Husband's Ex Is A Pedophile
No,really,she is.
Let me start out, hi,I am new to this board.
I have been married to the same man for 6 years this December, and we have a 3 1/2 year old son who is my LIFE,plus a step-son from DH's first marriage.
They met when he was 13, and she was 22.
Yes,you read that right.
They started having sex when he was 14...and she was 23
First,WHY IN THE HELL does a 23-yr-old woman mess around with a CHILD?!? It's disgusting !!!!!
(and it wasn't her first,I am sure!)
Ok, so she was married then to a physically and mentally abusive man but still...SHE WAS HAVING SEX WITH A CHILD for God's sake !!!! :jawdrop:
So she left husband #1 for John, my now-hubby.
They got married, whatevers.
She started cheating, and even when she got caught, she lied.
When he recorded her saying something, and played it back, she said "That's not me."
She's a pathological liar...
Remember that,it'll come up later on in my (sad but true) story !
They met in a restraunt, and decided to enter into a deal with a guy she CLAIMED she new for months and months, to run their own restraunt.
But there was no contract---but john was in love with This Stupid Woman (TSW) and went ahead without any contract.
The bottom fell out of the deal,they lsot thousdands of dollars...and it turns out she only knoew him for a week or two,tops.
And had been screwing him.
They lost their house (by then their son,David was an ing=fant).
John went to OK to work ,sending home money and that was the happiest TSW had ever been..of course she CHEATED the whole time.
John came home, saw what she is,got depressed, tried to commit suicide so he was commited for a bout 3-4 weeks.
As soon as he got out Stacey was there with the custody papers.
And she took David.
John lost his job, because of being commited,so he went to Dollar General where we met, fell inlove.
We got married after 3/12--nearly 4-- years.
Stacey,meanwhile has been dating rich men, smokers, etc, who use her for her credit (oh yeah she dumped EVERYTHING--bills,and all -- on John) and they use her, ruin her credit, then dump her, and she moves on to another rich asshole.
And everytime she gets married, she files for divorce so she can ruin someone elses' credit for a change!
Anyways,we only get to see the SS every other weekend during the school year (John is off weekends),but she plans things on OUR days knowing we cant contest it (no $$$$$$), but she demands we give her money to be able to see SS !
She lives on credit cards and is getitng fat and ORANGER by the day !!!!!!!!!!
And,in the Summer......We are SUPPOSED to get him two weeks at a time.
We get him maybe one week, because she forces him to join clubs and sports and so on, and she KNOWS we neither have the $$$ or gas to go, OR she calls and tells him if SS comes home she'll take him to movies,White Water,SDC,Six Flags,etc
And/or she takes him the day BEFORE she drops SS off (i'll get to THAT in a sec) or the day she picks SS up.
We have to ALWAYS accomidate that DAY-GLO orange FAT fugly bitch and i am ready to SCREAAM !!!
And her son,SS, who i love dearly, is becoming a little greedy,rude,back-talking FAT slob.
He's 10 yrs old weighs over 120 pounds.
Yeah,thats right.
He HATES veggies unless they are covered in ranch or ketchup
and he HATES tomato es but LOVES ketchup
And now..:DH when he got out of the Loony Bin (his words,not mine)got over her (well,not really.hes in denial) said that Stacey had died and a rude mean bitch has taken her form, which is just denial,one of the stages of giref,etc
He's been OK,just stressed because of bills,we're building our house (no credit because of Super Bitch) amd then he started dreaming every night, of her taking David and leaving, every night.
So he took Celexa for depression, 120 mg but that made him ANGRY
so we stopped that and put him on Seraquil for sleeping, which worked juuuust fine, but his Doc. put him in Klonazepam for made him REALLY ANGRY really easy...he flipped out this morning, breaking down,throwing arm chairs.
As soon as i saw that look in his eyes i knew and my BS and i went out side and i called 911 ...we went to the hospital ...after a 12 hr delay 9they said they needed a judges' order for us to drive him to joplin to the mental inst. there...they lied) he is finally there but OMG
She is suuuuuuuuuuch a bitch!
She has a tramp stamp ,and a face like a horse and an ass as big as a horse (or two) and she thinks she is hot stuff.
She wears tight tops so her fat rollls over her jeans and she is soooooooo disgusting.
Is there ANYTHING i can do BEFORE i go nuts ?!?
btw she is 42, 9 years older than john, and i am 24,8 years younger than she jealous because I am younger...and hotter? No,really.
Her husband hits on me .He's a big fat RUDE chainsmoking slob.
I did do that,didn't I?
I didn't even realize
He has never been angry towards me but I am NOT willing to take that chance...we go see a therapist every week, and we're trying to figure out everything we can for him to help him get over this problem.
And I KNOW a pill isn't going to fix it.
And I KNOW it's not going to be instantaneous.
And I KNOWQ it's not going to happen over night.
I had him admitted to a psych ward for his last episode, yesterday and he'll be there for at least 96 hours.
I am going up there tomorrow to talk to his therapists,psychologists,physicians,etc about his situaiton he is in right now,and what has been happening to him.
I guess I am odd because I am
I guess I am odd because I am willing to wait as long as I can even if he's never better--I DON'T want to leave/divorce him, especially in the state he is now in but what can I do?
I can't go through this every month or every 3-4 months for the rest of my life.
As much as I love him and am IN love with him,I almost want to let him go.
But then,wouldn't that be like what Stacey did?
Or not--I am not letting him go to cheat, take his house and $$$,steal his son, and hold him for ransom (that is what she does--we're not allowed to see SS unless we give her $$$).
I think there IS a diff between me leaving and how Stacey left him.
But I don't agree with it either way....
Aaaaaaarggh I feel like my head is going to explode!!!!!
He's in a psych ward for a standard 96-hour hold (we're in Missouri) .
STEPERG: Well,when they
STEPERG: Well,when they 'hooked up' he was only 14 and working and living on his own...he took advatnage of him,I think,because what 14-year-old ISN'T going to turn down a 23-year-old who is literally all over him like an,er...rash.
I mean,really.
She wasn't like that untill John and I got married so I dunno if she was waiting untill she could hit both up for $$$$ or what.But that is what it seems like.
*Take a Tylenol 3--it
*Take a Tylenol 3--it helps!
They met when he was 13 and she was 22.
They have a son who is now,at TODAY'S DATE,10 years old (HE was a toddler when John and Stacey divorced).
I am 24
John is 32
Stacey is 41.
..Do you understand?
Sorry for the confusionnosity!
And he was my best friend for the longest time and we talked about things,everything.
I should have waited untill she died,first.
She's 18 years older than me, so I only have... :O 30 -odd years! :O