Need marriage advice post disengagement adult SD22 SS23
Hey all, I recently found this site and it has brought joy to my heart. We have just introduced extreme disengagement with the skids in a final effort to prolonge our marriage. My hope is to share my backstory, my disengagement plan, and then hear your advice.
My DH and I met three years ago in the peak of COVID and had a long distance relationship for one year from our respective countries. We had both experienced divorce three years prior to our meeting.
My divorce was after a 12 year marriage wherein I never felt emotionally safe enough to have children, but desperately longed for them. My exH eventually left for another woman. This was tragic for me as while I did not feel emotional intimacy with exH, I dearly loved him and enjoyed the mearning he brought to my life. I admit that I still have not fully recovered from the pain of the divorce, although I do fully accept that exH and I have gone in such different ways and have such diverging values that it was the right thing to do.
I have no siblings or grandparents, and my biodad died when I was a teenager. I am very close with my mother who remarried a man a year after the death of my dad. The man turned out to be a covert narc and she is in the process of divorcing. The man disengaged from me when I was around 16 and we have no contact, although up until a few years ago I would visit for the holidays and it was always amical if tense/eggshell-y.
DH's divorce was after a 25 year marriage that produced two children, SD22 and SS23. He was the one who left his wife for a mistress with whom he finally found a sort of camaraderie that he never shared with his wife, but she ended up using him. DH's family is rife with covert narcissism and highly conflictual. He grew up in this environment, transmitted it to his children, and only with our meeting was able to see that he was a covert narc and correct many behaviors. I see his family once a year and it is always a terrible time when I am excluded completely. His parents and SD22 refused to come to our wedding because I gave them the ultimatum that either they be on their best behavior with respect to the ceremony or they do not come (they are very vocal atheists and we are religious and they cannot accept that, although we accept their atheism and never question it). Only SD23 came as a result.
DH and I have been living together since summer 2021, a year after our online meeting, as I have moved to the country where he lives and where I also happen to be a citizen and speak the language (thanks to my former exH who was the same nationality as DH). I first met SD22 that summer, when she walked into our apartment we were renting with her hands on her hips and did not even say hi. She ignores me completely when I am in their presence, which is extremely rare (2-3 times a year). She is very critical of her father and loves to slight and dismiss him also, but never to the point of ignoring him. She has just graduated uni and is working full time but he continues to pay child support without being legally required to, in addition to buying her expensive gifts. If she needs anything, my MIL just calls him up and harasses him until he buys it for her. SS23 is taken care of by BM as per their divorce agreement, and DH will occasionally send him a small gift but nothing more.
SD22 is the crown jewel of DH, even though they only share one interest in common and she treats him with contempt systematically. SS23 despite being more successful and generally polite and kind is not really appreciated by DH, who calls him once a month to check in and sees him once a year only. I have no issues with SS23, and my hope was that my relationship with SD22 would evolve into a similar entente. Only it has gotten worse this year.
I had not seen SD22 for an enitre year, when we invited her to our home last summer just before our wedding a month later, and she was most ungrateful, acting like she owned our house, looking in cupboards, commenting on everything in a critical way, and ignoring me everytime I would speak. She also got into a major fight then with DH about religion (she is very militantly atheist and DH is deeply spiritual) and they were yelling at each other by the end of the visit. DH said that he was so preoccupied by their own argument that he was unawares of her behavior towards me.
After this incident, I decided to disengage. I told him that I did not want to be part of their relationship because he did not have the courage to defend me. He said that her problem wasn't with me personally but simply that she wanted to be with him only and now she realized she would have to share him with someone else. He called her to tell her that ignoring me was unacceptable and that if she couldn't be on her best behaviour with respect to our religion and union, she couldn't come to our wedding. She screamed at him on the phone and hung up, only to call him back crying and pleading. But he insisted and so the wedding was without her presence, which saddened him but he accepted it.
Fast forward one year: everything was peaceful, and then DH realized that it had been a year since they saw each other and that he should go see her in the city where she lives (separately) along with SS23. I said that he should go alone so he initially announced to SD22 that he was coming along, and she invited him to stay in her apartment. Then he had the idea that I should come and that it would be great to spend time together as a couple in addition to seeing the skids, so he called her up and said that I would be coming and that we would stay in a hotel. She screamed at him on the phone, calling him selfish and bursting into tears. I ended up caving to make him happy, and it was as I had predicted: despite DH and I's best efforts, SD22 was on her worst behavior and ignored me the whole time while SS23 was a joy to be around. SD22 dressed provocatively but her interactions with DH were not exactly incestual like a DaughterWife, more like a five-year-old who couldn't do anything wrong. She was rude at every meal, looked the other way every time I spoke, etc. Just a generally abrasive person. I did not indulge it and used reaction formation to navigate the situation, being extra kind and polite.
