I Don't Know What to Do!
This kid has me utterly bewildered. It's insane. He refuses to sleep. All he does is roll around, play, talk. He doesn't even need toys; he just finds a way to entertain himself in bed. I even took away his blankets and pillows once and he was still playing! He screams. He hits and bites himself. He says these things that make no sense and it just sounds like backtalk. I tell him no television and he says "Now I can't watch tv again ever!" and stomps off. Like what the hell? I honestly don't know how to reach him. I don't understand why it's so hard for him to do the basic, basic good things!
He's four and his dad is
He's four and his dad is sometimes there and disciplines him when he is but sometimes he's not here. Just depends if he's at work or working out or the like, otherwise he tends to be with him.
This sounds like a lot more
This sounds like a lot more than Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. His reality is far different than yours and he needs professional psychiatric help.
This sounds like a lot more
This sounds like a lot more than Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. His reality is far different than yours and he needs professional psychiatric help.
My SD11 is exactly the same.
My SD11 is exactly the same. From what my husband has said, she has rarely slept. She takes Mirtazapine 45 mg (which would knock a grown adult out) and still can't go to sleep. Her therapist says it's because she thinks she is going to miss out on something. She doesn't watch TV, she can't sit still, she moves constantly but no one has diagnosed her with ADHD. I had asked if that could be the case (I have ADD), and I am told it because of her depression, or it's her personality, or any other of number of reasons, but not ADHD. I have taken away, lamps, books, games, toys, TV, and still she manages to find something to do to avoid going to sleep.
I honestly think he does have
I honestly think he does have ADD or ADHD but, either way, I just want something that will work for him. Trying to bring up the possibility of disorders or getting him seen by a professional ENRAGES the father. He just thinks I'm picking on him for not being perfectly obedient. "He's just four," he'll say or "Lots of four-year-olds are that way." I've been around a lot of damn kids, helped foster some even, this boy is NOT normal but he wont' hear it and it just makes him angry. I don't want to be a spanking parent. As someone with a background in psychology myself, I'm against it for a large number of reasons but honestly, NOTHING ELSE SEEMS TO WORK unless you get in this kids face and scream at him or spank him. We've tried time outs, taking toys and privileges and even desserts away, talking to him, rationalizing with him, and I just don't know what else to do to keep him under control. It's killing me and distancing me from him and his father thinks it's what's best because "I got spanked and I turned out okay" sort of mentality.
Oh that's hard. I knew my SD8
Oh that's hard. I knew my SD8 had ADHD from very early on, but DH and BM wanted to hear nothing about it. Once she started school and things were getting out of hand there, BM finally caved and talked to the pediatrician who diagnosed her and prescribed meds. So perhaps hang on a little longer. He should be starting school soon and once his father starts hearing it from other people, he won't think you're so full of shit. I bit my tongue for a long time cuz my DH was the same way. We also have a SD6...she does the SAME thing!!! She will talk to herself and roll around and put her feet up on the top bunk and just banter away until the wee hours of the morning. But it's not every night, which is weird. Her pediatrician suggested we try some melatonin with her. I did that one night cuz I could just tell it was gonna be a long night and it worked. I just don't wanna give it to her every night if she's not gonna need it. She's in counseling for some very odd behaviors and things the school has noticed too. This time around, my DH had his blind eyes a little more wide open and agreed to get her evaluated. Good luck lady!!!