Newbie with problem of years, time has finally come and need advice
I was going to delete this and condense, however, I decided to leave it as this is my life. I thought it important for what this is all about to give some detail. I most likely gave a bit more than needed but in this case, I feel that better than not enough or leaving the idea of the situation lacking and truthfully I still did even with what I did put down here. Anyway, here we go.....
Okay first of all, I want to state that I love my wife very much. It has been a long 17 yrs. of peaks and valleys. I would have to say lower valleys than higher peaks. But when you discover that you have married an enabler in denial, well... it changes things over time. I will try not to drowl..
Straight line, A to B and to the point, the shorest distance... without giving boring background, what I absolutely need to know is if now that the SD is 21 (3-4 wks.)do I have the ability, legally, to expell her from living in the house? I want her out. I anticipate that for as screwed up and deteriorated (sp)that everything is, even the marriage, it will bring an end to the marriage which is probably where we are at anyway. What is ironic is that from day one, litterally, the only time we aruged, it was over her kids. There was a SS in the house until age 14 i beleive. I told him I did not want him in the home any longer and back then I still had some 'clout' in my home/house. That is when it began to fall apart ever so slowly but never the less constant. Behind the back goings on, lying to me, etc.
So, the question is, I would like to find out if I can, if I can make the stepD move out? Talk always was that she was going to/wanted to with her boyf, but I think that they (everyone) is waiting for my passing. I am ill but time is unknown factor. Could be a couple of years, HOPEFULLY LONGER. but again, it is certain.
The little twit had the nerve to tell me today that she was the one that was going to have to worry about the selling points on the house as she was getting it and her older brother,(4 yrs)would not get anything. They all seem to forget that first of all, I put them in it. Now some/many who read that may not like the sound of it, but as I said, very involved situation, and,.... I have a bioD who will get my part of anything, not them. They have very well off grand parent/stepgrand that will no doubt set them up and they still have their bioDad. I can't help it if he has her number too. She has no friends, can could never keep any. Her brother has friends of yrs. where she has none. Only her boy friend and she carries them for him in a little draw string velour bag... It is obviously not very big.
So, I don't know if replys can only be given here but I would prefer to have any replys sent to the listed email addy please. If you have a problem with anything I have said, please don't flame me as I don't need or want any wizzing matches here. I have a serious problem, I know that if I do bascially kick her out if I can and that will mean a divorce. However, powdering her butt is priority for mommy instead of her termnal husband. This house is all I have and the only security I have. Main reason why I have put up with it as long as I have. If I ever try to discuss it with spouse, it is deflected, denial snake coils and strikes not to mention always being able to twist it in her mind that it is me that is the problem. Though I keep them both on my medical,dental, vision, my auto policy which she(SD)contributes 0 ZERO, BIG FAT EGG to. As I stated in the beginning, newbie here and wanted to try not to drowl or get on a rant because it would be oh so easy, most of all deserved. So, if anyone can tell me if I can legally tell her to get out or have her removed by the law, ..... how? Direction or a link to a site that details this exact issue.
Thank you all, whoever reads or takes the time to become involved with a reply and or suggestion on how to do this or where to go to get it done. If I can save my marriage I certainly will, however, I don't think there has been a marriage for 7 yrs or more. This is only a subsidised convenience and has been for a long time. I have even made the comment to spouse more than once. I will add it is a sexless relationship. I don't remember the last time, over a year. At least with me but I don't think there has been any extra activities. \
Again, this is longer than I wanted it to be but it is complex and my life, so I said what I thought needed to be said....thank you all
I can't see why a 21 year old
I can't see why a 21 year old can't be told to leave. Its your house she is old enough to support herself. She sounds selfish and immature and she also sounds like she's not your problem.
and take them off your insurance policies. There is no reason you should carry any of them. If you are that unhappy and have no authority whatsoever, well these are things you can control.
This situation is awful. I
This situation is awful. I really hope you find some peace and get your life back.
Unfortunately, I do not know
Unfortunately, I do not know if you have any legal right to kick her out but I believe you have every right to ask her to leave since 21 is plenty old enough to move out and live life on her own. If her Mom chooses to help her let her but she does not need to stay in your house any longer. You definitely are in a very bad situation and I do hope that you can find some peace soon. You need to take care of you in this situation and especially if noone else is.
Get an "Estate Planning
Get an "Estate Planning Lawyer ASAP!!!!!!....ask the lawyer how to write your will to reflect YOUR wishes...Every state has different laws...I feel sure our bio daughter can be protected in all of this...Get with an "estate planner/lawyer" they are trained to know hw to protect people in just your situation..Many Estate Planner/lawyers will give you a free consultation...see several before you make up your mind...
Now as to you SD....Get her out of your home...You do not have to support her she is GROWN!! Lock up the food and turn off the air/insurance and funds!!...make it where she is begging to find a new palce....And from the looks of it SD can take her mommy with her...
I feel sorry for you and the situation you are having to live in...Im sure the stress isn't helping your health a bit! Time to put YOU first!!......
Good Luck!!
Great advice! I would add to
Great advice! I would add to look into a power of attorney too.
My prayers are with you. Tell
My prayers are with you. Tell your wife it's time sd move. Have your will made very clear for your dd. I hope you aren't in pain and can enjoy your home without the bitch sd. U deserve better.