17.5 SS
Well I have really tried the whole disengage thing...I really have and my SS still irritates me every single day. All he ever does is play PS3 and watch tv, and eat junk. Of course my husband has also "washed his hands" of his lazy, useless son.We have a full working farm and this ss refused to do anything at all..he does the minimum of house hold chores like 15 minutes worth and OMG it is always half-assed!
He turns 18 in April, but has another year left in HS. He plans on going in the Navy...but that has changed 3 times in the last year...He had his cell phone-(that we pay for) taken away because of bad grades in school-he failed a class, and had a D..we take away phone when grades are less than a C, since in his school all failed tests may be taken over as many times as necessary to get a passing grade!
I feel this is ridiculous, because in real life...you do not get constant take overs! And he still has grades all B's and C's-D...wth? The other part of getting his phone back was to UNBLOCK ME from facebook...so we gave him back his phone--and he deleted his fb account...this little bastard...is such a manipulative, game player! I don't know if I can take another year of him being around...Please give me some ideas how to cope and disengage that works without all this anxiety!
Why in the hell are you
Why in the hell are you trying to force your *almost* adult SS to have you on his FB?!?
I would have deleted my page, too, if my stepparent was trying to force themselves to be my "friend."
It's likely, BTW, that he still has a FB page, but has just blocked everyone you know.
Leave this man-child alone. Seriously. He's an adult in 3 months. Forcing him to be your FB buddy is...kinda sick, imo.
Yes, I am the step parent-he
Yes, I am the step parent-he has no contact what so ever with his mother. I'm the one that cooks his meals, takes him to appts. buys his clothes, Christmas gifts, school supplies etc. take him to get his hair cut..... my husband works 60+ hours at a real job, then comes home and farms..I do these things to help my husband not the ss
No his son refuses to help with the farm. My 2 other SK SD-19 SS-20 LIST ME as their step-mother on fb, and friend. I don't stalk them nor to I check up on them..it is a common courtesy as a step-parent. I don't agree with you or the other people that have the same views...maybe I should not do all the things I have listed here for SS and block him or make some kick-ass rules how I will do NOTHING for him? This almost Adult that certainly doesn't act like a 12 year old, does nothing but game, eat and watch tv with zero respect for me his father, himself and anybody else lives IN OUR HOUSE...and must follow rules or he can get out...can't be soon enough!!!
I know how you feel my sd
I know how you feel my sd would have us blocked from her fb as well until she got in trouble. Anyway after awhile I blocked her because I got sick of the constant whining about how horribly she is treated and how she does not get to do anything because we won't let a 15 year old girl date a 25 year old man???? What the hell?? Then of course she gets the oh poor you replies I just could not take it@
I ask this in all
I ask this in all seriousness. Does he have a learning disability? Or does someone think he does but has never taken him to be diagnosed and get the help he needs? Even if he doesn't have a disability, he may need professional help. And he definitely needs "Dad" to step up and help him.
He used to get all A's in 8th
He used to get all A's in 8th grade and when I home schooled him...I tried to enforce the counseling but he refused to participate..I wanted him tested for phsych problems,a and I think he is actually very smart and if he applied himself could do well and get good grades in school..but he simple gives a shit about nothing...but ps3 and tv...ipod and cellphone
If ANYone tried to force me
If ANYone tried to force me to friend them on FB? I'd likely delete that page, too. And create a new one. I really don't get why you need to be one of his FB friends...
Yes, I agree with you on this
Yes, I agree with you on this too...when you are under our roof---you do as we say...go out on your own pay for cell, cable, etc..then you can do what ever you want to do!
Really you people on here
Really you people on here thing letting teenagers under your roof do whatever the heck they want to? We pay for his damn phone? Maybe he should pay for his own computer and internet, live on his own, provide for himself then he could do whatever the hell he wants to..All I asked is that he unblock me and list me as family step mother is that so friggin hard? Really? Oh , but I should pay and do everything for him then right? Seriously...
No, see.. I parent my kids.
