5SD spoiled princess
Let me just start by saying, that we are not married but I would like to marry this man someday if not for one problem...an extremely spoiled 5 year old "princess". I have 3 myself (15, 12, and 2). I was so excited to met her...and then I did. This child is out of control. She screams and yells constantly...whines constantly...has daddy doing things she can do herself constantly...has an inability to share constantly. My man says she wants everyone to like her so much but I'm finding it impossible to do. I used to work for the weekends(not really lol) but now I can't wait for the week to begin. I know she's going to be there when I get home and stress about it all day. This kid doesn't listen at all. If I hear one more time "Daddy I said I want it right now" I think I'll blow my top. My kids, for sure, aren't perfect. My 2 year old is having the typical tantrums. My son(12) tries to skip out on chores and my daughter(15) hides. When this kid comes (every weekend mind you) my house is turned upside down. My BS12 asks my boyfriend every thursday if SD5 is coming this weekend and lets out an exaggerated sigh when he gets the answer. She has no boundaries and even my boyfriend tends to let her do things against my rules like no eating or drinks upstairs (or in my car for that matter). I've even found gum stuck all over but its always somebody elses fault. She lies and manipulates. When she doesn't get her way she throws a tantrum like my 2 year old but louder and more violent and it doesn't matter where we are. He ends up giving into her just to shut her up and when I try to talk to him about it he says "you just hate her". I'm trying not to hate her...I do however hate that she can't do anything without yelling, screaming, whining, and trying to get as much as possible out. Everything my BD2 picks up to play with SD5 takes away. When she doesn't get her way she tells her daddy things like "you love ____ more than me" and all I can do is stand there with my mouth open. My sorry but my kids are not manipulative like that and I don't know how to deal with it. I refuse to even go to the store with them; I make some excuse to either stay behind or go on my own. Everytime we go to the store with her, it doesn't matter how many times you tell her she's not getting anything beforehand, it all ends with her throwing a schizo fit. I could keep going all night with this; there's so much more and probably worse I could say. The thing about it all is my boyfriend has completely taken my kids under his wing. My BD2 especially loves him to pieces. He works 2nd shift and I work 1st so he insisted on watching my BD2 while I work b/c its stupid to pay a sitter. I don't know how to deal with this...he's so great to mine and I can't stand his. It's got so hard for me to hold back a smile when I hear she's not coming a weekend. When we get into a fight, childishly he always throws out the ole' "maybe I should move out...you don't like me and my kid anyway". It so tempting when I'm mad to say "you're right, your kids a monster". I've tried to talk to him about issues with her, but he's so sensitive and protective of her. Finally, this Sunday actually, HE was the one with the headache and couldn't stand listening to her whine and cry all day. And hate that I'm not exaggerating. He finally got firm with her, I just hope that maybe he will decided to stick with it. Especially since she got in trouble at kindergarten for being loud, disruptive, and not listening. So how bad do you have to be, to get in trouble in kindergarten for these reasons? I think and can hope that after hearing that, he will continue as he did on Sunday...that his daughter's behavior really is an issue. Advice? Comments? I know I haven't even touched the iceberg on the issue...or am I being a wicked stepmom type?
Advice, read the adult step
Advice, read the adult step daughter forums. Move your boyfriend out till he can get a handle on her behaviour. However I warn you, he's never going to. This is going to get worse. Wait till princess is 15. I'm sorry, but you are setting yourself up for a lot of heartache here.
Take back your home and let bf find a place of his own with the princess. If he loves you, really loves you, he's not going to let her behaviour cost him you. He will reign her in. If he doesn't, if he makes this all about you, you not liking her, you liking your kids better, you not understanding she is a child of divorce, blah, blah, blah, then you heed to know that now. Not after you have invested anymore time in this recipe for disaster. Sorry. As I said, read your future in the adult step daughter forums. This is where his little princess is heading. She will be a selfish, spoilt, over indulged spoilt brat with an over inflated sense of entitlement. Welcome to hell. By the way, it's not her fault. It's daddy's fault. He's setting the standards of acceptable behaviour here. He's not changing. You need to to stop tolerating it.
Thanks for your responses.
Thanks for your responses. After reading my own writing, I'm glad you all made sense of it. Lol. He is not a Disney dad. If he had the money to be, he definitely would. When he does punish her, its like she doesn't get it. And the back pedaling pisses me off to no end. Its like rewarding bad behavior. And it seems he doesn't get that...all he knows is he wants her to shut up for the moment. And I've thought about what this kid is going to be like at 15 and its giving me nightmares. I'm even scared for myself in the way of blowing my top and bending her over my knee. This kid needs to be put in her place and I refuse to be the one who does it. I would love to disengage and have concerning certain but cannot completely. He's so engaged with mine and seems to do well with regarding boundaries and rules. I think he just has daddy guilt. He knows shes spoiled. Another problem is this kids mom is constantly dumping her on other people. My guess she spends one night a week with BM. During the other days of the week she spends either with BM friends who let her do whatever or grandparents(bm parents) who have money.
You nailed it pretty much. I
You nailed it pretty much. I don't really get to enjoy my weekends witk my biokids. I also don't get any kid free time b/c my ex isn't in the picture. My boyfriend does live with me and o ur life together has been harmonious until SD comes. He's underemployed so he does almost all the cooking and cleaning plus he watches DD2 while I work since he works 2nds. And actually the pat weekend was much better. I think I might have left a window open on my computer and saw some of my comments on this site b/c he was laying down the law. He actually quoted a couple of things I've said!! Hey, w/e works b/c I've tried to talk to him about it all several times and all I get is major defense. Maybe seeing me reach for outside advice made him thimk on it more seriously.