How to deal with my step kids father, and a 12 year old step daughter that makes life hard?? PLEASE HELP!!
This is my first post, and I am sure there are many more to come! So, thank you in advance for any advice you can give!
I am a new step father to 3 children; a 17 y/o boy, 12 y/o girl, and 6 y/o boy. My wife and I married in November of 2012, but I shared my home with her and the children for a year prior. I have come to love these kids as if they were my own, and I think they feel the same.
Their father, while a part of their life in the sense that he sees them on holidays, is really not much of a father. He pays minimal child support ($600/month for 3 kids with an annual salary of well over $100k), doesn't assist with healthcare, and generally skates by with the bare minimum (he even claims two of them on his taxes). The man goes out of his way to make life hard on my wife by constantly disrespecting her in front of the kids (talks a lot of trash to them about us when we aren't around), tells the kids that I am not their father and cannot tell them what to do, and generally paints a negative picture of us to the kids on a consistent bases. In addition, my wife allows him to walk all over her. I am sure this plays a lot into the issue at hand.
On to the issue at hand!
The kids are with their father for Christmas break (the jerk gets them every holiday). Well, about 3 days into their visit, the 12 year old began texting my wife (too young for a phone, I know), telling her that she wanted to come home but that her dad wouldn't bring her because he didn't want to drive that far (he lives 45 minutes away). Apparently, he told her that if we wanted to make the trip (45 minutes!) that we could. Trying to be the good mom and thinking her daughter wanted to be home, my wife made the hour and half round trip drive. When the 12 year old got home, we found out that the reason she wanted to come home was because the expensive coat we bought her for Christmas had a tear in it, and she wanted us to take and exchange it because her father wouldn't make the drive (at least not exactly when the 12 year old wanted). Of course, my wife did just as the 12 year old wanted, and drove 25 miles to exchanged the jacket the next day.
Well, no sooner than the jacket was exchanged, our 12 year old wanted to go back to daddys. She called her dad, and he told her that he would come pick her up the next day.
The next day, both my wife and I receive texts from her father telling us that he would only meet us half way to come pick her up and that we should bring her. Keep in mind, he lives 45 minutes away and made no such provisions when we had to pick her up. We told both our 12 year old and her father that it was their decision to let her come home, and that they weren't allowed to use us like that.
Of course, the 12 year old began throwing a MAJOR fit, slamming doors, trying to break our bedroom door down, screaming at the top of her lungs, etc. We could then hear her calling her dad on her cell phone, crying about how mean we (my wife and I) are, and generally bad mouthing us to him. She then came to us and told us that he said he would come get her. When he got to the house, I was in the back and I could hear him tear into the drive way. I made my way to the front of the house, and as I came out of the front door, he was tearing out, slinging gravel all over our vehicles with his tires.
A few days later, the 12 year old had an orthodontist appointment scheduled MONTHS in advance (dad was fully aware because when we asked him to help with the cost, he proceeded to complain that all we ever want from him is money). He told my wife that he would meet her at her job to drop the twelve year old off so she could take her to the ortho, which is just down the street from my wifes job, and then pick her up. The man is off work right now, and why he could bring her to my wifes job but not to the appointment is beyond me. Then, the day of the appointment, he sent my wife a text letting her know that she needed to drive out to his house (45 min away) to pick her up AND that she would have to drive her back. My wife refused (she had to work!), and opted to reschedule the appointment to the following Tuesday when the kids will be home. He had the gall to ask her why she was being like that.
Then, the twelve year old began sending texts to my wife telling her that she is a horrible mom because she didn't take her to her appointment. The girl constantly talks to my wife like she is the boss. She talks to me the same way.
I know that was a lot, but how should we handle this?? I know we need to get the kids attitude in check, but how?? We plan on taking her phone away when she gets home, but my God, I can hear the high pitch screaming and non stop crying/screaming already. The last time she lost her phone, it was because she was having inappropriate conversations with a boy by text message. She was supposed to lose the phone for a month, but my wife gave in after 3 days because of the guilt trips and non stop screaming/crying.
How should I deal with the jerk of a dad??
Thank you, again..