No, see.. I parent my kids. Something your husband has apparently abdicated responsibility for. HE is the one who is the problem. IMO, anyway.
Hahahaa!! OMG, you not only
OMG, you not only wanted him to unblock you but LIST you as SM on FB?!?
This is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.
My SD? The one I did all the "mom stuff" for/with and supported, much like you're doing with SS? Yeah, her?
She has me listed as "mother" because she WANTS to. Not because I forced her to...LOL.
so having some respect is
so having some respect is unheard of? So like you have done-I do it all for SD and I am just to be treated as crap? Maybe if you were blocked on fb and not addressed as SM or by name YOU would feel as I do..as they say..not in my shoes...
Husband and I have tried
Husband and I have tried everything...counseling didn't work-even when a Professional relative stepped in to help and he refused to take off ipod-headphones sat and laughed at the psychologist...then after 2 sessions of that refused to go...
yup-certainly agree with you
yup-certainly agree with you totally! but I'm the one that would be the "bad guy" because my husband is too busy to parent...
yeah, I get that..but he is
yeah, I get that..but he is in MY HOUSE and I am not a step monster-I actually want the best for my stepkids...
Yes, I am with you...I will
Yes, I am with you...I will disengage and have stopped Micromanaging...
For the most part I stay in
For the most part I stay in the back ground on ST because compared to the other posters I'd feel like an ass posting about the crap in my house but this time...
WTH would an almost 18 yr old want you trolling his FB page? I agree with the others, I'd delete my page and simply create another with kickass settings so you don't know it exists.
As far as dad washing his hands...Yeah, that'll help. No one is holding this young man accountable for anything, no one is holding his feet to the fire so why should he do anything other than mooch off of you all. When he's 18, unless he has somewhere to go, do you really think he'll move on?
You can, IMO, disengage to a point but unless you want to live in a pigsty you will be cleaning up after him, cooking for him, providing his extras, etc.
How about taking the game and giving it back after he has contributed something around there...i.e. earning privileges, extras? Take away computer except for use for school work...make him help out around there and earn his friggin keep to an extent. Who gives him money? Have him do farm chores to earn it?
Just suggestions...
We have tried to take away
We have tried to take away gaming, tv---but that is all he does! He has NO homework ever---not required at his school...all he has to do is study and retake tests..but he doesn't do school work at home-seldom if any since 8th grade when he moved in with us when my husband got custody...
Thank GOD someone as kind and
Thank GOD someone as kind and like minded like you responded...I am with you totally on this...my husband not as much... I want him to read this...but to have husband enforce it is a whole different thing...he is just buying time for the last year of hs to be here and his son out of our house! btw our other 3 kids are all doing great! my bs, ss,sd are all great!
Thank you for replying...I
Thank you for replying...I agree with you totally..glad there is someone out there like me...he does the mimimum what my husband or I ask of him...he will do nothing on his own to help..he will walk by dirty dishes, garbage for 2 days if I don't leave a note and ask for him to take the garbage out...
I haven't read all the
I haven't read all the comments on this post but I wanted to just say that I had ss19 live with us two years ago for a year and then has moved in and back out since then 3 times. He is a mess now - jobless with a pregnant gf - and NOT MY PROBLEM!!!
But what I wanted to say is something I heard two years ago from someone on this forum that made sense to me. Think of your home as a motel you run and your skids as guests (bare with me here plz). Ok if you run a motel by providing full services such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, internet, phone, warmth, comfort - your guests will want to stay forever - especially if it's FREE! However, if you provide a motel with limited services such as cooking, warmth and maybe throw in a once a month cleaning - your guests are not going to want to stay any longer then they absolutely have to - which in skids cases will be 18 yrs old. Now if this guest decides to pitch into the upkeep of the motel like do dishes, clean his own "motel" room/bathroom, take out garbage, cook, keep grades up (going to school is a kid's job) etc, he can earn not only perhaps a bit longer of a stay in your motel, but he can earn some internet service, maybe help with pets and he can have a cell phone, rake leaves and suddenly he gets cookies baked for him... ya get my drift.
