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Summer work

Anonymous01's picture

My SD started kindergarten last August and at the end of the year she got a packet of papers that were work to just practice on over the summer. So I made a copy of the packet and sent the original to her BM's. Well she heard that my SD had been doing the work at my house and got mad at me because she wanted to do it with her. Which I understand, but I told her I figured it would help her to do it at both households so she doesn't forget any information over the summer. Am I in the wrong just trying to thing of the child and help out? Especially when she is here every other week and week days that she is at her BM'S due to her having to work and I don't. 

Siemprematahari's picture

BM probably felt you were stepping on her toes when you did it. I don't think you had bad intentions and genuinely was helping out....however since BM feels so strongly about this I wouldn't do it again and just leave it to her and your partner.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't sometimes.

ndc's picture

I think stuff like this is ridiculous.  It can only help the child to reinforce work at both homes.  The BM is being silly - she should be grateful that you care enough to work with your SD on schoolwork during the summer.  At our house, I'm the one who works with SD on her schoolwork; DH will join in and help after we've started, but it doesn't occur to him to do it on his own.  BM doesn't help SD or make her do her homework, either, but she wouldn't complain that I was doing it even if she did.  (BM here is sane and she and DH co-parent pretty well).  I take my cues from DH.  If he's OK with, or wants me to, work with the SDs when they're at our home, I will.  What BM wants is irrelevant in our home.  

lieutenant_dad's picture

Easy solution: let BM do the school-provided work, and you go get some educational games, flashcards, books, etc that reinforces what she learned to do with her when she's over.

BM gets to do her thing, and you get to do yours without stepping on toes.

hereiam's picture

This ^^^^

Jesus, these women. God forbid you want to help the girl.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I remember when YSS showed up at our house, and the sleeve of his jacket was ripped up the seam. Super easy fix, so I sat YSS down and taught him how to sew it.

He was SO PROUD that he fixed his jacket and showed BM as soon as she picked him up. She shot DAGGERS at me across the room, and thought she'd get back at me by sending over EVERY stitch of clothing that needed to be sewn.

Taught the boys how to do it, showed them where the stuff was, and said they could fix it or just not own it anymore. When she realized I wasn't actually going to do it, she stopped sending stuff.

Just have to beat them at their own stupid, stupid game.

tog redux's picture

Let BM and DH decide what's to be done - if DH wants you to help her at your house, then do it.  

Rags's picture

And... if you had not make a copy for your home and worked on it with SD... it far more likely than not would have not happened at all.

Let BM deal with her wadded up little girl panties until she pulls her head out of her own butt and puts on the big girl panties.

I have no use for petty people.  This is just petty on BM's part.