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Violent 16 year old son taunting/bullying Stepmom

hurtandconfused15's picture

I need help. I made a new account because my information would out me. I am lost and in a bad place. I have 2 sons from a previous marriage. That marriage ended when I found out about multiple affairs, and when my ex got pregnant by her affair partner unbeknownst to me. I only found out 1 year after the child was born that she was not mine. So I divorced my ex wife. Fast forward 6 years, and I meet a wonderful woman. The relationship is everything Ive ever wanted, except one problem. My ex wife was so bitter about me moving on, that she filled my sons' heads full of lies about my wife because she wanted to break up my marriage. My ex even contacted MY family members and mutual friends and tried to slander my wife by saying she physically abuses me and the kids, among other egregious allegations. My wife has never laid a hand on anyone, and was absolutely destroyed when she heard the accusations. My ex wife is not a good parent or a good person. She has been found by child services to be an unfit parent, so she had all her kids removed from her care 3 times. She has also been arrested on multiple ocassions for beating up her partners in front of the children, as well as drug use, emotional incest,etc. Just think worst case scenario for a coparent and she is it. She is extremely high conflict and has even tried to attack my wife and our children on several ocassions. 

My kids that I share with my ex wife have stated they are angry because they feel if I wasnt with my wife, then I would get back with their mom and she wouldn't have a "hard life" like she does now. I have told them that I would never want to be with her again, and she chose to make her life what it is. Even after hearing that, it hasn't stopped the treatment they give my wife. 

This is what happened. 

A few months ago, we noticed money missing from my wifes wallet, and other things from our bedroom as well, which then prompted us to put a lock on our bedroom door. That same weekend, while my kids were waiting to get picked up by their mom, we heard one whisphering to the other "Evan, you cant take that!". We demanded to see what was in their book bag because we didnt know if they had taken something of ours. We have heirlooms that cant be replaced. Upon opening his bag, we found illegal firearms. I confronted my 16 year old son immediately, and his first thought was to attack my wife. He started screaming that I "picked the wrong b*tch", that shes a whore, that he's going to "get her" etc, amongst other terrible things. He said he KNOWS she made me look in his bag. I had to wrestle the firearms out of his hands and push him out the door to keep him away from my wife. My wife called the cops because she feared for her safety, while I was fighting with my son on the front lawn to get the bullets from him. My wife stayed inside, bawling on the couch. My ex finally pulled up to get them and we had an all out confrontation in front of all the neighbors, with my son screaming out the car "F*ck you HOE!" over and over again at my wife, who was still inside, but could hear. I wanted to hurt him, but my ex would have used that to take them away from me, permanently. By the way, I had full custody for 13 years, because of the way their mom was. My ex started screaming terrible things outside my house for my wife to hear, mind you, my ex didn't know what happened nor did she care, she was just overjoyed that my son "sided" with her against my wife. As the police were pulling up, my ex took off. My wife came out crying and recounted to the police what had happened. I had to make the hardest choice by letting my children go and live with my ex, to protect my wife. I see them on weekends now, it has been a few months since the incident. However, my wife lets them come over and stay for the weekend...while she leaves. She has not seen them since that day. 

My problem is, my 16 year old son continues to taunt my wife. He will go outside to our ring camera and flip it off and call her names, because he knows she can see it from her phone. If my wife comes home late at night (because otherwise she'd had to sleep in her car as she has nowhere else to go) my son will come to our bedroom door and belch real loud or act volitile, because he knows she's in there and can hear it. I have confronted my son over and over and he still will not stop. I'm angry because my wife has ALWAYS been good to them, but they believe the bullcrap their mom has said, so they feel justified in treating my wife like this. My wife was the one that did everything for them when their mom refused to. Now I have to figure out how I can still see my sons on the weekends away from home, but there is no where to go and I have no money to get a hotel. No family wants to be around my sons. And I dont feel right making my wife leave for the weekends so they can come over. My wife texted me today saying she feels unprotected, but I don't know what I can do. My 16 year old son is biploar and has extreme mental issues as a result of his mom. But at the same time, I can't abandon him, he's my son. I also have 2 kids with my wife, so I feel torn in the middle. I don't have money to see a therapist because Im now paying so much in child support for them to live with my ex, that I can barely pay our mortgage. ANY advice or comments are welcomed. I am lost. 

tog redux's picture

You have his name in there.

