Repost- I really don't like my Step-Son!!!
I posted this on the parenting board a week ago and have had NO responses. I'm really looking for some advice here, positive or negative. I'm just really stuck with this kid and anything anyone could offer would really help!
I know that sounds harsh and I feel totally guilty about it, but it's the truth. I can't stand him! This has been going on for years, it's caused many problems within our family and I really, really could use some advice from those who understand where I'm coming from.
My husband and I met in 2002. At the time his ex-girlfriend had informal custody of their son (4 yrs old). They had been separated since my SS was about 2 so he has no memory of their being together. There were no other children in the picture. BM bounced between boyfriends, living arrangements, and we suspect heavy substance abuse. SS and I got along great when he spent time with us.
In 2003 my husband and I married. He was sent overseas to Iraq after we found out we were going to have our first child. I later found out at his send-off that the BM had intentions of trying to 'get him back' until my husband's aunt dropped the marriage bomb on her at the send-off. This was the first time I'd met her face to face and she refused to acknowledge me from that point on. After she found out we were married it seemed like everything took a turn for the worse. The entire time my husband was overseas I wasn't allowed to see my step-son. She would let him stay with my father-in-law who would in turn let him stay with me for a couple of days.
In January of 2004 we discovered my SS and his BM were 'missing'. They had up and moved without notifying anyone on this side of my SS's family. It took nearly 2 months to locate them and at this point they had moved half-way across the country (from mid-West U.S. to the west coast). We went nearly 5 months without any contact from them. My husband came home in May '04 and shortly thereafter we were able to speak to my SS. We even planned a trip for him to come visit us for 2 weeks which was later canceled by the BM and her BF. They claim that the time didn't work well with the BF's schedule, even though they already knew we had purchased a plane ticket and made arrangements for my SS's trip. In late July of 2004 we get a call from the BM that she is back in the mid-West and wants to know if we'd like to see my SS. We of course say yes and set up a meeting to pick him up. We found out she came back because her BF beat her up (not the first time either) and she decided to leave him. Since no legal custody had been established we picked my SS up with the intention of keeping him. We immediately enrolled him in school (as he was supposed to be attending but she only made him go the first half of his kindergarten year) and obtained a lawyer. We notified his BM shortly thereafter and she acted as though it were a good idea because he (my SS) wanted to live with us anyways (according to her). We let her see him for the weekend and when we picked him up she told us she was moving back out west to be with her BF again. (At this point she had another baby around the same time our first child was born.) At the time we didn't know it, but this would be the last time my SS (now almost 6) would see his BM. For a few weeks she called often but the calls went from daily to every other day to a couple times a week. Within a few weeks she was served custody papers and the shit hit the fan. The BM and her BF called to bitch at my husband and harass me. She tried to get my SS to side with her, claiming that we were taking him away from her. She would say nasty things about me to him on the phone and once when he tried to stick up for me and tell her what she said wasn't true, she told him that was very mean of him because it meant he doesn't love her (the BM) anymore. Basically she made him choose between me and her. She fought us tooth and nail about the custody agreement (which was basically JOINT custody, us as custodial parents). She refused to sign any documents and had to be served by the local Sheriff's department. Because of her lack of involvement the judge awarded us custodial custody of my SS. At this time he was in Kindergarten and we started noticing that although he had done well at the beginning of the year, the last half of the year was rough for him behavior wise.
In January of 2005 we found out we'd be having another child. We started looking for a bigger house, found one, and moved (Fall 2005)... making sure to notify the BM of the new address, phone number, etc. before we even moved in the house! She would call and be civil with me, which I appreciated for my SS's sake, but I found out when she spoke to him she was still stirring the pot of shit. She wanted to send his birthday presents (since we moved the day after his birthday) to the new house and I said that would be fine because we were having the post office hold our mail until we were settled. Presents never came and my SS was obviously upset. What 6 year old wouldn't be? She said she'd send them with Christmas presents and that never happened either. At this point he started to get upset with her and though he wouldn't confront her about his feelings, he told us he wasn't believing her anymore because "she always lies" to him.
