling that he had while he was with me .
Big you and the good thing is that this baby was concieved before he met you. Best of Luck.. Stay strong.

nosurprises's picture

if the BM requests it??? I thought he has to pay weather shes requests it or not!?'s picture

This sucks, I would be devastated :jawdrop: I'm so sorry you are going through this. There's so many mixed emotions going on in your family maybe you and your husband should go to therapy for a few sessions? I can't imagine how you feel. And IMO you all should be introduced at 1 family unit- together from the beginning and I really hope your husband is understanding to your feelings and emotions.

nosurprises's picture

devastated is an under statement to the way i felt. However, my husband is very supportive to me through this transition and we're trying to introduce us as a family, not individual.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Try to stay calm-it may work all out better than you think.I agree with most of the posters here that a welcome in the whole family would be the right thing to do.Maybe organise a first meeting with your DH and him and he can invite the little fellow over to your house from then on.I don't think he will be a threat for your family , mainly because you all get he chance to bond with him at the same time and you will not have to face an annoying "guilty Disney Dad problem" with your SO I hope.Keep an open mind and support your DH in this if you can.

nosurprises's picture

Thank you!

Child and BM don't live near by, so right now we're emailing each other. We're all taking baby steps. I'll try to keep an open positive mind and theres no doubt i'm here to support my hubs in whatever way he needs.

nosurprises's picture


the BM seems to be very willing to work things out. shes already mentioned visiting when the time is right, We have started communication with the child and he emails us. We've asked that he email us questions and we'll ask him questions, so far so good. his questions always seem directed towards my husband (annd i understand that) but my husband does include questions from me and mentions the family in his responses.

we're slowwly gaining. but THANK YOU ALL for your suggestions and support. please keep it coming!!

nosurprises's picture

Thank you!

Plus read the blog and it has a lot of info. I'll be sure to share with my husband!

We're currently emailing back and forth. He targets more of his questions toward my husband (understandable) but in return my husband sends his responses with "we" and sends him questions from me.

Sound about right?!

nosurprises's picture


So it's been a while! The last year and a half has been kind of calm. At first we were extremely frustrated bc the child's BM only wanted the paternity test so she could start receiving child support. We continued to email quite a bit and then all of a sudden things stopped. We didn't email for about 10-12 months. (which is fine with me) ... NOW all of a sudden my husband wants to be a super dad to this kid. He's started emailing him again and has been signing off on his emails by saying "Love you, Dad" .... WTF, you're not his dad, you don't even know him, you're his sperm donor! (he doesn't know I read his emails to him, but on the other hand, my husband doesn't offer to share them either) Also, when the kid emails my husband, he always asks about his "sisters" but never asks about me.

As you can tell I get really frustrated about the whole situation. Another thing that frustrates me is that an old friend of my husbands is really close with this kid and his BM (the kid even calls him Uncle) and this friend keeps PUSHING the issue on my husband. He'll send him texts and say "Your SON is awesome", "I'm planning a camping trip for all of us but not telling anyone except for you", "Facetime me so you can chat with your SON" ... and yes, the friend will emphasis "SON". I told my husband that he needs to tell his friend to mind his own business. Now, if he does or not, IDK?

My husband has said that he'd like to call this kid and get to know him and move forward with this relationship. He suggests that we do, when "everyone is ready". Meaning, I'm the one holding him back.

I LOVE the fact that my husband is waiting for me and wants to include me, however, I still feel like I'm the only one in this whole situation that gets put on the back burner. The BM gets her money, the kids knows his donor, my husband gets a "son" (that every guy wants) and (if my daughters knew) they get a "brother". He'll be the new focus of everyone is my house and I'm not ready for that. I want my children to be the focus of my house!

My husband wants to tell my children and I tell him NO! Why tell them and then come to find out this kid really doesn't want anything to do with us.

I'm not sure my husband see's my side of things. I'm torn and not sure what to do... Do I move forward with this kid? (but if we do, I hate being fake and I feel like I would be) Do I continue to brush the issue off and try to ignore it? I feel like this whole situation has really taken a BIG toll on our relationship.

I just don't know what to do!

