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Sleeping Situation with SD10

NewStepMum's picture

Every time my stepkids visit us, SD10 will find a way to sleep in our room. SS7 sleeps in the guest room or downstairs or even in the living room upstairs. Never find a way to sleep with us, but not with SD10. What is up with that?

They were with us for two weeks (during a school holiday) and she slept with us for 6 days out of the 10 days they stayed with us. I don't mind the kids coming in the early morning, but not to sleep the entire night. Am I the only one that has an issue with this?

I'm visiting family overseas right now and it seems while I am away, SD10 does not sleep in our room. Our room is small as it is, as we moved from master bedroom to the second room, so the master bedroom is turned into a guest room/kids' room. She does not do her own bed unless I say something. Never does it out of her own but when she's at her grandmother's she does it!

I mentioned this to her grandmother when we had coffee one day and she advised me to be more firm. What's the use when my SO lets the SD10 do whatever she wants since the kids are only with us every other weekend?! I don't think that's an excuse... I did plenty of chores at the age of 8!

Any advice?

Willow2010's picture

Ya know ... my kids slept with me a lot or they would come in and watch a movie at night or in the morning with me. BUUUT...once I got married, and DH moved in, there were not allowed in the room, much less come and hang out on the bed I have sex in with my husband. YUKY. What is wrong with some of these people?

NewStepMum's picture

She sleeps on the floor - and I don't get it - we bought a comfortable sofa bed.. and yes, we do have proper beds for the kids.. but, nope, she wants to sleep on the floor in OUR room. The thing is, now that I'm not around, she doesn't sleep in the room. So, is she trying to test me?

I'm going back in a couple of months and I'm thinking of telling my SO that.. if she wants to sleep in our room, I'm going to sleep on the damn sofa bed!

RedWingsFan's picture

God, why can't adults just stand up for themselves and tell their kids and stepkids to get the FUCK OUTTA THEIR ROOMS??????????????

When I was growing up, we (my brother and I) knew that our parent's room was THEIR room and THEIR room alone. We never went in there. I just don't understand why parents have such a hard time telling their kids and skids NOOOOOOO

NewStepMum's picture

To him, SD and SS visit us twice a month, so he lets them do whatever they want because "they only see me every other weekend". SD10 will come up with all sorts of excuses such as, having a migraine, a stomach ache or whatever else to sleep on the floor in our room. Seriously? As if that will get rid of the migraine. I secretly feel that she has an issue with me although she knows when to show it and when not to....

She also knows that she'll get her way with her father... she threw a fit when my friend visited us, which pissed her father off big time. She doesn't enjoy it (obviously) when I get things my way (her father agreeing to me etc)...

Yeah, thanks, all.. This is definitely something that I must change when I go back...