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At wits end...

jj1072's picture

I have four kids and three live with us. DH has three kids but just one lives with us. He is 11 and I am 1/2 out the door. He has ADHD and now thats the excuse for ALL his issues. This child will say the most nasty and mean things but Hey he has ADHD. Funny how he is able to control his mouth around other adults though. I ask him to pull his chair in,brush his teeth etc. The small stuff and I get nothing but backtalk..but Hey he has ADHD. My DH says sat with me at the docs and heard how he will have issues with anger and control. Yes he's correct. I also heard the docs say its not ok that he Does and he needs to have consequences for his actions. Last summer he spent it with his gma. it was there that he had similiar issues with her. She told my DH I see what she's talking about. Finally someone has dealt with the same issues as me. I was hoping that would wake my DH up and realize there are some serious issues but still nothing changes just the day. I am with this child m-f alone. My DH last sees him at 7:30 and doesn't get home until 8:30 or later.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Just because a kid has ADD or ADHD or any other thing does NOT give the child an excuse nor does it give the parent any reason to excuse the child's nasty attitude or demeanor. I'd tell your man excuses are like asses everyone's got one!!! Tell your DH to get online. Read about raising children with ADD!!!!! If he won't (in case he thinks he knows it all) print out what you find online!! Then stick it in the fridge or in his lunch for work. That ought to help!

Is he on meds for it? Are they working? Sometimes you've gotta try a few or diff dosages till you find one that works. What's some examples of what the kid says?