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Stepchildren and husband's ex wife hates me

sohedbe's picture

Hi…I want to reach out as I am not sure what to do in the situation I am in. I need advice!

I am married to man who has two daughters (11 & 17) from a former marriage. The 17 year old lives with us along with our new baby 1.5 years old. The 11 year old is living with my husband’s mother.

My husband and I do not agree in a lot of things. Things like what to watch on TV, what to spend money on and what to do for fun etc. I have had difficult times since our baby girl was born as my husband tends to not help me out. I am a stay at home mom…but I am working 20-30hr from home. I work when the baby takes naps and after bedtime. My husband only wants to spend time with the baby when he wants to. He does not spend more than 1-2 hours max with her per day. I do all the house work, grocery shopping, yard work etc. I do not get a lot of help and it is getting to me bad.

My husband’s ex-wife has repeatedly told my husband’s girls lies and bad things about me. It has come to the point where it has been pretty crazy the last year. The girls do not say hi to me when coming into our home. They have told me that they think I am crazy. They even told me that they wanted me to get hit by a buss once. The list goes on. My husband knows all about this!

The thing is…my husband does not do anything about it. The girls even say mean things to my husband at times. I try talking to my husband about this as I am always the bad person when it comes to things that the ex wife or children do not like. My husband gets offensive and do not really want to talk about it. He says I should think about how he is feeling as he is in the middle?

It has gone to the point where the ex wife has convinced the girls that the best thing would be for my husband to move out. My husband does not want to. He even said to me that he will try to ignore his children and ex-wife, not see them anymore, so that we can get some peace. The 17 year old, never home by the way…wants her dad to move out so that she can move in with the boyfriend. The 11 year old definitely believes her mother!

It is hard sometimes with my husband’s behavior. He gets so angry and can’t control himself sometimes. I actually tried to separate from him about 8 months ago. He made threats to my new potential landlord so that I could no longer move; he involved his ex-wife and children having them say very disrespectful things to me: the ex-wife even came to my house and called me names saying I was heartless trying to leave right before Christmas and refused to leave my home when I asked her to; he told me he wanted me to die. I felt forced to stay in the relationship as he made threats that I would never be able to take my daughter to my home country to see family among other things.

Another note is that my husband is a napper. He sleeps more than anyone I know. He sleeps when he gets home from work (he does not even work full time), he sleeps whenever he can. I think this is a sign. He can’t be happy! I get angry when he wants to sleep when I would actually need a hand with the baby so that I can work. He gets so upset. The baby and I have to walk around on our toes so that we do not wake him up. He says that we are just so loud that he can’t do anything in the house.

I feel like it might be best for my husband to move out. We are not really a match made in heaven. We have our differences and I think that the problems we have would still be there without ex wife and step children.

I am so tired, stressed, sad and it feels like my life is just so bad. I want to enjoy my baby girl every day, be happy and have a good life…)

sohedbe's picture

Cat....I would love to bring my baby back home. I have already talked to an attorney and they informed me that if I were to take the baby without my husbands consent it would be considered kidnapping. I do have a job and my own income but my husband does not want to have separate accounts. I tried this once and he went crazy. I am not sure how to bring up that I want to move forward with a divorce? He is very verbally abusive but has never touched me. The attorney I spoke to said that it is his words against mine. My husband said that if I were to file for divorce...he would say I am mean to his children and that I have problems with alcohol etc. I am not sure what to do? I do not want to give him 50 % custody as the attorney told me he would likely get. I feel like I am trapped!

MamaFox's picture

Get another account anyway, just dont tell him about it. Start recording the verbal abuse. Do that by getting a Nanny cam and install it in the living room, or even better, leave the baby monitors on during an argument and have a voice recorder set next to the one in the baby's room.

