SD10 has been a royal pain from age 3
I am new to the site and completely enjoy the candor. I honestly thought I was an evil SM for how I was feeling. I have been dealing with an extremely difficult SD and BM since the beginning. More recently, we heard a telephone call between SD10 and BM on how they were going to lie to us to get our SD out of plans she had on our weekend. They laughed at how they were going to pull the wool over our eyes yet again. We knew BM was evil, we just didn't know how bad. She has constantly taught our SD how to lie to us and get around our rules. It's really sad. I have a BD10 (same age) who is extremely respectful and well behaved and enjoys her relationship with her SD despite having a wonderful relationship with her BD. My DH has his head completely in the sand as it relates to his daughter's issues and only momentarily acknowledges the issues. SD is on medicine and sees a therapist. This has been going on for 5 years and has not helped in my opinion.
This weekend I decided to reinvent myself. I am going to put myself first and take my house back. She is a "tenant" in my home. I will not run a child centric home. Additionally, I'm not in this to win popularity contests. If SD grows up not to like me, it won't be the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Life is too short for us SP not to stand up for ourselves, our children and our home. You can do it may not be the house favorite but who the hell cares...we live once. Don't let the miserable step kids and ex's take control anymore.
Amen sister! The BM in our
Amen sister! The BM in our situation has taught my SD how to lie like the pros! It's so so sad. Most of the time she lies about the stupidest things. I've learned alot from this site and am very grateful I found it!
I always say if my kids don't
I always say if my kids don't like me until they become adults then I did something right - your job is to care for and protect her and help her to become a productive member of society - not be their friends and cater to every whim - because what people don't realize is that in the "real world" no one gives a shit if you come from a broken home or an intact one - all they care about is that you can do an honest days work and can trust you - so take back that house and get control over it. She may hate you now but someday she may thank you and if she doesn't really who gives a rats ass - you did your job and duty to the best of your ability and that is all someone can ask for.
couldn't have sait it better.
couldn't have sait it better. Caregiver I love the way you write! It gives me hope!