My sister has a friend who had a bio daughter who was so bad with being rebellious that she lost everything b/c this friend said that everything about living in dad and moms home was a priviledge so all those privs were taken away, even the bedroom door until this teen learned how to earn her privs back and this made her more grateful after losing everything.
All 3 of my teens do not have me as friend on their FB pages and I do not have them on mine. I personally believe that I want the privacy from there just as much as they want privacy from me. No teen in their right mind wants mom or dad or step parents intervering in their private friendships. I know when I was a teen and I had a close relationship with my mom, if FB had been a thing back then I would not have had my mom or dad on my FB friend list. Now at age 40+ I have everyone from my parents generation on my friend list. Teens NEED privacy from parents.
Dtzy, it's our (not your or I
Dtzy, it's our (not your or I per se) but the parents' faults. We tend to coddle our kids, there is more for them to have (games, phones, tanning salons, cars, credit cards even) than I had when I was a kid or teens. We give these things without requiring much of the kids so they in turn grow up believing that's just the way it is.
Sadly, my youngest son grew up with that mentality, my fault, yes - guilt driven, yes, but he was in for a rude awakening when he went back to Cali and found that no one was going to support his as we did. He HAD to get a job (two even) to support himself and allow him to get through school. He can't call me for his incidentals, he can't call on me for paying his way. I told him, once he was talking about going back home to live that I supported his decision but he would be on his own. I send care packages every now and then because I want to not because he expects me to. I am proud of the way he doesn't ask for anything and will do without until he can get it for himself. He moans about not having any extra funds to "hang out" but I listen and laugh because he knows my response will only be...Welcome to the real world, Son!
I didn't have a free ride and made mistakes along the way but what they never saw was me holding my hand out for Daddy to take care of me. If Dad helped it was because he was a typical grand parent wanting to spoil the babies. That was all well but even then I held some tihngs back because it was excessive and they earned them.
Kids today have too much, IMO, and they just aren't required like we were to contribute to much. My step brother of 47 still depends on my SM! As matter of fact, he has her now living with him as a mom/wife. He still leans on her, lays all over her and calls her Mommy in a baby voice (from what I hear from my son). GROSS!!!
These kids, go out into the world being stunted and then where do they go when the world chews them up and spits them out...?
I'll leave that question open.
PS. Oh wanted to say, CPS
PS. Oh wanted to say, CPS cannot step in if you are housing, feeding and clothing this kid. Everything else can get given to goodwill! Including the bedroom door }:)
He is what he is at this
He is what he is at this point in life. You don't get a do over at 17.5.
Just make sure your DH is okay with kicking his lazy ass out the moment you can legally do so. And NEVER let him back in.
My SS has been homeless and jobless at times. Today he is no paragon of virtue but he has a job and a place to live because he learned that NO ONE was going to bail him out anymore.
Oldone, and your SS will
Oldone, and your SS will probably be the one that will stand on his own because at some point he probably began to take pride in while having little, it was his own and he made it so.
There is one thing my son keeps saying over and over again...he is 20 btw and living on his own in a beach city in CA. Yeah, Mom, while it may be expensive and you think I can find something cheaper, it is what I want and I will make it happen, by hook or crook. To do anything less and disappont myself and you, Mom, will be failure to me. I can't imagine having to come back home to you, live with your rules, have to check in and eat food you cook and provide. That to me is being less than a man, so I'll just suck it up and make it work!"
Talk about a mother with a smile shining brighter than all the stars in the skies...I played it off and just said, Son, I am proud of you...but you can best believe, I was in tears. THAT, Ladies, is what I reflect on when I send the care packages...I am doing because I want to do it and I think he has earned it, not because he needs me to. When he receives the nice stuff compared to the cheap dollar store stuff he will buy to save money, he is thankful and will stretch that little stuff until he has to go get his own cheap stuff again...LOL!