SecondGeneration's picture

Firstly let me just say I am glad you have added an update, I have a relative who has been going through similar circumstances, however that child is 4 and the BM is only wanting the money, the child is terrified of his now confirmed father and its caused them a mountain of stress.
Anyway moving on, as horrible and confusing as this whole thing has been, for you and your husband. Lets remember he also didnt have a clue he was a father to another child and boom now hes got a son too. I get that you would like to wish it away but thats not going to happen.
The reality is this boy is your husbands son. Your husband has stepped up and paid child support towards this child and now he wishes to take the next step forward and have physical contact with this child. He has kept to emails as and when the child has contacted him for this first year period to ease everyone into the idea and now he wants to take it further. Who can blame him? I certainly cant. I think its very commendable to your husband that he has been trying to build some relationship with his son in a manner that hasnt uprooted his wife and daughters and has taken it at a pace in which the son is comfortable with.
I remember when I was between the ages of 8 and 10 I sometimes saw/spoke to my BM weekly, other times I wouldnt see/talk to her for most of a year. Thats just how it went, if I didnt want to I wasnt forced to make the contact. Maybe thats the same thing thats going on for the boy.
I really hope that you dont take what Im about to say as an insult as Im not sure how to tactfully say this but it almost reads as though you want to continue this idea of perfect family life at the expense of denying this boy a relationship with his father.
Your daughters get to have a relationship with their dad, why shouldnt this boy? More to the point your daughters now have a half brother, thats an awesome thing for them, thats a sibling, a bond between them to be as such that when they are adults they too can rely on one another.
There are naturally going to be points in this that your husband feels bad and you will probably have to talk things through so he doesnt become a disney dad but at the end of the day hes found out he has a son. Can you imagine how you would feel if you found out you had another child somewhere? A child that says they wanted to know you? (Nearly impossible for a woman I know but humour me)
Sometimes we have our dreams in life and sometimes reality likes to raise its head and remind us that we cant always have everything exactly the way we want it. You cannot continue with the idea of your husband only being a father to your daughters, he has a son too and its not fair to deny any child links to their heritage.
You dont live close to the BM so you are not likely to end up in any 50/50 custody roles but I can tell you now if you enter into this with such a negative mindset its not going to go well.
Do you think it would help you if you spoke to someone in a more professional setting? Do you want you and your husband to go to counselling as to how to best move forward? Or do you just want to be able to have an open conversation with him about how he sees this all going?
Whatever it is that you want moving forward you are going to have to just accept that this boy exists but that doesnt mean it has to be doom and gloom.

nosurprises's picture

I'm not completely sure how I want to proceed. My husband is very hard headed and usually when things don't go his way or he gets told something he doesn't want to hear, he stomps away like a child and gets frustrated at any other conversation about that topic. On this subject, he doesn't bring it up until his "friend" sends him another text or he gets another email from the kid.

I don't think any professional setting would help matters. He's fine with having an open conversation about this topic, until I mention something that he doesn't like hearing (ex. "I don't think that the kid wants anything to do with me, he never answers my questions or asks about me"). Then he goes on about not getting to know him. Well how am I suppose to get to know him if he doesn't answer my questions or want to get to know me??

What about the 'dad' in his life currently?? The BM has a long-term BF who has pretty much raised this kid. I'm sure him and I are on the same boat in this river of rapid emotions. I'm sure he feels put on the back burner.

And for my husband to end his emails with "Love you, Dad" ... I'm not a person that throws the "L" word out there lightly, and for him to start using it freely (when the only contact he's had is through email) bothers me.

I'm sure we'll never have the 50/50 custody too, but how do I not enter into this with a negative mindset??

FROM YOUR POST >>> "There are naturally going to be points in this that your husband feels bad and you will probably have to talk things through so he doesn't become a disney dad but at the end of the day hes found out he has a son."

How will my husband feel bad?? It frustrates me that he finally has a male child that I haven't given him. Anytime he even thinks about bringing up conversation about him, you can tell he's happy and excited. Sometimes I feel like he's already more giddy about this kid than he is about our girls! I commend my husband for wanting to move forward and moving at a pace that seems right, but if it were up to him and the kid, they'd already be living together I'm sure!