After the three day visit, I began to finally feel back at home the pain that she had inflicted on me, to not be defended in front of her by DH, and communicated this to DH back at home. DH said that for him she was still eight years old, and that he didn't have the heart to correct her because he still has that image of what was, but that he wouldn't mind if I corrected her. He said once again that it wasn't against me, just that she wanted him all to herself and that explained her behavior. He also said that she may have been hungry because she skipped breakfast, etc, etc, all sorts of excuses to excuse himself for not having the courage to stand up to her and to say that her behavior was OK. He was also unable to validate the pain I uniquely experience as a SM, since he has no such relationship as I bring no kids into the marriage. He said that it is similar to having his mother-in-law or my several friends, nothing different. This comparison made me very angry as I haven't seen my own mother in two years and although we talk daily she mainly stays out of our life. I speak with each of my five friends no more frequently than once a month for one hour and they have only been supportive of our relationship, and are generally not part of our life as we only visit once a year.
This caused a huge week-long argument in our house which is generally serene and full of love and joy. DH and I have a solid marriage and I think we both know how lucky we are to have found each other as very few people share our interests and beliefs. He is also an amazing lover. That being said, in addition to this level of companionship, I have always wanted a child of my own, and now at 37 years old, it has become a daily pain for me not to know if our marriage is the appropriate place for that given my in-laws and especially SD22. My in-laws are very old and DH and I had made plans to move back to my country to be free from them, as he doesn't particularly enjoy their company either. He also would like to a have a child together despite being twenty years older than me. His vision for our family was that we have our own child together in my country, in a house that we jointly own and leave to our child only while leaving his properties in his country (which are of equal value) to the skids, and that the skids visit our family once a year, with him returning to see them for the birth of sgkids and other life events. We discussed all of this before getting married and it sounded to me like the best one could hope for.
Now, fast forward to what has just transpired with the visit to SD22, I feel that his loyalty to me, and my first-class position, is not so sure. He refused to defend me and said that I should basically just remain silent while he speaks with the skids during visits. He said that he really wants to see SD22 happy as she was when she was a child, and that he is committed to improving their relationship by going to see her again in a few months, and suggesting I come and remain silent. I said that I cannot accept to be the second-class wife, and that I will not go and that he can go alone. Moreover I said that I do not want her to visit us in my country once we will have our house there, and that I would not want our children to have any contact with her. He was very upset but accepted this arrangement and has booked tickets to see her alone this fall and stay with her in her studio apartment where she wanted him to stay last time.
I should mention that while SD22 is generally successful in the sense that she has finished uni and has a full-time job, she is not socially successful and actually has no friends or romantic interests. She is very close with BM and her grandparents and SS23.
A part of me feels that I should be happy with this arrangement, after all, isn't total disengagement what I wanted? But in truth I feel that we are regressing as a couple, that our couple is slipping into second position as she will manipulate him into giving her yet more money (in addition to the child support he continues to pay, while meanwhile as a couple we have no shared finances or joint account and I am having to take out loans to finish my last year of school) and attention when he is alone with her. I also don't entirely trust him about his intentions for our future house, as he told me that he hasn't communicated to her or SS23 his intention to use half of his funds towards a down payment on a house that will be jointly owned by us and exclude the skids entirely, because they would be too angry to hear it.
I think DH and I had our final argument on the subject yesterday, which resulted in him shouting at me redfaced just because I expressed the feeling that I was being reclassed. I told him calmly that if he does not continue to put our marriage first, it cannot work. We are going to go forward with the total disengagement strategy to keep the peace, but ultimately I fear I cannot stay in a marriage with a man no matter how much I love him who allows such behavior from SD22 and does not defend me when exposed to such behavior, and then makes excuses for such behavior. There is a real moral issue with enabling, and it makes one unfit to be a father to further children, IMO.
I have begun what will be the years-long process of grieving the end of our marriage, not because I want it to end, but because I can't unknow this feeling in my heart. I no longer trust him when he promises to uphold future plans with respect to disengagement and inheritance. If not enough courage to confront the skids now, then when? When there are also sgkids in the picture he can dote on?