Another thing we parents sometimes fail to instill in these kids...a sense of pride! I find it interesting that some of these adult kids feel nothing for going back to their parents with their hand out. I would do without rather than ask for anything from anyone, character flaw - maybe, but my pride was something else that would not allow me to fail and be needy.
Yes, I took it to an extreme but that pride was what also allowed my dad to feel nothing about trying to help me. He knew it was hard for me to accept anything from him when my then DH and I struggled.
lmc1218 - I think if SS
lmc1218 - I think if SS joined the Navy he will find his way. I say that because the military, esp BMT, will not coddle him, baby him or take care of him like a parent will do. They will force him to stand on his own, be a part of a working machine (a team) that requires everyone carry their weight to accomplish a goal. I think BMT is an awesome way to find out what young men/women are made of. It also forces these kids to face how stunted some of them really are. There are many, as my oldest son, that go through with ease because they are used to rules and regulations.
On the flip side, there are those that wash out or have to retrain because they couldn't cut it. They are the ones, like my SB, that can't hack it because they have been sheltered and not much was ever required of them.
Good luck with this young man and try not to give up completely on him, that will reinforce the laziness...how about USMC where they are really hard on their newbies? Just a light hearted suggestion no harm intended!
Wow...I just read your post
Wow...I just read your post and you know...if my very own sorry assed step-brother weren't 4 yrs older than me, I'd would ask what this kid's name were offline. He sounds EXACTLY like him! To the Tee, well, except the part about he shows up to work on time and does his job.
What's funny is that on FB he has that he is a marine...this dude didn't last 3 weeks in Basic at Camp Pendleton. Seriously, he would call saying they were making him clean up everyone's bunk. He'd call my SM crying because the DI was "picking on him"..."talking about her" to his face. Even she had to tell this sorry ass that they aren't really talking about her because they didn't know her. REALLY!?!?
You live on a working farm
You live on a working farm and the father has left it up to you or at least left it up to nobody to parent this kid. Start by eliminating Internet connection. If you or your husband need it set up a Local Area Network or LAN that needs a password to enter. Your local Radio Shack or Internte Cable Provider can explain further. He doesn't get a password.
Or you can use the hand held iPods or whatever to access the internet which also can require a password. Your cell phone provider can help. The end result is he has no Internet connection and he is told he can pay for it himself now that he's an adult. Any school work can be done at the local library which usually provides connected computer.
From his grades I'm posiive the kid is just bored with school. He's not psycho he needs stimulation which he's getting from his electronic devices. The point is don't think this kid will be a failure in life - he just needs to get past high school and kicked out. For the moment you can ask himw hat is plans are after he fails high school and leaves the home because no military takes non-graduates. It'll remind him his time is falling short.
As for helping around the family business convince his father to take his house key away and the house is off limits during working hours as well as his electronic devices. If he wants to sit in the barn all day after school and weekends then let him. Of course no food past breakfast until the family dinner.
I'm assuming he doesn't get an allowance - so I wonder how he gets all these devices. Telling drugs on the village corner? Surely you guys aren't providing them. If so then they're Dad's property and he can destroy them at will.
Back to your original question. You end your irritation at all of this by redirecting your thoughts. I.e. you consciously tell yourself to stop worrying about this kid. Remind yourself that it'll soon end with the kid leaving and you can go the distance with just a little mental readjustment. This may be better than all the suggestions I've made here as well as the others of which I haven't read all of them.
I relate with you to a point.
I relate with you to a point. We both have a SS turning 18 in April and he does not care about school. Its bc there has been a lack of parenting and the parents allow the laziness. Sounds like your husband needs to kick his butt and forget the counseling for that won't cut it.
Does your SS think that he will be making video games for a living too?
I wouldn't drive yourself crazy about the FB issue. He wants to be a dink, let his dad handle him. I think that he needs a wake up call and a good kick in the butt. If he is not made to care, you shouldn't waste your time trying to get him to care.
Its going to take his dad having to parent or kick him out before it gets better IMHO.