Is there anything legally I can do to stop BM's threats????
My husbands EX keeps threatening to make our lives hell every time she doesn't like our decisions or we don't do exactly what she wants when she wants. Is there anything I can do legally to make her stop? I'm just sick of hearing it.
All of it is documented. We
All of it is documented. We have resorted to texting her because of the threats. But still, will the courts do anything?
unless it's direct threats
unless it's direct threats like i will hurt you if you do not agree, NOT AT ALL.
HOWEVER start recording it incase court is ever in the picture so you can prove to the judge what she is saying, may help the case
Good idea about the
Good idea about the recordings but make sure you are not breaking any laws in doing so. Check your state's requirements. Some states only require one party's ok and others require both parties consent. Even then though all you have to say is that you are recording the conversation and you are ok. Even if you are not actually recording it telling her that you are may be enough to shut her up.
Change your number. If she
Change your number. If she wants to talk to anyone, she can call your DH...if she attempts to harrass you at home, call the cops. Let her know in writing that she will NOT be allowed to call your home or come to your home. Period.
If you don't stop it, she will continue. I stopped that witch years ago. While I kept quiet, she continued doing it. The day I picked up the phone and told her to never call my house again, that I would contact her husband and tell him, that I would call the cops and that under no terms was she to come to my house, she stopped.
From there on she called only DH, NEVER our home...and DH met her at a mall to give the stupid skid back to her. Never at our home.
PS - get her husband's number, her mother's number, whatever...the day she calls you to chew you out, inform her that you will be contacting her mom, her brother, whatever to let them know how crazy she is...I can assure you that she will STOP!
I have to say that this stuff
I have to say that this stuff is making me feel better...not that I can do anything, but to see that I am not the only one that has to go through this makes me feel somewhat normal! I wonder if there are local support groups for step mom's that have to deal with crazy ex-wives. Just to sit around vent and say things you can't normally say and walk out with nothing fixed, but you sure feel better!
newlywed7, there is a website
newlywed7, there is a website called, you will probably find some support there also.