You need to make a cover your ass file and bank account.

paige72's picture

If you can't have seperate accounts, can you at least put some money aside into an account he knows nothing about? Have the account paperless and set up a new email account for that so you build up your money. As far as custody start NOW getting proof what is going on. try to record him (hide a recorder somewhere or even hit record on your phone and lay it down so he doesn't notice) and ask him about a seperation. When he says he will lie about you, say something like "but why would you say that, you know I don't drink (or I hardly every drink)? so that he has to admit that he would lie about you to get custody. save these recordings on a jump drive or something to start buildind your case. If you can have witnesses (best option) or recordings of as much of this as you can, it would help. Start now and even try talking about past things that upset you (bring up what happened when you tried to leave and ask why he did that- this will be proof to what he has done and how he threatens you). If you had any type of webcam or recoding device (even on phone, just don't be obvious) you could get visual and auditory proof that he plans to lie if you leave. Get proof as to how he is with you and if you try to leave and he gets physical, then file a restraining order immediately. If he pushes you or becomes violent, press charges Granted, restraining orders don't do much but it will be proof that he was violent and you had to do that. When you say he gets so angry he can't control himself, what do you mean? Does he hit you, push you, punch walls? take pictures of bruises, holes in walls, anything at all that shows his temper (press charges if it's physical!). I would then bring this to a different attorney and file for exparte custody (may be spelled wrong)- if they wont help you, perhaps a PI could help you to get more proof showing his abuse.

Orange County Ca's picture

I see you are new with us having just registered. Sounds like he didn't want a child. You can move out without a guilty conscious.

sohedbe's picture

Thank you all for your comments. I have a diary where I have been documenting a lot of what happened back when I tried leaving him the first time. It is very detailed. I also have a note that he wrote when I tried leaving him last time that says that he wants to kill himself. I have this in a safe place. I have never laid a hand on his kids and I have never said anything mean or bad to them. I have never said anything bad about the ex wife either to the children. My husband has never hit me or touched me. When he can't control himself he starts yelling, cussing, slams doors, hitting himself and and finally takes off for hours or even 1-2 days. I have a safe house (my neighbors, older couple) where I can go should I need to. They are fully aware of what is going on. My husband says that he wants to see the baby every day. It is really heart breaking to see your child happy to see their dad when he comes home from work but he says he is tired, needs a break etc so the baby has to wait to get a hello and kisses. This does not happen every day but several times a week. I would like to talk to him about what happened last time I tried to leave. He gets very angry should I try to bring it up. He says I should not bring up stuff that happened in the past. I feel like I can not communicate with him. Most stuff gets shoveled under the rug. I did set up a time to go talk to a professional and my neighborhood was with me. We were on our way to the appointment and my husband called furious as I had missed a couple of calls from him. He said he wanted to tag along. It was just to much so I cancelled that appointment. I think I need to set up a new one to get some moral support.

paige72's picture

You need to have witnesses to his temper/ anger flare ups or record these as proof also. Keeping a detailed journal is great, but having actual proof is better. I would start getting the proof and stashing a little money away and then leave as soon as possible. It's NOT going to get any better; it will probably continue to get worse. If you wont do it for yourself, do it for you baby.... he/she doesn't need to be raised in this environment (it will cause a lot more damage in the long run).

sohedbe's picture

I can't seem to have a conversation about our problems with my husband. Today he slept all day until 6pm and left for work again at 8pm. He took the baby for maybe 15min. He did work night and did not go to bed until around 4am. I do not want to have a husband that sleeps all day and does nothing to help out with baby or household. I work nights soon as the baby goes to bed...I work until at least 11pm. I have the baby from when she wakes up until she goes to bed at around 9pm. Don't take me wrong...I love being with my baby...I would not want it any other way but I do need some kind of help to be able to work the 30 hours per week I need to. My husband does not make enough for us to make it so I have to work. He has promised me that his kids were to come over today for a talk...but it never happened. I asked him about it and he got really upset. He said that he understands why they have been treating me the way they have as I tried leaving him 8 months ago and that is the reason for their behavior. He says that I am trying to put him down. That he needs to go to work and that I am not helping/supporting him. I only think about myself and I am mean to everyone else. He always try to push the bad things under the rug and I just need a way to get through to him. I feel hopeless. Why is it that we can't have a real conversation about how to move forward? Any suggestions on how to deal with a manipulative person would be appreciated!

MamaFox's picture

The only way to deal with a manipulative person, is to be manipulative back and do it in a subversive way.

Like I said about the voice recorder next to the baby monitor in the other room....when he starts a fight..

Him: "Youre a horrible Mom and tried to leave me 8 months ago!"

You after the recorder is on: "How am I not a good mother? I dont rememebr trying to leave you..."

Him: "Well let ME tell YOU why you are a complete fuck up!..............."

Rinse and repeat, Idiots like him will fuck their own plans up readily and with gusto.