This went on until the first of February 2006 when she just stopped calling. We went about 2 weeks without hearing from her, tried to call her, and the number was disconnected. We also had no current address for her. We waited for her to call and she never did. Things with my SS had slowly been getting worse and at this point they escalated drastically! He was impossible to deal with. He began lying uncontrollably about EVERYTHING. Even if you sat there and watched him do something, he would lie about it. He was acting out more at school (1st grade) and the teacher was getting frustrated with his behavior. He was acting out at home and constantly causing arguments either between us and himself, or my husband and myself. He had, as I said, issues with lying, following directions, respecting others and their property (including adults, peers, and himself!) We also had issues with staring. I'm a very "busty" woman and can honestly say I NEVER wear provocative clothing. Jeans and T-shirts are my wardrobe of choice, but we were starting to have problems with him staring at my breasts, crotch, etc., especially when you were trying to talk to him. I told him how uncomfortable and dirty it made me feel and he purposely continued anyways. All this (and much more) continued on for nearly a year. Things financially were getting tight for us (as BM was providing NO support whatsoever!). My husband and I were constantly having arguments not only about the finances but also about my SS. My husband was working 2 jobs so I was left with 2 children and an infant all day long. My SS was of no real help, in the sense that he was continually causing problems which made it hard for me to manage all 3 kids. Every night I was consulting my husband about my SS's behaviors that day and expressing my difficulties and frustrations to him. On NUMEROUS occasions I asked for help from him and his responses were always: "I don't know what to do" or "I'll think of something." In the end he was always telling me to wait. Wait until he thinks of something. Wait long enough and it will get better. Someday he will look back and appreciate all I've done for him.
In September 2006 my husband decided he'd 'had enough' and was going to leave me. I was going to keep my SS for a couple of weeks until my husband got living arrangements lined up for them but that never worked out. When my SS got wind of what was happening he was THRILLED (I wish I could say I'm exaggerating) that they wouldn't be living here anymore. Needless to say my children and myself were devastated. I had to move back to my hometown (out of state) and stay with my parents because I couldn't handle the house, bills, etc., on my own (my husband wasn't providing financial support at the time). I was a full-time SAHM turned struggling single mom. After moving to live with my parents I was able to get a very good job at a bank working to support my children, my husband started sending half his paycheck twice a month to help support us, and I managed to keep our mortgage out of foreclosure, etc.
In all, we ended up being separated about 6 months, during which time he developed a relationship outside our marriage in plain view of my SS. My husband wanted to work things out and I gave him the ultimatum of ending it with his current GF or we were finished for good. He immediately ended the relationship, moved away from her, and finally began trying to repair things between us.
Spring of 2007 brought us back together after much needed communication and various meetings. All the while, I hadn't seen my SS since they'd left. When I did see him he seemed very happy to be living with us again. My husband was soon shipped out for military training after our getting back together and things really weren't TOO bad while he was gone (5 months). I got my SS into counseling which didn't go so well. He met weekly with his counselor for a little more than 2 months but we had to end it because of his behavior with the counselor. He enjoyed the games and playing they did, but when she tried to get him to open up he would either flat out refuse to answer by saying "I don't know" or he would fabricate stories and things that had never really happened. He even told me (at 8 years old) that he didn't think she was helping because all they did was play games. I asked him to at least give her a chance and he notified me that he didn't want to and that when she asked questions he was just going to lie to her anyways. In September 2007 my husband returned home. We had just ended counseling and things were 'okay' for awhile. We had gotten my SS into soccer which he turned out to be very good at! The stipulation was he get his grades back up (surprising as he's a very good student, very intelligent) and keep them up. He was also to work on his attitude and the concept of 'respecting others'. And I must make it clear here that he has absolutely NO problems whatsoever with understanding these concepts and ideas. He knows what's right and what's wrong, yet he continually decides to do things that aren't proper and he cannot offer an explanation of why he's made those choices.
Here it is the following February (2008). He's 9 years old (will be 10 this fall) and we still can't get him to consistently display the acceptable behaviors he very easily displayed at ages 4 and 5. With 2 other small children in the home this greatly concerns me.