The grieving of our marriage in itself is difficult enough, but I am simultaneously grieving the child I will probably never have, and the loneliness I will feel once again, as I felt in the years after my first divorce. I love caretaking and cooking all meals for us, listening to what he has to share, caring and decorating our home, planning and taking trips, being an active family together. I did all of this when I was single but it just wasn't the same. I also love the idea of owning my own home, something that I likely never be able to do because of my student loans without the help of DH's downpayment. My heart just absolutely grieves. I have poured everything, all my hope, into this relationship, and have had only goodwill towards the skids. As I mentioned, DH is twenty years older than me and I fear for his future too as a single old man, I know him well enough to know that he needs a good structure and a compassionate partner who understands the healing journey he is on. Even SD22 has admitted that he is a changed man since he met me, not at all the argumentative dad she remembers. But ultimately, I cannot allow myself or my future children to be second-class, and I would rather be alone. The situation is so, so painful and I just wanted to share with you all here and get any advice you may have. I should mention that for practical reasons, I am unable to leave for another year so will need to find a way to swallow and hide these feelings until then. DH doesn't want to discuss the situation any more so it is my poor mother, going through a divorce, who has become my sounding board.
Get the divorce over and done
Get the divorce over and done with ASAP and go the single mother route. Follow your dreams ... not those of another. He dreams of a happy combined family where he absolutely must have his wife beside him with duck tape over her mouth.
I hate to say this but this is a case (and it often happens) where love is not enough.
PS - stop worrying about what will happen to your DH after you leave. He didn't care that he stuck you in the lion's den often enough, didn't he? He is going to be a very lonely old man ...
Just wanted to thank you for
Just wanted to thank you for saying this.
I would not be happy with the
I would not be happy with the way his daughter treats you.. but I do sort of agree with his assessment that it probably wouldn't matter "who" he was with.. it's not personal.. and I do think she is likely deflecting a lot of her resentment against her father leaving her mom.. and cheating on her (deeply religious maybe daughter sees that hypocracy in him?). It's not unusal for a stepkid to make the new partner "pay" for the sins of their parent.
However, I would point out that it IS possible for him to have a distinctly separate relationship with his daughter.. a few visits a year to see her without you is not necessarily "reclassing" you as some 2nd rate relative.. he loves his daughter.. he loves you... you can't be around her.. that doesn't mean he has to "choose" you over her or vice versa... he can choose to spend time independently with both of you. You should happily encourage him to toddle off a few times a year without you.. use the time to do things you want to do... go back to visit friends whatever.
You can also ask that when she visits.. she is put up in a hotel.. both now.. and in the future if you move.
Regarding that potential move.. do you think that he was talking that in the "rosy light of new relationship".. but now may be having 2nd thoughts? He does NOT need to include his kids in discussions on how and where he buys a home.. his will.. legacy.. is also not something he needs to be telling them about either.. he can give it all to the one eyed walrus fund if he wants.. his choice. and he does not need to give them advance notice.. esp when it is likely to cause drama.. what you both discussed seems reasonable.. I would want to know if you are both on the same page with that.
And.. having a child.. you are already well into geriatric pregnancy teritory at 37... do you know if having a child is even possible.. I met my DH a little younger than you.. and while we did not pursue fertility treatments.. we didn't take measures to not have a child.. and I did not get pregnant.. you may not be able to have a child.. and if you DO want to do that.. you need to be doing it starting yesterday... you don't have the luxury of time to "wait and see".
So.. you met and married your DH during a rather odd time in history.. covid etc.. really was different. Do you think that as life gets back to normal.. that what you and he talked about were more musings and pipe dreams than a reality that he wants to actively pursue? It may not be that he intentionally mislead or lied to you.. but we all hear what we want to hear.. and in the beginning of a relationship.. we often are trying to be what the other person wants to be. ..say what they want to hear.. to make them like you think it was THAT?
The fact that there are some things in his history that don't jibe up.. like a deeply religious man that also cheats on his wife.. like the guy not hearing his kid be dismissive of you.. not defending you in the least.. do you really think he is the man you really thought you fell in love with?
Thank you for your thoughts.
You can’t have this type
Of disagreement and a marriage. DH wants "His Happy Family " he wants you to be disrespected by SD to make "Him Happy" you can't live like this with DH walking the fence making no one happy. Tell him to move out..... he can live with his mini wife Who once she won the war doesn't want him.
Thank you for this. It's worth adding that she treats him like sh*t, and he just takes it. This is consistent, not just a one-time occurence.
You have your answer
SD is top dog, numero uno, the real wife.
She treats him like shit and throws him crumbs, and he like the faithful pet comes running back for more. Meanwhile his WIFE gets disrespected by SD and he does NOTHING. In fact he ends up arguing with you.
Hun, throw this fish back . You sound kind , loving, and insightful. Dont waste these good values on him.
Do better hun. You deserve it.