It's time to stop having your son in the home. See him outside the home for a few hours, but no overnights - if the other son is okay, he can come over still.

This is a parental alienation case and you need to protect your wife. It sounds as if he might actually hurt or even kill her if he got the chance, and that's not a chance worth taking. I agree that if I were her, I'd have gotten a restraining order making it impossible for him to be in your home, since she's still being harassed by him regardless of what she does.

I'm sorry - I hope your son doesn't ruin his life before he grows up and realizes what his mother is doing to him, though honestly, it sounds like he inherited her antisocial traits.

ndc's picture

I personally think you owe it to your wife to stop visitation at your home with this son.  See him outside of the home if you must, but your wife is the innocent in this, and if you want your marriage and your 2nd family to remain intact, you need to be behind her and protecting her 100%.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Best case, both boys go to a residential treatment facility or therapeutic boarding school and any CS money goes there. Or, if only one is a danger, he goes and the other stays with OP. But, even though this BM has been declared unfit multiple times, she's their MOOTHEERRR....and the judge will see that she keeps getting paid. Fk this legal system. 

Delilah's picture

what do you mean you don't know what to do?! You do know and that is why you are temporarily frozen in inaction, as its not going to be the easy route.

Neither your ex wife nor your ds16 will be happy until they destroy your life/happiness and should they succeed in detonating your marriage and you you do not return to the ex (which I believe you when you say you would not) then they will have removed your wife as the focus of their hate, however their loathing will continue so who then will they turn their eye to bullying? Your mutual kids with wife, thats who. Even if your marriage does not break down now (and it will eventually, there is only so much harassment and abuse your poor wife can amd should endure) what is to stop your ds16 from escalating or snapping towards wife and your kids together (they are after all representatives of your wife!)!!!

When is it going to be *enough*? When he actually hurts your wife/kids/you or some innocent bystander during one of his violent fits?!

You are not abandoning your son. HE is chosing to listen to the vitirol his mother is spewing vs the evidence of what you have said and how your wife has treated him. He may have mental health problems, he may be damaged from his nut mother but that does NOT give anyone the right to threaten to shoot someone and to pull a gun!! At 16 he is wayyyy old enough to know what he is doing. The fact you continued your contact weekends and allowed your wife to vacate your home to facilitate access is awful, no wonder your ds is acting like cock of the walk and being obscene on camera for your wife to see - you do realise thats because he feels like he has won?! No consequences for brandishing a gun, making threats and abusing your wife (you should have followed up on the police report and be pushing for criminal proceedings ffs!) and he gets daddy all to himself while wife and assuming your mutual kids get kicked out on those weekends. Yes, he and mummy dearest must be rubbing their hands in glee. I don't understand why you have not yet decided that your other children deserve a life where they are safe and their mother isn't being terrorised by your punk of a son? You do realise it's okay to choose to be safe from toxic individuals, they have to save themselves and it becomes unsalvagable when they want to walk down a f@cked up path. Your ds is lost to you, time to save yourself and stop sacrificing everyone on the altar of your first family.

No one is actually protecting your wife, you aren't, so I hope she leaves you if you don't stop this situation and start being a husband and father.

fyi I am a mother, stepmother and stepchild.

SteppedOut's picture

OP, this may be difficult to read, but read it again. And again, until you realize you should be begging your wife for forgiveness for kicking her out so this nasty kid can be there. SMDH

simifan's picture

I agree. Your WIFE should have filed for divorce the day you wanted to bring that horror back into her home. 

AgedOut's picture

Your son's behavior is not normal, it is bordering on psychotic and very dangerous. I think you know this but are putting your need for him to like you over your need to protect your wife. If you do not feel your ex can be onboard getting him the help he needs then stop bringing him to your home. Make your time with him just you and him for a meal, a movie, a walk but keep him away from your home and your wife. Your son will act on this sooner or later and I think you know it. 

24 years as a SM's picture

You are putting all of your family is jeopardy with having you 16 year old son in the home. If his bipolar and mental issues are this bad, if and when he gets a chance he will not stop at hurting your wife. He will move onto your children that are with your wife, next it will be their fault that you won't get back together with BM. You are playing a game of Russian Roulette with your current families lives. Visit with your son out of the house for a part of the day, DO NOT bring him to your home!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Yes he is your son. But I would hope that as his father you would make it clear to him that no son of yours will disrespect a woman that way and that if he is going to choose to behave that way then he is on his own. 