My daughter (now 4) is in preschool and has been displaying attitude issues. She is very independent (as I always have been) and I don't see her behavior as being a problem... yet. I'm just afraid that should she continue to be influenced by my SS she may adapt some of his behaviors.
I also have a little boy (now 2) who is prone to frequent fits of screaming, throwing things, as well as himself, etc. We try so very hard to keep the smaller 2 out of the picture when we have discussions with my SS (which tends to be often), but at those times I can tell they begin to feel left out and want to act out for attention.
What I'm looking for is advice that anyone can offer from their personal experiences.
1. I'm in fear of my younger children adapting my SS's behaviors.
2. I'm concerned for my SS's well being, in terms of his social and educational development. (More on this to follow.)
3. I worry about these issues coming between my husband and I again.
4. I'm very worried that we are reaching a point of no salvation for my SS's and my relationship.
He's been letting school assignments slip on purpose for no reason. His last one was almost 2 weeks overdue and took both of us, my husband and I, and his teacher riding him to get him to finish it! He currently has one large project that is due in 2 days and he hasn't even completed half of it. He was instructed by his teacher to complete most of what's left over the weekend (this past weekend) and he did absolutely nothing. Today they had a snow day and we talked about the effects of that on his progress with the project. My husband and I have been to the point of preaching responsibility to my SS the past month or so. We told him we will not ride him to get this project done. He's on his own in terms of making sure it gets done. We always make it clear that he can come to us if he needs help, but it's his responsibility to get the ball rolling. If he needs help, he needs to speak up. He didn't seem happy to hear that. I think he was expecting us to force him to do it and I told him I refuse to force him to do it. He's old enough to know it needs to be done and if he choose not to do it, he's old enough to accept the consequences to follow. He did ask me to take him to the library shortly thereafter to pick up some research materials.
I feel very good about that small accomplishment... but I'm wanting help with everything else. I can't seem to shake this terrible feeling of not liking him. I try so hard to be as affectionate as I can possibly stomach but sometimes it's so much it makes me sick. I know we aren't any harder on him than we are on the other two, with respect for their individual ages. He's started to see that lately as my daughter is now 4 (the age he was when I met him) and he's seeing I hold her to the same expectations I held him, sometimes even higher than what I expected of him. But regardless of any of this, we still have trust and respect issues with him and I cannot seem to enjoy being around him. I don't look forward to doing things one on one with him. I don't look forward to him being involved in things that I do. And it's so bad I could be having a great day that turns to complete SHIT because I know he'll be home from school soon.
I feel like the horribly terrible evil and wicked stepmother from HELL! I do try not to show these feelings when I'm around him but of course the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. What is wrong with me? Will I ever be able to have a normal relationship with my SS? And more importantly, what can I do to further improve things in our relationship? I will tell you that my husband is aware of the tension between my SS and myself but I've never openly told him how I absolutely cannot stand to be around my SS. I'm so terrified of it driving a wedge between us again. Can anyone please help me?
Thank you!
I just wanted to note that in the past week, things have been even more frustrating! For instance, today he decided to sleep in real late and miss breakfast. He knows the rules. If you want to eat you need to get out of bed at a decent time. Then at lunch my husband calls him in and he sits down in the chair, takes one nibble from his sandwich, and then sits there staring at the wall (waiting for someone to say "what's wrong?") I ignored him and told hubby to ignore him too. The other 2 kids finish eating and get ready to go to my daughter's dance performance. My SS just sits there, now with his head all laid back staring at the ceiling. The more we progress towards leaving (completely ignoring him) the more bites he takes, still eating very slowly. He acts like I served him 'turd on rye'. It took him over 30 minutes to eat a sub sandwich. We were ready to go and he hadn't even changed his clothes yet! Needless to say, we were late. Then for the rest of the day he mopes around with his head down, doesn't speak to any of us, and when my hubby asked what his problem was he acts like we're out of our minds for thinking there was a problem. I hate this! He doesn't just run my f*$%ing life, he RUINS it.
I just want to turn in my Step-Mom badge and resign from the job. I would love to throw my hands up and say 'I quit!' but he lives with us full-time. What do I do?
Oh my....
