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Sick of my 3& 4yr old SDs

Mommyx3's picture

I have come to the point that I usually end up when DH kids come here. Ready to pack up my bio kids and our shared son and leave him for good. The problem is that I love my DH. WE are great together and the time we have is awesome until his skids come. He has 3 daughters, 3,4,& 11. My main issue is SD3. She's manipulative, snotty, she lies all the time, and all she has to do is bat her effing eyes and Daddy melts. I have tried so many times to set rules and boundaries for ALL the kids, but somehow SD3 still gets away with murder. I actually enjoy having SD4 here, she's like little sidekick, sure, she actually,, ts up like the rest of the kids, but she is respectful and not a spoiled brat (most of the time)!
My problem tonight is that it's the start of their weekend, and DH comes home with an attitude towards me, like usual. While SDs hang all over him like they haven't seen him in weeks (we have them Tuesdays, Thursdays. And EOWE.) I made dinner, cleaned up, got movie night ready (because DH is a Disney dad and we HAVE to have super fun stuff planned every moment they are around but nothing if they aren't here.???) and Itold DH we needed to go over ground rules so we are united and the kids see that. First off, I was already pissed because SD3 was hanging all over him, and her face is dead in his lap? It creeps me out that he allows the kids near his crotch, I've said that a million times. He got all pissy and started saying how I always make stuff up and always wanted drama. To be honest, what I want is for these damn kids to go away, far away from me. I want DH to have a relationship with them but I don't want one with them.
I'm at my breaking point. Help!

Stepcop's picture

Dtzy- apple needs to pay you to promote the iPod to a very missed population, the step parent. I have taken this to heart and utilized this advice many times. Just saying you should be compensated!!'s picture

I hate to break it to you, but this behavior is not likely to change. My ex bf's youngest was 6 when I met her, so I couldn't be there to see if this can be knocked out of them, but at 6 she was what your 3SD is now. This comes directly from the parents. She's the baby of the family, everyone says "how cute" she is, blah blah blah. She is 8 now and not much has changed. She butts heads w/ bm because bm babies them and she is trying to grow herself up while bm is trying to make her be the baby still. This is parenting dysfunction at the highest level. They are too close to see what they're doing. The funny thing is, Daddy thinks she is soooo cute and he is sooooooooo wrong. She's in her ugly phase right now, too, so uggghhhh LOL. I hope it does get better for you as she grows up. If not, keep Mommy Juice on hand at all times! Smile

xtina's picture

I think all stepkids stay in their ugly stage forever. Aint nothing cute about my SO's kids! They don't say anything cute, do anything cute, NOTHING. Yet my SO thinks they are the greatest things ever to walk this planet. Yuck, even looking at them I'm like "really? What does he see in them?" LOL that's mean but oh well. They are not my kids, thank God. I don't have to look at them on my phone screen a thousand times a day.

OP- I am in the same situation as you. My SO is great when it's just us and my BS. He is super attentive to the both of us and very sweet, but when the skids get there, it's like a tense war between my son and I vs. my SO and his dick leakings.
I wonder sometimes if it's even worth it.

HarleyQuinn's picture

I-m so happy same here, when it gets too much for me, I speak with DH and he gives his weekends to his mum to look after the skids. He enjoys the break more than I do!!
I havent hada 3year old but if terrible 2's are anything to go by, OMG my SD will NOT be in MY house