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At The Crossroads...Leave or Fight?

justapieceofpeace's picture

I am a future step parent, my boyfriend and I are in the stages of talking about marriage and buying a home. I've been with my boyfriend for 3.5 years and he has one Daughter who is 18. I've been around and been in their lives since she was 14.5. The bio-mom is not in the picture at all whatsoever and has not tried to create a connection with her daughter since birth. According to him, he prefers it that way because she is unstable.


When I first met his daughter, in my heart I was excited and nervous. He'd ask me how I felt about dating with kids and I assured him I am great with kids and was looking forward to getting to know her. I moved in with my boyfriend pretty early, he wanted me to. I had my own place not too far but we felt like it was the right step. Initially, his daughter and I had a great relationship, I'd buy her things, we'd go places, take cute selfies, I'd include her in my boyfriend and I's movie time, etc. I had a genuine love and concern for her. I also found out early on that she had some behavioral issues, and she was having to go to court for attacking a classmate with an exacto knife. "He's a bully!" she said. As time went on, I noticed she'd get in trouble ALOT. Almost every day, the school would call about her behavior. Also, at home she would get into it with her father a lot about her grades and schoolwork, not cleaning up, not taking his things, etc. but never any issues with me. I was the peacemaker and tried to find solutions - I chalked it up to teenage angst.   At this time, she was diagnosed with Autism and Intellectual Disability along with emotional disturbances. About a year after I moved in, we all moved because she was able to get great services through another school district and was enrolled in a school designed for kids with severe mental illness.

When we moved, her dad had to work more and she and I would be home together more often. The more I had to enforce rules, her true colors started to show. Her attitude to everyone is completely nasty, she will act sweet but the second you have to tell her what to do and she does not want to do it - watch out! In addition, she would blatantly lie to her school therapist about bizarre events that did not take place, she professed her love for a certain school shooter to school authorities and us, she began to steal from me, she would go into our bedroom and steal from the both of us, she stinks and does not have good hygiene, she doesn't clean up after herself, she would pee on herself constantly - even in public (literally standing in an elevator or store and would pee), she would steal food out of the kitchen at ALL hours of the day, she couldn't be trusted to be alone, she got into arguments with her father and threatened to stab him, she had been put on several 72 hours holds, etc. She started to say things to me like I have no place with my boyfriend and she is mean to me now because I remind her of his ex-girlfriend. I've talked to my boyfriend about this and he confronted her about it, but it doesn't do anything to change her perspective. She has hit me (and I hit her back and made her think twice about doing that ever again!), called me out of my name, tried to put her father and I against each other by telling lies, had CPS called to our house, lied to her school authorities about being abused in the home, etc. She is a literal nightmare and my boyfriend is just so ill-equipped - he isn't consistent with reprimanding her. He will yell at her or talk about it and that's it. He claims we've taken everything from her and there isn't anything to take, yet, she gets her cell phone. (Oh i forgot, with his logic she's 18 now smh) When she and I get into because of her disrespectful mouth, he gets mad at me for putting her in her place! He says that I am an adult and she is special so I need to figure out how to get along with her. He has also said things like this in front of her. It's gotten so bad that if I say one thing to her, she feels empowered to go "tell on me." 

Well this last time, she told on me and I let them both have it. I moved his daughters shoes because it was early morning and I tripped and almost fell over them. She heard me moving them and came into the living room and I told her why I moved them. I placed them near her table in the living room so she could grab them easily before she left for school. She walked out and came back and said "I don't know why you keep touching my stuff." I told her to shut up and just get out. I felt the anger rising in me because this is a consistent pattern. She said " I'm going to go tell my dad" I told her go ahead, please go.  So she's telling her dad and I got pissed I went in the room and heard her say I'm so rude to her and I told her I speak to you how you speak to me. and I told him what happened so he gently tries to explain why he moved her stuff. I was enraged. I interrupted him and said "you don't need to explain anything to her, I've already told her why her things were moved - stop pacifying her." I walked out. He got mad at that and came to my office and told me that basically he can't do anything about her behavior. (We've literally tried everything) And that I shouldn't talk down on his parenting skills because he's doing the best he can. And basically to solve it all I should just move out because this issue with his daughter is an ongoing thing and he's tired of dealing with it. I told him I'd move out.

Apparently, the move out is also facilitating a break up because he doesn't understand that I can't fix a broken situation that I did not start. I've done everything to help this girl including discipline (from both adults), labeling things, following the therapist suggestions, etc. Nothing works, even her therapists and doctors are floored. She's literally a lost cause. My boyfriend is already making it so that she will spend the rest of our lives with us and I DO NOT want that. Should I just move out and lose my boyfriend who I love dearly? Or stay in a situation where he puts his daughter and her needs first?

justapieceofpeace's picture

I made a typo, he explained to her why I moved her stuff**

tog redux's picture

Well, I would move out and end the relationship. You won't love him dearly when she's 27, still living at home and behaving as she does now.