I don't know if I have much in the way of advice to give, but I can offer support. This must be hell. I do wonder though if your ss isn't suffering from some sort of mental disorder. I am the first one not wanting to label anyone, but a lot of things kind of put a red flag up for me with what you have explained here.
I do understand completely about you disliking him/not loving him because of everything that has taken place. I have a very hard time with my ss's as well....and believe me, I loved them to pieces before all the "shit" started coming at us a couple of years soon as I was perceived as being a threat by the BM. They show no respect for anyone or anything and when they are here I insist on it. I have 2 girls here that know rules/expectations and I am not about to let 2 others come in the house and ruin two decent girls because they don't have to abide by rules at their house. The hubby and I scrap all the time over them, because although hubby knows that I am right, he just doesn't think we can change it 4 days a month....which in reality he is right.
But getting back to you and your situation. Is there anyway you can get him into another counsellor? Talk to your doctor about getting some testing done on him, explain things he does? These might not be the right answer, but I don't know what else to suggest......other than something for yourself...have a nice long bath and have hubby take care of the kids to give you a break...this must be awful for you.
Hang in there...hugs.
I have a son this age.
My son just turned ten. One thing I can say for sure is that he's too young to be totally, completely and solely responsible for his homework at this age. He needs to have a parent tell him when it's time to do the work, what it is he has to do and then check it to make sure it's complete and correct. Most schools these days use planners. A parent needs to check that planner daily and make sure he gets everything done, and done right, that he's been assigned to do. If his school doesn't use a planner, you can still go buy one for him for a couple of bucks and ask his teacher to make sure he writes his homework in it every day. His homework is his responsibility, but at this age, they are still learning what it means to be responsible. Even us, as adults, sometimes let things slide if we don't "feel like" doing them. Kids are no different. If they don't feel us breathing down their necks, they won't get it done, whether it's chores or homework.
The kid has basically been abandoned by his mother. And with every deployment, he gets temporarily "abandoned" by his father. My DH is retired military and our son's behavior was always at it's worst during deployments, even though he still had me. Your SS lost his mother and even though she wasn't necessarily a good mother, she was still HIS mother. No kid wants to grow up knowing their mother is a POS. Plus your SS has had to deal with his dad not being around for long stretches at a time. On top of that, he's left with YOU and maybe he does pick up on the way you feel about him. It's tough. Not to make excuses for him, but I can see where this acting out is coming from. It's not your fault, your husband's fault or even his fault. It's just a rotten situation that you're all in.
There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned knock-down-drag-out to clear the air of tension. Have you ever sat down with your SS alone and talked to him about his feelings of abandonment? Have you ever told him that you're sorry his mother dumped him and that his dad has had to be gone a lot, but that he could still have YOU as a parent if only he'd treat you better? I agree with Corie. One therapist didn't get through, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. I would make an appointment with a child psychologist, because there may be other components that don't seem obvious. Whether this is an emotional issue (abandonment), a mental issue (learning disability) or physical issue (chemical imbalance), a child psychologist would be able to help you get to the root cause of these behaviors and help you find strategies for changing them in the future and coping with them for now.
In the meantime, I would seriously look at self-esteem boosters for this kid. There has to be something he does well or is interested in that you and your DH could emphasize with him as a way of boosting his self-esteem and self-confidence. It sounds like he's "wallowing" in self-pity rather than trying to overcome the crap that his life has thrown at him.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
Fake it?
Can you possibly pretend every morning that you are meeting your SS for the first time and are excited to have him around and in your life? that you don't know his normal reactions and just assume he will do what you expect of him? that maybe he has no idea of what is expected so remind him, every day, anew? Can you 'fake' caring, loving, wanting him, until you make it? Sometimes I do this, it is just pretend in my head but it helps if you just start over every day.
It does sound like he is feeling sorry for himself, but he is still very young. He needs someone to love him, for real. And I don't mean to be rude but I got so mad reading about your DH, he needs to support you more and be more involved too-! it is his son, he needs to step into the fray.
I am glad you found us - pull up a chair and stay awhile!
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
I was doing a similar
I was doing a similar tactic, kept on reminding my self that one more year and he'll be 18. He knows he's time's running out and he's mustering all hate-the-bad-stepdad campaign to drive me out the house.