I feel like I'm already so far in a negative mindset..

nosurprises's picture

thank you!

He is supportive of most of my needs. The whole reason we're still on an email basis is b/c I'm not ready to call or FaceTime or what have you. If it was up to him only I'm sure he'd already be out here staying with us for summers and sorts. We're very East Coast, they're very West Coast (hence why we haven't met yet).

A part of me agrees with you. My husbands mother left his father when they were young and his father never really tried to keep contact or reach out to him. Later in life he wanted to be a part of his life but now currently, my husbands father is MIA again. My husband doesn't want that for this kid and doesn't want him to feel deserted by his "father". This kid has a long-term father figure in his life and it's not like my husband was a part of his life and then left. I keep telling him that this is two completely different situations!

I can remember clearly his reaction when we found out he was the father ... it still breaks my heart to this day.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Oh boy. Why does a one-night stand with a ho' a step family make? Thinking this child is better off living the life his unpartnered BM chose in the first place. But obviously with a few extra dollars in her pocket.

Move over nuclear family.

nosurprises's picture

I'm sorry your DH went through that!

I DO NOT think the boy knows that I'm the one holding things back. I don't think the BM even knows. My husband just tells them that "when we're ready we will move forward". The BM doesn't know me and I'd LOVE to keep things that way. I know it's not right of me, but I put all the blame on her!! If she was happy with her current living situation, why change and ruin things??

SecondGeneration's picture

How will your husband feel bad? Well hes found out he has a child who is 8 years old that he has never met. He has gone through an emotional roller coaster of feelings holy sh*t I have a son, to great I have a son to omg ive missed sooo much.
There are alot of posts on these forums about dads becoming disney dads; spoiling and spending kids out of guilt from leaving prior relationships and so, this is what I meant. As and when this all moves forward and your husband has physical contact with the boy then you are going to need to try to ensure that if he wants to be a "dad/father" to this child then its not a relationship based on gifts.

One other point Id like to make is that you said it frustrates you that he finally has a male child that you havent given to him. This just shows jealousy and a bit of regret here, you are comparing the worth of sons and daughters, you are assuming that he values a son more than a daughter. Ask any couple when they are pregnant whether they want a boy or a girl, some will have a preference but it doesnt mean they love their baby any less if its not their preferred gender (usually!)
You have given him two daughters, daughters that he has been able to be part of their early years and that is what he has missed with his son. Thats not your fault, actually none of this situation is your fault and in a way you need to remember that ultimately from the boys point of view it is only his father and two half siblings that hes really excited about, you are an extra.
Hes only 8 right? So hes not a teenager deliberately cutting you out, hes a child that is only just starting to have contact with the man thats his father, a child thats only just learnt he has siblings. A child that will probably have plenty of questions for you further down the line, once you have all met.

nosurprises's picture

The boy will be 10 this year.

Exactly! If none of this situation is my fault, why do I have to be the one that's put on the back burner.

My husband has stressed on more than one occasion that it's just not him. It's all of us. So the boy is well aware that I exist and that I'm part of the package.

The boy has another sibling by his mother and current father figure, so siblings are not a new concept.

My girls are precious and I wouldn't trade them for the world! I wouldn't mind more girls!

SecondGeneration's picture

But the situation isnt the boys fault either, hes just ended up in the middle. So why should he be denied a relationship with his father because his fathers wife is insecure and feels threatened by a ten year old?

It sounds like your husband is caught between a rock and a hard place, hes trying to do the right thing by the kid, hell we all know how much society loves to slate the fathers that pay CS but do nothing with their children. And yet he wants to do it as a family, he doesnt want to cut anyone out which is lovely of him.

Would you perhaps be happier if your husband was to go and meet his son alone? Have slow gradual physical contact as just the two of them and then at a later stage if the contact remains regular have you and then eventually your daughters meet him too?

nosurprises's picture

Absolutely not. All steps forward are made by both my husband and I, not just my husband. The next step for us would be to talk with him on the phone / face time with him. As soon as that phase is done and we think he is truly interested in getting to know us and not just being pressured by his BM, then I'll introduce the girls.