Obviously he has made his choice. The only thing you can do as a father at this point is to be tough and make it clear that if he cannot respect your wife he is not allowed in your home and that you are embarrassed and ashamed of him because he is not a man. No real man would be abusive to any woman for any reason.

I would also take that police report and file for a refrain from order. What that means is you and your wife can have contact with him but if he threatens you or her in any way the police can arrest him for contempt which is probably what he needs.

I have a son and the level of disgust I would feel towards him if he ever treated a woman that way would be beyond measure. 

PetSpoiler's picture

If my SS ever thought about threatening me, he would NEVER be welcome under my roof again.  I would file all the protection orders I could to keep him away from me, my home, and my children.  The only way you can protect your wife and the kids you have together is to no longer have your son in your home.  No way would I leave my home so SS could visit.  I'd tell my husband that if he wants to see him that bad he can see him some damn where else, but not in my home.  No more overnights.  If the ex has a problem with it, oh bloody well.  She shouldn't have alienated your son from you and your wife.  You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.  

advice.only2's picture

Why didn't you follow up with the police?  Sounds like it was easier for you to brush it under the rug and pretend it's all blown over.  Personally that little felon sh@t would never be allowed in myhome again...yet here you are kicking your wife out EOW so you can have your son run terror over your home.  Sounds like you care more about the money you are having to spend on CS than protecting your wife from your little felon sh@t kid.  You are just as much a part of this problem as your ex. 

Rags's picture

Buy a taser and when your son terrorizes your wife... fry his ass.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

After  you sizzle him and he flops like a fish out of water on the floor for a while call the police and have him hauled off.  One time should do the trick.

If I had ever behaved that way towards my father's wife I would still be suffering the side effects of that choice...... 40 years later.


Where are your balls man?  Why would you tolerate someone who would treat your bride as this POS 16yo has anywhere near your home, near your younger children, family or to have any place at all in your life. That you are choosing this failed family spawn over your young children and their mother is nauseating.  And ... YES, you can purge him from your life. And  you should.


Rags's picture

Buy a taser and when your son terrorizes your wife... fry his ass.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

After  you sizzle him and he flops like a fish out of water on the floor for a while call the police and have him hauled off.  One time should do the trick.

If I had ever behaved that way towards my father's wife I would still be suffering the side effects of that choice...... 40 years later.


Where are your balls man?  Why would you tolerate someone who would treat your bride as this POS 16yo has anywhere near your home, near your younger children, family or to have any place at all in your life. That you are choosing this failed family spawn over your young children and their mother is nauseating.  And ... YES, you can purge him from your life. And  you should.

If you do not have the testicular fortitude to do that, wire the house and record his toxic vitriolic crap then all the police and review it with them.  Then press charges on the last event with the recorded proof of his crap.


lieutenant_dad's picture

You have to make a choice: wife or kids. The minute he brought a firearm into your home and threatened your wife, any possible reconciliation was over 

You can't fix the lies in your son's head, but you can protect your wife and mutual children with her by ending visitation with your first children, or by visiting them on weekends outside your home. The eldest especially has no right to be in your home. 

If your wife were to come here, I'd tell her to leave by any means necessary because you aren't doing a good enough job to protect her and her kids. This is abusive FOR HER. Every other weekend she has to put up with the man who threatened to SHOOT HER or she can sleep in her car?

No. YOU can sleep in the car with your kids, or you can work a second job to spend a weekend at a hotel, or you can take your kids out to lunch EOWE. No matter what you do, your first children DO NOT GET THE PRIVILEGE OF COMING INTO YOUR WIFE'S HOME. A home they stole from. A home they brought illegal firearms into. A home they made violent and unsafe.

Honestly, even if you were to do this, I think your wife should still move out with your mutual kids so that your first children don't know where she is so they can't harm her and them. Your son needs intensive therapy, which it seems you didn't get for him while your had full custody. Now you can't do much of anything, I imagine for him.

