Appropriate father daughter behavior
I have been in one previous relationship with a man who had teenagers and found it very difficult to deal with the teenage girl. It ended up wrecking our relationship because he was unable to hear that she was taking my things and lying to me. He would always think it was me making up stories rather than believing his daughter would ever do anything wrong. The final straw was when strangers more often believed they were in a relationship based on their behavior with each other.
Im now in a new relationship and my boyfriend has an 18 year old daughter. I cringe when I hear about all the things he does for her. Expecting nothing of her, cleaning her room, doing her laundry, and even zipping up her suitcase.
The last few days, she broke up with her first boyfriend and now being very clingy with her dad. So much so that she slept in his bed. I found this very inappropriate. Is it just me? Should I say something?
my feelings right now are to just keep my distance when hide kids are around and not say anything. The relationship is relatively new and we are great when it is just the two of us, but how long can I keep it that way?
Instead of wondering if this
Instead of wondering if this behavior is appropriate, I would start looking at myself to see how I ended up in a second relationship with a man with a teen who does things I find questionable and keep me away from him because of it.
Yeah, sounds like deja vu. I
Yeah, sounds like deja vu. I'd get out now, and as Lt. Dad said, figure out why you keep picking men that treat their daughters like princesses instead of capable women.
According to our therapist, a
According to our therapist, a child/adult child shouldn't even sleep ALONE in a parent's bed.
All you should say to this guy is "buh bye."
You didn't fix the last loser and you won't fix this one.
I gotta ask...if the last experience was as bad as it sounds, why would you not choose to date guys without kids -- at least for a little while? Give yourself the chance to see if a kid-free guy isn't a much better fit for you (it is for most of us!!!)
Really, I think it would be easier than trying to steal all these men from their daughters!!! Just like you might not date a smoker or a guy who doesn't share your religion...stick to guys without skid baggage for you to lug around.
'The relationship is
'The relationship is relatively new and we are great when it is just the two of us, but how long can I keep it that way?' Right up until you move in and/or question his child worshipping. Sorry, he already has a wife and it's not you. You're in for a lifetime of coming last and getting zero respect if you keep dating Disney Dads. Cut and run and find a man without kids or one who is actually capable of having a proper relationship and raising a productive, independent adult (aka parenting).
One more vote for you to move
One more vote for you to move on. End this relationship now and move on.
OP, be honest with yourself. You already know.
It's good that you are
It's good that you are finding this out, now. If the relationship is new, it shouldn't be too much of an emotional burden to end it.
I'd get out while the getting
I'd get out while the getting is good. His 18 year old daughter is sleeping in the bed with him? He does everything for her? Be grateful that you're finding this stuff out now instead of later, do yourself a favor and put this man in your rear view mirror.
An 18yo has no business in
An 18yo has no business in bed with their parent. Even if there is nothing hinky occurring.... men get any number of errections while they are sleeping. So... having an 18yo daughter in bed with daddy is just all kinds of wrong for a plethora of reasons.
No that's fucked up. She's
No that's fucked up. She's clearly an adult in age only and still wants her daddy to baby her. A product of being daddy's little princess all her life and now she's a dysfunctional adult. Get out of there, you'll never stop having to play second fiddle to his daughter/mini-wife.
You already know
this isnt "kosher". You needed validation from here. Well you have got it. Time to end this relationship with a man who is emotionaly enmeshed with his daughter, and possibly more. Why wait around to watch this freak show??
Just ewww in bed with an 18 year old dd.
Edit to add: I cannot imagine as an 18 yr old (or any age!) breaking up with my BF, feeling sad, so I slept in daddys bed. Nor can I imagine thinking my dad would think this is ok. GROSS