I'm not sure how this contact will work either. They live on the West Coast beaches and we live on the East coast beaches.

tabby yabba do's picture

I was 7 when I found out my "dad" wasn't my biological dad. He was my step-dad (raised me since I was 9 months old).

I sympathize with your struggles! It must be crazy with emotions.

I have only one bit of advice: stop making this about you. Just for a little while. Let your DH lead on this one. At 7 years old it never dawned on me to ask about my biological dad's wife or their other children. Why would I? They were strangers to me, less familiar to me than the man who picked up our recycling every week.

I keep reading how minimized you feel. How this SS doesn't ask about you. How having a son seems to be making your DH giddy with anticipation (which maybe makes you feel like your DDs are being minimized). Try to keep it in perspective.

I wish you the best!! Please keep venting here or seek counseling, but don't expect a kid to handle your and your DDs feelings with the maturity of a grown up. This sucks for him too.

nosurprises's picture

I know I do express a lot of 'about me', but he's old enough to understand that it's just not my husband that he needs to get to know. He needs to get to know all of us as a whole. His BM claims that he's been 'searching for his real dad' for so long and she has explained to him that his bio-dad has another family. So he's well aware of the situation.

tabby yabba do's picture

It's ok that's it's about you. Because it is. This is your life! But just back off IRL is what I'm suggesting. Keep posting here or venting wherever it's comfortable for you. But IRL throttle back, take a deep breath, trust your DH to do the right thing and proceed with patience.

This SS10 may have the same feelings as you - he maybe imagined he'd have his "real dad" to himself just as you imagined you'd have your DH to yourself (and your DDs). You aren't happy about it. SS10 maybe isn't either.

Why wouldn't you leave the kid alone, in the beginning? Back away a little? Every new animal I've ever brought home has been allowed to slowly acclimate to our new family, and be gently introduced to the family members one-on-one. There's an order too - master first (in your case DH), co-master/other adults second (you) and subordinate family members last (your DDs). I never thought "Well this new puppy has to accept us! It has to meet us as a whole unit on my terms! It is about my feelings, not the new, frightened puppy's feelings!" Successful integration is the goal isn't it?

You have a lot of power here to make this as smooth or as difficult as you want. I know it's corny but with great power comes great responsibility. Go slow. The SS10 needs adjustment time too with his BF first. You'll be included. But just relax about your demands in the beginning.

And if he turns out to be a nightmare SS - entitled or disrespectful or whiny or spoiled, we can help you through that too! Smile

nosurprises's picture

The boy knew from the get go that he wouldn't just get my husband to himself. Him and his BM have been through the paternity test SEVERAL times, he knew what consequences came with finding his bio-dad. He even explains that he's excited to get to know my husband and my daughters... He knows there's more than just my husband.

We've already discussed this, my husband and I get introduced together. He needs to get to know us and then we'll decide if or when the girls get introduced.

nosurprises's picture

So... How do you feel about this situation ...

The boy sent my husband a birthday or christmas card (i forget). In my husbands last email to him, he told the boy that he "loved" his card and has his pictures he sent hanging up in his office and on our fridge at home! Also, that he'll tell the girls he says hi!

IN ACTUALLY - My fridge has NOTHING on it! And the girls don't even know about him!

How does lying to him already start off a good relationship??

nosurprises's picture

I'm not sure anyone know exactly how I feel. Most of these situations, the Step is aware that their spouse has other children. In my situation, I had no clue... When we started dating there's one instance that I can clearly remember. His 'friend' (the one who is close with the BM) came and told him "hey, that girl from the party, she prego... it is yours?" ... I'm sure at the time he didn't want to admit that it might be or there was a chance it would be. I'm not sure if he's always had an inkling in his mind or not.

I hate to say it, but when there's not recent contact (via email for now)... he's not mentioned. He's not brought up in conversation or future planning. It's only when we get an email or text from his 'friend' that this topic comes up.

So is he really not interested? Is he feeling pressured by others to 'do whats right'?

nosurprises's picture

Thank you!

I do know my husband is ready to move forward, but weather it's b/c of past experiences or b/c of pressure from everyone else, i'm not sure. I think a timeline plan sounds great.

I appreciate everyone's responses and welcome more.