I feel badly for your wife and mutual kids. She has no safe space, and no one who is protecting her. 

weightedworld's picture

His bed and belongings would have followed him right out the door that very day. I would expect he has read up on the comments and has no reply because the answer it black and white or flashing neon lights.. however you want to see it.


hurtandconfused15's picture

I appreciate your hard honesty. My wife has decided to leave, and I feel I have no right to fight to keep her here. I know she will never feel like I'm doing enough to protect her, but I also have to think of my not yet adult son. He's not an adult yet, my legal responsibility is to him until he's 18. I just want to be happy but this seems like no matter which way it goes I'm gonna be hurting. 

advice.only2's picture

Do you really believe that by 18 he will be capable of getting a full time job, supporting himself and being able to live out on his own? Or are you just waiting for the inevitable, that when he turns 18 he does something to get arrested but hey it wasn't on your watch, since he's now legally an "adult"? If you really wanted a teachable moment you would haver pursued the issue with the cops and pressed charges. I guess it's better he pulls a gun on and kills somebody you don't know? That will alleviate your guilt?

AgedOut's picture

please do not bring anyone else into your son's line of fire. in a perfect world you would see and get him the help he needs and you would get help for yourself in the form of counseling. I realize this isn't a perfect world so please don't decide to put anyone else into his life. 

Rags's picture

Forced emanicipation is a thing.  I have a friend who initiated forced emancipation on his teen daughter through the courts when she refused to comply with the rules of the household.

It says more about you than I care to know that  you would give up your marriage over this POS kid.

Troubled or not, he knows exactly what is he is doing and is far past old enough to know right from wrong.  That you don't recognize this is telling.  Your wife should nail your ass to the wall for a pile of CS for the young ones, and it is you that needs to leave and take this POS with you.


hurtandconfused15's picture

I know my son is a troubled kid but in my heart I don't feel like he would harm my wife. He is just an angry teenager that needs more counseling than I could ever provide him. 

ndc's picture

What you feel is irrelevant. You're not a trained mental health professional. You are failing not only your wife and younger kids, but the older son as well. Get him more intensive help NOW, while you still can. OUTSIDE of your home.

IDontCare3117's picture

It appears you are willing to sacrifice the safety, mental health, and comfort of your wife and your mutual children so you can keep your violent son front and center.  The kid brought illegal firearms and ammunition into the house where your WIFE AND CHILDREN LIVE, yet you believe deep down he wouldn't hurt her???  Are your rose-colored glasses prescription, or can we buy them at a drug store?  It takes only one bullet to end a life, and that bullet doesn't know or care who the victim is.

You have a responsibility to your wife and other underaged children.  YOU should be the one moving out and doing whatever is necessary to keep them safe.  They shouldn't be living in a shelter - they are the innocents in this nightmare.  

You need to find your testicles, and sort out this sh!t show.  

Delilah's picture

So your poor wife has had to leave and drag your young children into an unfamiliar residence?! Wow. You disgust me. YOU should have left, not her. Do you realise what refuges are like?!!

I have just left an abusive situation and my poor baby cries everyday for her stupid pr*ck of a dad and her things/room, she is going through hell and no doubt your kids and wife are too.

I hope she takes you to the cleaners for putting her and your innocent kids through this. After all god forbid your comfort and life be challenged.

yougotthis's picture


yougotthis's picture

Sorry but I am glad to see your wife has left, altho I think you should have been the one to leave, this post has me seriously worried for the safety of you, your wife and your children. Your son is a ticking time tomb. I hope she also files a restraining order against him for her and the children. On second thought, it's good she's left that residence so your psycho son and ex wife can't find her hopefully. 

weightedworld's picture

Now that I know your here.. I'm commenting here while on break, working at a mental health facility. Your son needs help. Put YOUR feelings aside. Lets not even discuss your wife and other kids at the moment. 

Your son needs help.. Get him help! I seen that you are in the states.. have him committed for an evaluation that takes 2 and I am sure there is someone that will assist you with doing this in your family. Has there been any follow through past diagnosis.. does he see even a mental health counselor.. does he have a psychologist? Where is he with all of that? Is he prescribed medications.. is he taking them? Clearly they are not working as they should.. he can have a mental illness but he is still accountable for his actions and there are still consequences for those actions. His diagnosis does not define him.. he defines himself and who HE choses to be in life. 

Your right he IS a minor.. and so therefore his care falls under YOU. You need to do something. 