He may be doing his best, but his best isn't good enough.  

justapieceofpeace's picture

Yes, thank you. I agree! I've talked to him about preparing her for some of independent living program. She has access to a program that where she can live alone. His rebuttal was no one will be living with her and she needs help! It is true that she can't perform most simple tasks, but it's not because she is incapable, but he hasn't taught her and doesn't believe she can handle most things because of her "brain."

Winterglow's picture

So, in other words, he won't let her face challenges because he's afraid she'll fail? Failing is how we learn! He's purposely holding her back, clipping her wings, because of HIS fears.

And they don't just dump someone in a flat on their own... He seriously needs to look into independent living situations. Again, he's probably too afraid of what he'll hear to do that... with an open mind. 

AgedOut's picture

where do you see this situation in 5 years? 10 years? 

can you live it for the rest of your life?

GrudgingSM's picture

Move out for sure. And honestly, that might go ahead and make the decision for you. Once you get a taste of peace and calm and quiet and riding elevators with people who aren't pissing themselves, that might be enough to just decide for you. 

The ONLY way I would personally stay in a relationship like that is if he 1) made a launch plan after she graduates, 2) listened to and supported my boundaries with his crotch goblin. You and the kid shouldn't have to interact anymore. He shouldn't push for holidays or anything. You did things on his terms: moved in, moved to a new school district even. Everything has been for his priorities, and you clearly aren't on that list right now. If he wanted to get his act together...maybe. But his kid sounds like a nightmare, and even after she launches, she'll constantly still be trying to make life hell.

Evil4's picture

I would say you two have broken up. Do not try to get back with him. He's let you know who his priority is and it's not you.

So, did I read your post correctly that an 18 year old pisses herself on purpose? OMFG! No bloody way would I deal with that. I remember my SKs being feral when they were 5 and 7 and both of them tried to piss themselves on the livingroom floor when I first came along. I told my DH that having to deal with feral kids in a childcentric house was hard enough but I draw the line at bodily fluids like shit, piss and boogers, when they are expelled on purpose. Handle it or I'm out. They never pulled that shit again (no pun intended). I would not even hesitate to have let this guy go because the pants-pissing alone would do me in. No bloody way would I tolerate having a grown woman's piss in my home and have a pants-pisser place above me.

I don't agree that your BF has tried everything to parent his brat. His undermining you in front of her has granted her all the power. It makes for inconsistent parenting and that's why this bat-shit crazy chick has not improved. Also, she should have had major consequences years ago. Just yelling or talking to kids when they're out of control just doesn't work. They need actual consequences and sometimes hard-core like removing her door and issuing the basics like a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, three pairs of socks, etc. Take away all electronics and issue major housecleaning tasks. Some brats need all out bootcamp style parenting but hopefully a parent would have parented consistently and issued appropriate consequences before things would get so bad that it's bootcamp style of parenting time. 

Let this guy go and go find a man who isn't married to his mini-wife. A man who doesn't put the onus on you to get along with a fuckin' pants-pissing crazo. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

So your bf bred with crazy, failed to get his daughter the help she needs until she was older and already had well established patterns of anti social behavior, doesn't parent effectively, plans to have his daughter live with him forever, and thinks YOU'RE the problem??

Run far, run fast. Guys like these are cake eaters - they like having a gf around for sex, housekeeping, financial and emotional support -  BUT only on their terms.

You are not obligated to suffer for Other People's Problems. Your bf has designed a lifetime of misery for himself, his daughter, and all of the women who will come after you. He may come crying to you later, but please please put him on ignore. He has nothing to offer you but dysfunction.

FWIW, my late FIL enabled and supported my addict sis in law all her life. Then he died and she had no idea how to take care of herself. She died last year, having spent the last decade of her life bouncing between adult group homes, her car, and people's couches. Your bf is doing his daughter a huge disservice.



ndc's picture

I would move out and end the relationship.  Sometimes love isn't enough, and this seems to be one of those times.  Your boyfriend missed his opportunity (when she was much younger) to get his daughter help and get her behavior under control, so he's right - at this point there's little he can do.  Based on the level of dysfunction and the lack of support he's providing you, I think leaving is your only alternative.  If you stay with him you're in for a lifetime of dysfunction and misery.  As he told you, she's "special" and she's highly unlikely to launch.

hereiam's picture

Leave or Fight?

Fight for what, exactly? To continue to live in a home and be disrespected by both your BF and his daughter? Forever?

To stay in a relationship in which you come last? Will always come last?



Kaylee's picture

Move out already! 

As someone else has said, stay and fight for what???

He and his devil spawn are no prizes to be fighting for. That feral girl will NEVER move out and that's a certainty.


Rags's picture

You have no obligation to finish raising this infantile failed man, failed father, and failed partner or his failed family progeny.

Enjoy you new life  adventure.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

It doesn't sound like you have anything to fight for. You may love this guy. But he has already shown you that you are not his priority.

He asked you to leave instead of acknowledging his daughter suffers from severe mental issues and looking into options for her like supported living. He is not ready or willing to accept this will be a life long battle for her. Choosing not to find the right help for her will only lead to more problems down the road.

She may never be able to live without assistance or supervision and if he gets sick or passes on then what? There will be no one to take care of her and she will likely end up in jail like most adults with mental health issues.