Covert narcissist? They don
Covert narcissist? They don't change and he comes from a family of them. He has deep seated patterns of behaviors that won't change. The more you demand for yourself ( which to me are not out of line) the more he reacts and makes selfish demands. Treats a grown adult as an 8 yo old? No. Just no. Bringing a baby into this dumpster fire dynamic would not end well. You will have nothing but drama if you stick around.
You also need to get over all those "dreams" that can't happen without his money. You are trying to justify material things versus self awareness and integrity for yourself. On your deathbed, what will you have if you stick this out versus what you could choose to make happen for yourself? These skids won't be there for you, they will be ready to lawyer up when DH passes if you get anything.
Love yourself more. Get yourself free from these people, get some therapy then make your dreams happen yourself.
Thank you for your advice. My
thank you.
Okay, my heart breaks for you
Okay, my heart breaks for you reading your post and I don't mean to be blunt, but: LEAVE. This situation will never improve. Please read my posts. Parents like your DH and my ex - they are married to their children and you will always be last. It's an unhealthy parenting dynamic, one I will never understand. My ex seemed to see his adult son as the perpetual 5 year old. My ex was on a personal mission to keep his son living with him, unemployed, and giving him his way all the time - even going so far as to suggest his girlfriend have overnight stays in our home all weekend (which would likely have led to her moving in). My ex SS was an adult, mooching off of me (he and his daddy were unemployed), was quietly hostile and passive-aggressive toward me - and it was always my fault. I can't tell you how many times my ex would defend his son's behavior and threaten to leave me if I didn't like it. Eventually I shut down, saying nothing, not asking for anything in the relationship, just becoming a shell of my former self. It was a very horrid existence. Even though your skids are adults, they will still make your life miserable, as evidenced by your post.
Unless you are willing to be forever last and treated like sh&t on the bottoms of their shoes, you should leave. Nothing you do or say will make his kids like you or make him grow a pair of balls when it comes to his darling SD.
I urge you to really think about your situation, read your own post over and over again, especially when you are thinking about staying in the situation - and don't waste any more time with this guy. Get a plan made, speak with an attorney and makes plans to leave. Happiness is out there, you just have to find it.
Please keep us posted...
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your perspective.
Being STBXH centric is not healthy for you.
Engage the divorce, make an immediate and clean break, leaving him to his children.
Protect yourself and do not pollute your own gene pool with this failed main, failed husband, and failed father by procreating with him.
Leave now. Before you doom yourself and your own child to that cess pool of disfunction.
I read in your post that you
I read in your post that you said your husband is a covert narc and he realized and admitted this to you in the beginning?
Why would you have a child with someone who has a history of cheating and abandoning....The man literally sees his 20year old kids once a year and plans to abandon his elderly parents in another country
You are a victim of his baggage. The family treats you like that because they know him and they know what he hides
If you decide on children, the mask will fall and the covert narc will become overt and you will be stuck with a family of narcs....Be careful in your decision making....
I'm so sorry for your
I'm so sorry for your situation and your pain. I find myself in a somewhat similar situation. My DH and I have beautiful relationship but over the past year it's been impacted significantly by his family. It just about broke us and what's kept us going is a really good marriage counselor. My DH knows fhat his family's treatment of me isn't acceptable and he's sick about it everytime he doesn't react quickly enough to protect me. But he's also struggling with the realization that his family aren't who he thought they were. His family is large and "loving" and "supportive", until they aren't. Similar to your DH's family, my DH didn't realize how poorly and unfairly he had treated people who the family decided had weonged one of them. 53 years of living in a family practising toxic family loyalty and group think will do that. I guess what I'm saying is, give it time. Your DH needs time to realize who his daughter is and grieve who he thought she was. It isn't easy. But if he can commit to trying, with the help of a professional, it might be worth it. And a good counsellor will help validate how you're feeling and help your DH do so as well. It's done that for me, and it's also helped me step outside of my own feelings and realize that his failure to protect me in some situations has nothing to do with the love and respect he feels for me, and everything to do with his dysfunctional upbringing and family relationships. Don't get me wrong: your DH has to change and he has to commit to changing and actively work toward changing. But he'll need time.
I am disgusted at how your husband has been allowing sd to treat you. Sure she is his daughter - great they can have each other.
Shes obviously punishing you for her fathers cheating, because you are "safe to hate" TM. Is this what you want for the rest of your life? no kids and a narc for a husband?
Theres a great big world out there. You want a kid, for heavens sake dont not have one because of this guy! COVID was intense, I get it, intense things happened, and now we are back to a sort of reality. The smoke is clearing, and now the truth of things not the fantasy of things, are showing themselves.
Id leave. But this is YOU and YOUR life.