Sad and just have given up
We moved up North and my SD lives in the South ( lots of states away). I miss talking to her but she doesn't really like talking on the phone whe we are on the phone she mostly plays on her video console and thats it. The BM doesn't respond to my husbands texts or mine, but when she needed to talk to right away I called her back. I do not get the same treatment my husband is over it and doesn't put effort into and is tired of doing this for the past 9 + years with the BM. My husband and I have kids together and they miss there sister but they don't really talk about her anymore and sad to say but there used to the BM playing these games as well and there only 7 and under. BM said since we live so far away we can have SD the whole summber break from May-August. We are so excited! But now she isnt responding to when she wants to set up a appointment for a mediator or give us her birth certificate so we can set up the plane trip up here. I tried texting her like hey when do you want to see up a appointment when is a good time, so we can get this all ready for this summer? Her thing is she wants to first get a mediatior and a new parenting plan together before the Summer, which is all fine with us but May is coming up soon and these things take time. So what do we do? On one end we are just done with her games and just over it but on the other we know this is not right for her to be doing us this way. How does my husband feel about all this? His response is I got to pay attention and focus on who I have a say so about and not waste my energy on her BS games because I can never fight it anyway ( he makes to much to get free lawyers etc. no we are not rich) We did one time get a lawyer for $3,000 this didnt solve anything at all we got a new parenting plan yes but did she still do whatever she wanted YES!!! People can say go to court tempt of court that cost money. Phone calls every night like the Court order says hahaah! That is a joke, I even kept track for 2 months on a calendar when we got a call and when we didnt that was a lot of work let me tell you. I don't want to keep track of her BS games this should be my husbands job but he doesnt want to do it, ( his reasoning behind it is its a waste of his time we cant afford a laywer and she still will do whatever she wants). I used to since we moved up North almost a year ago want to talk to my SD once every 2 weeks or so to see how shes doing but now its like we never get updates from BM on any appointsments never did in the first place, nothing about what she is into, how schooling is going etc. my husband doesn't know his own child because of this women. I feel like I'm spoon feeding my husband to do something about this issue but I have given up and I myself have gotten to the same state as my husband I need focus on the kids I do have and the kids I can have a daily impact on. Pleases no mean judgement. I want to do something some times and other days its like this horse has been beaten down so many times by the BM that she just gives in,
How old is SD? At at certain
How old is SD? At at certain age it becomes pointless to try to force them to visit.
She is 9. Its not that we are
She is 9. Its not that we are forcing her to see us. The BM doesnt ever communicate anything with us on any plans. The BM has not spoken to my husband for over a month almost two! I messaged her in Jan asking hey when do you want to set that mediation appointment so we can have it all ready to go before summer so we can have ____ for the Summer, just let me or ___ know Thanks.. Do you think I got anything nope... do you think he did nope. And she was the one who came up with the that ___ should spend the whole summer. I honestly think it was too brainwash my SD again and kind of set the game as "see he doesnt want to see you" type of thing. I mean if you came up with the idea why are you not responding to any kind of game plan we are coming up with? sigh. It became so bad that one time I thought about leaving my husband because I did not know it was going to be like this for the rest of my life. Since shes been silent and not responding to us there has been no drama but dang it shes only a child and wtf are you doing to her! ugh :'( We moved up North in May 2019 last time we saw SD was April 2019. Omg
it has been almost a year thats so sad. I love her so much but its like we are just baby sitters and she doesnt know who we are anymore its that bad!!!
Gotcha - well at 9, typically
Gotcha - well at 9, typically the court will enforce visitation, but it sounds like you tried that. Seems like a parental alienation case, and you could spend a lot of money fighting it to no result.
Half of me wants to be like hey did you get our texts, call her
the other half is like duh she got our texts and calls she is ignoring them on purpose don't fall into the trap, where she can laugh her butt off because she knows it ticked you off. But then I want to keep fighting because I love my SD and I miss her sooo much, I want to hug and squeeze her, I also want my kids to see her but at the same time I also don't want to put my kids through hurt with the games the BM plays.
I'm sorry that happened to you hon. Given the distance between y'all and the fact that BM is probably sabotaging, there's not really much that you can do. Especially given the fact that finances are tight, and SO has given up. Court does take money. I don't judge you at all, youre perfect, but I think SO needs to climb out of the hole he's in. Doesn't he love DD? Isn't he willing to fight? Some people would bankrupt themselves and walk across the world to see their child, especially if their last memory of them was a loving one. So what is really going on?
Is there anyway you can reach the girl? BM may be keeping the texts and not telling her about it. The girl may think that you've just lost interest in talking to her when the complete opposite is true. Reminds me of Danny Glover in the Color Purple.
When you move A airplane trip away
It's hard to control anything. Unless you move closer, so DH can take control, all is lost. How can a father move that far away?
It was a job transfer. My
It was a job transfer. My husband wanted to get onto a certain company and this was his timing. ( it is hard to get your foot into this company)