Unfortunately with this diagnosis the chances of him burning the bridges he has in his life are HIGH.. do not let his actions destroy YOUR life. Ultimately this mental health battle is HIS battle to live with and deal with.. but as a minor and so young to the game you at least need to get him in the right directions and if they don't work you need to be alright with walking away and attend some counseling yourself to assist you with coping with this. 

Would you like to know how many family members are still present and active in a group of 15 and most of them being under 30.. there are 6. So that means 9 other families have walked away because they cannot handle the situations. And those remaining six will probably dwindle down to 3 in the next few years as those are young 18 or just over. That is OKAY! There are groups and therapies to be attended once he gets on the right path. It's a complete process that only he is able to accept and complete and he will fail a hundred times before and if ever he gets it right. Let him! He needs to do it, live it, learn it, and know how to do right by himself, for himself.

But don't do him the disservice of being the parent that has the custody of him and letting him walk through the gates of hell without at least doing what you are able to do and that is GET HIM HELP.

Rags's picture

If I had pulled a gun on my dad's wife, he would have blown my head off. And rightly so. Not that I would pull a gun on my mother.  

My brothers and I had absolute clarity.  Our father's wife was to be respected. Period. That she was also our mother was beside that point.

Had I had step parents, both of my parents would have set and enforced this point.  Brutally if necessary.  My USMC dad is someone not to be messed with. My 5'2" fire cracker mom is even scarier than dad when she gets her hackles up.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Kudos to your wife for loving your other kids enough to protect them from your son. I hope she fights to keep them as far from your son as possible. Which means you will also suffer and not be able to see them because you have made your choice.

For the next few years while you believe you are helping your son, and he continues to downward spiral. Because you actually are not doing anything to help him but reinforcing his bad behavior by giving him exactly what he wants control over you and your life. 

At what point are you going to wake up and realize you have lost everything for a kid who could care less about you and turns his anger and abuse onto you. 

The longer you wait to get this kid help, the worse it will be. He should be in a mental institution being diagnosed and treated or under probation supervision being forced to attend outpatient treatment.

You had the chance when he threatened to harm your wife. You had the chance before forcing your wife to leave. You could have had him arrested, taken the police report and filed a PINS on him, gotten and order of protection anything to start to address his issues and get help. But you didn't and that's on you.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I am in shock. Guess you do not love your wife and babies as much as SS.

Lets be there for the violent threatening SS16 and to hell with the traumatized wife and babies. Great.

How can you live with yourself for abandoning the victims in all of this.

If that was my son he would have gone straight to a mental health facility.

Lets hope your younger ones do not grow up hating you for abandoning them.

Stefany.lee's picture

Omg I feel so sorry for your wife and the two babies you guys shared...she sounds like an amazing woman and you're one big coward spineless man that raising a criminal POS teenager. I'm glad your wife took the babies and left your sorry ass. They deserve way better than a that. Your son is a POS and if you still thinks he's a good kids you definitely have mental issues as well. He's 16, not 6! Stop blaming everything on his mom he's a near adult he know exactly what is right and what is wrong. I hope he get locked up soon cause he's a dangerous person that you don't want in society. You sounded like my spineless husband but at least he sent him back to his mom's when the same BS happened to me. Step kids are the worst. I honestly hate all of them, and they are usually created by some coward spineless guilty father syndrome POS like you!!!!!!! You deserve to be alone and I hope your wife and kids find a safe home that they deserve and I hope your son ruined your life. You wanted to save your " poor Johnny " and you prepare to visit him in jail.

LBS714's picture

She is a true God sent if she is taking all of this from your son. Personally, if you were a friend of mine going through this, it's time to let go. You did your best as a father and he is near 18. I would bite the bullet and adjust my finances and lifestyle accordingly to live without the money you're paying in child support until he turns 18. Then after you have that extra money, take your wife on a well deserved vacation. Whilst letting your son know, if he wants a real father-son relationship with you, you would be willing to do just that. 

My in laws had to do the same thing with both of their kids. My mother in law had to let my husbands brother and sister go, and my father in law had to let his oldest son go because of their volatile personalities. I've never met them once. It can be done. 

Winterglow's picture

Your son was not "taunting" her. He threatened her LIFE, dammit. And you are wringing your hands because you don't know what to do?! 

I'd be very interested in an update, OP, to see how things turned out.