Agreeing with dtzyblnd 150%
Agreeing with dtzyblnd 150% Stop letting the kid and dad run your house. Follow thru and the child will hopefully learn quite a few valuable life lessons. Giving in will make your life miserable (I'm living with it in my own home) and cause your marriage to fail right along with mom giving in to the madness. Dad will be running your house from afar. It starts with mom stepping up and being a parent. You follow up with reiterating the rules and dad needs to stay in his own lane and be a parent not when it's convenient but for the long haul.
Hell yeah, as I had to tell
Hell yeah, as I had to tell my DH...either grow some balls or at least get them out of SD's purse, reattach them and stand your friggin ground. That kid may very well throw a tantrum, as a matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet she will but I also believe if she sees that shit won't fly, she'll change her ways. It may take time but being consistent will wear her down.
I just don't get why parents tend to let children run their homes. I never gave in to craziness with my boys (now men) and they're pretty great guys (no bias there ) and I will not do it with my daughter. While she tries to get ahead of her self as she is testing boundaries at 12...I reel her in every time with a dose of "Yes, honey, it sucks and I can understand why, because you aren't getting your way...BUT..." and I explain to her that while I don't know everything I know somethings having, lived longer and I ask her to trust me to do what I feel is best because out of anyone, I for one wants only the best for her. I quickly remind her that the goal is to keep her from be a menace to society like our SD is becoming. When we have those talks she calms down, I calm down and then the conversation goes into why I said no, why I said next week, next time or never ever ever. She gets it...
Ha...until the next time the world is going to end because she can't do something! Then I start all over again, but what I do not do is give in to acting like she wants to throw a hissy fit. Hissy fits aren't allowed in our house.
Poor guy...I hope he digs in that bag and gets his cajones back and he and mom can get it together and put dad in his proper place.
I could write a book on the
I could write a book on the many times I've heard,"You just hate Wildebeast, she can do nothing right nor can I...wahh wahh wahh!" I have to check my tone and remind myself that he is feeling attacked and defensive and not to take it personally. Of course, it's easier to say we just don't like so and so and we want him/her locked up, in therapy, to get friends of her own age...blah blah blah, than to accept the fact that there is some guilt, there is an effort to make up for lost time or make up for the fact that mom and dad divorced THAN to see the kid for what she is - manipulative and bringing tension into our home. He'd rather look at what I am doing or not doing (and that's fine) rather than to ALSO see that this child is a nuisance when she comes in with her primadonna attitude and has her nose up under his chin the whole time she is here.
I'm sorry for the rant...I'm still coming down off of the adrenaline of the visit.
I think I'm going to make myself some yummy StepMom's special coffee, dtzyblnd...
Thank you for the comments..
Thank you for the comments..
I feel like I actually do a really good job of standing my ground. The problem seems to lie in the fact that my wife tends to back door me. I ground the SD and turn her phone off, mom waits until I am not around and turns it back on.
When I share with my wife what I think is the best course of action, I'm often accused of calling her a bad parent
Before the SD dad came to pick her up, my wife had almost given in and actually asked me to drive my SD to her dads house. I refused. Then she started getting ready to take her, and asked me if I thought it was wrong. I told her that I did.. then a fight between us ensued.. and I was made to look like the bad guy.
My SD definitely does her best to put parents against each other. She overheard me telling my wife that if the ass wipe wouldn't come pick her up, that he didn't deserve to see her. Mind you, I never say things like that in front of the kids, as I see it only doing harm. She was eavesdropping on my wife and I through the door. Of course, she went and told him that, and he tried raising hell about it. I simply told him that if he was half the man he was trying to act like, he would be taking care of his kids, instead of leaving it up to another man (I provide the kids with the best quality of life I can, he only pays $200 per kid while he brings in $10k a month). He couldn't handle it and hung up. I am just so tired of the constant strife in my home, between my wife and I, because she (and the other two at times) want to have their way.
SDad, keep doing what you're
SDad, keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like your heart is in the right place. Mom has to step it up and the two of you have to present a united front and let SD know this mess won't fly. Additionally, the going back and telling Dad what you said was bad business. SD will play everyone and one way or another try to get her way.
Mom has to support you, not back door you. She probably has no idea the message she is sending her daughter by doing this. She is empowering her, IMO, by going against you and what you attempt to put in place. NOW, that's not to say you will always agree but that is a conversation to have "offline" away from the kid(s). Or if it has to be addressed right then and there, there is a way to do that if you HAVE to but to let the kids see dissension is bad bad business too. They will play on it most times.