Skids are great - BM is a nightmare!
Hello, I am new to this forum. I came here today seeking something to help me get out my frustration and after reading an abundance of posts, I can see that for the most part I am super lucky. My partner came into my life just after my daughters 1st birthday, her own father while in contact is not present at all so over the course of th last 2.5 years my partner and her have bonded to the point he is her dad. My partner as 2 kids SS6 and SS10 - both great kids who I get a long with majority of he time. My daughter loves them and tells anyone who will listen that they are her brothers. We are a family. They live with their BM and come to ours as much as possible, which has been difficult due to my partners adhoc roster over the past 8 months. Hopefully soon this will be week on week off.
For a while the BM was kind to me. Which was shocking becuase my partner recounts stories of her being violent, keeping the kids from him and general bullying. I was pleased she was ok with me, this was the best possible scenario. On ocassion she has pushed the boundaries but for the most part it was all tolerable.
Until about 3 months ago, her behaviour changed and she started displaying more of what my partner had described to me. She started becoming really unreasonable and now that is an understatment. I have tried and tried to remain empathetic to her and I always try to imagine how I would feel in certain situations if the tables were reversed to understand her better, but I am fast running out of compassion.
She puts my partner down constantly, accusing him of coming and going as he pleases with no real intersest in being involved - even thought he only reason he hasn't been able to have them regulalry due to his work.
She interferes with our time with them. She dictates to us what time we put them to bed, what we feed them, what we do with them, how we spend our spare time, what we spend out money on ect. If we don't do anything exciting with them on a regular basis (which is near impossible, we both work full time and are saving for a house) then she accuses us of being lazy.
She complains she is the one who has to run around and organise everything to guilt him into giving her what she wants, but when my partner goes and organises something himself, she flips out. A perfect example, my partner briefly had to start work at 7am - I also start at 7am - so we enrolled the skids into before school care at the same place my child attends - because it was our time and our job to organise something and as soon as she caught wind of it she threw a tantrum and now we can't have them during the week. She even said that since we can afford to pay for before school care my partner should pay her more child support. He already pays abot 1/3rd more than what he is meant to as per their private arrangement.
Not having them during the week means we have them every weekend, while she has a social life and goes away with her partner, we are elbows deep in all of kids every weekend. As much as I love the kids being together and spending time with them, I desperately need a break.
She doesn't care what my partner thinks about schooling, afterschool activities, parenting ect. Both skids have afterschool sporting commitments 5 nights a week + saturday mornings. My partner has begged her to drop at least 1 sport, especially since SS10 (in 5th Grade) is about 2 years behind in english where he needs to be. We arranged a tutor for him, which she couldn't care less about and cares more about arguing with my partner about how she asked him to do it months ago. She has pretty much made sure there is no time for tuturoing which makes me really sad for SS10 because I worry about his future.
She makes the most unreasonable requests and for everything she accuses my partner of, she displays the same behaviour herself. If he pushes back, she usually just says "Well do you want them or not" or "Don't worry you won't be having them". I know she can't legally keep them from him and I am prepared to spend out house savings on fighting for his rights - becuase I can't stand the thought of the next 11 years going day to day giving her what she wants - BUT is it just better to ignore her and do what we can the best we can? I don't know what path to take, both options have serious consequences and I am worried that if we continue to give in to her to keep the peace, we will create a monster in her. I cannot let her control my home and my life. I feel like a glorified babysitter most of the time, even though I care for her children when they are in my home as close to like my own as I can. I cook for them, clean up after them, make sure they are warm and happy and I don't get a say in a single thing. Even worse, their dad doesn't either
phew.... all I can say ...
all I can say ... Hon, BM is nothing to you, you do not have to talk to her, or even give your number to her, you did not sleep with this woman. Simply ignore her, block her from contacting you, she can contact DH.... and he can set boundaries with her.
Dh can simply tell her, BM we are divorced you have no say in what's happening in my house or how we live in our house, you are not part of this family any more, no buzz off
Thanks for the advice!
Thanks for the advice!
Welcome, I hope that you find
Welcome, I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful perspective and advice from others who are living the dream of the blended family adventure.
Your SO entered your child' life at a time similar to when I entered my SS's life. I met my wife when SS-24 was 15mos old and we married the week before he turned 2yo. I have been his dad as long as he can remember.
We also struggled with attempted manipulation and interference by the blended family opposition. In our case this came in the form of the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan. The complexity of our situation was far less than yours as I have no BKs and SS is an only child in our marriage. He has three younger also out of wedlock SpermIdiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas on his SpermClan side. It took time but we eventually pummeled them into submission.
The fix for your frustrations, it was for ours, is for your partner to get to court for a CS modification and CO'd visitation schedule. That gives him authority over BM to maintain her compliance with the CO and removes any threats from her to go after more money or withhold the kids. Once he has a CO she gets only what is ordered for CS and if she withholds the kids she gets smacked with a contempt motion.
You SO needs to man up and nail her ass to the wall and quit playing her games.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
Thank-you for sharing Rags. I
Thank-you for sharing Rags. I too feel court orders will fix the situation I just hope it doesn't get too messy, we'd prefer not to put the kids through any undue stress. If its at all possible.
It is highly unlikely that
It is highly unlikely that the court action would even register on the Skid's radar screen unless either your side or BM's side clues them in. A Judge will very rarely bring the kid into it directly.
There should be no stress on the Skid's except that which the adults initiate.
Good luck.
Go. To. Court. Get an
Go. To. Court.
Get an official CS order. Get an official custody arrangement and then stick to it to the letter. You have to with a manipulative, scheming BM like this. No judge in the world will support BM's "right" to keep the kids from him if he doesn't follow her orders...or her right to switch up the visitation time to accommodate her...or her right to call all the shots. In fact, a judge will specifically tell her that she has a legal obligation to co-parent with DH, or at least parallel parent. If she tries to pull this crap, DH can take her back for contempt of court.
Seriously. I don't recommend court for everyone. We have a lot of unofficial arrangements w/BM because she's always been reasonable and accommodating. We do have an official CS order and visitation arrangement, but we do a lot outside of the court system. For you, though, this isn't going to work. You have to get all legal on her a**.
All of this times 1000! I,
All of this times 1000! I, too, have a pretty great stepdad...for now. They all change and turn on you at some point so I advise you to do like me and just enjoy the golden years before puberty and angst teen years come along. Having a custody order to follow is the best start to creating boundaries for an overly controlling BM. Just remember things will get worse before they get better, she will ramp it up and be even more unreasonable than before because she'll need time to adjust to boundaries. The best thing you can do is ignore her and avoid all situations that involve her.