He won, I am about to leave my family of whom I work hard and fought for hard to keep intact and together. I am just getting all my things ready and I should be out in a week's time.
My advise.
Concern 1 = monkey see/monkey do - it will and has in my experience that bad behaviors are learned just by association. Your Bkids will also learn bad behaviors from childhood friends, etc.
Concern 2 = I understand that you have been the primary parent to this child, but he is not yours, Dad has got to lay down some rules. It is so hard to have blended families especially when there is always an outsider. Skid probably thinks that BM went away because of him. ? .
Concern 3 = The difference in parenting SS will eventually come between you and your husband. Parenting is a two-way street. It has appearantly already has come between you. Your husb, being in the military should hold childs behavior to a more strict standard, or anyway, he should.
Concern 4 = You can't worry about a relationship with him, be the parent and everything else will fall in place, you definantly don't want to be his friend. That will never work !!
That's my thoughts on your concerns, hope you stay in this forum, I really had wished that it was available to me years ago.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
in response to moody boys
i sympathize. i too have a SS12 and a young daughter 10 months old. this boy is moody, emotionally maniupulative, he feels his father's guilt and uses that to his advantage. he plays the 'poor me' card too often and has every adult except me, wrapped around his finger. my advice to you is to try your best to detach from this kid. stop caring how much he eats, whether he does his homework or not, etc. THESE are not your problems. your only concern should be for your kids right now. and as long as SS isn't posing any life or death dangers to your kids, you can STILL get the message across to YOUR children that certain behaviors are unacceptable. the more you detach, the more you will feel better. this kid's behavior is eating at you and i suspect it's because he knows he can get away with it. let him. and then let his father deal with the consequences. this is going to be my strategy with SS12. i have certain rules in my house: clean up after yourself as i am NOT your maid, don't talk back to me, don't lie to me and be respectful and kind to your younger half-sister. the rest: i don't give two shits about. i don't care if he fails school and i don't care if he starves because he turns his nose up at absolutely EVERYTHING that i prepare for him. i suggest that once you try this: you will feel liberated. at the end of the day: he really isn't your responsibility. be kind and respectful toward him, but stop trying. really. focus on your kids and let his father worry about his son. good luck my friend.
Step mom as well
I love your thinking, my husband and I fight alot due to his daughter, she is 16 soon to be 17. i am trying this advice now, it is so hard though. she will do things tha she knows will piss me off cause seh knows i have no use for her. she does shit that bothers me and i tell my hubby and of course he does not care. ex: showering daily when she knwos that is a no no. for one there are 5 of us and we all do everyother, the price of oil is $330 per month and i am the only one working. do you know why she does to aggravate me. has he said ne thing this week, nope. i told him every morning and still no word, all because he does not want a fight with her. he does not think it is important. well when we have no heat or water cause she takes a 25 min shower everymornig, oh not to mention all because she died her hair black and she does not like it, trying to wash it out. ahhhh. i have not said ne thing about school in months that is his thing, my son and step son will get good grades, her who cares she will be a senior next year if she is a loser like BM oh well. and that is the thing she will be. so why even bother trying ne more, the last 2 years has been hard. her and i have been fighting since aug of 07 almost daily. last weekend was the last straw. my unconditional love is for my son not her she just burned the whole bridge down. her lose. she will see that i love her bro and my son and her well she will go soon enough. your advice does make me feel better, this is what i want to do and now i have the courage to do it. let her do as she pleases, why do i care. I DON'T!
Right on
I'm so refreshed to hear this comment, usually the advice is to swallow your frustrations and try to make friends with the SS kid anyway, but you know what? sometimes I honestly don't want to give 2 shits about the damn kid cus it is the father's responsibility, why should i have to shoulder the burden of repairing this kids's emotional f-ups when he has bio father living in the house?? leave it to the dad, don't worry about it, or you become toxic
. I almost feel bad for saying that, i have always wanted to be a person who helps others but dang, sometimes i do feel toxic, and angry that his own dad doesn’t look into this more.
A response to moody boys: no more "try harder"
I also have two SS, 12 & 10. The 12 yo (soon to be 13) is arrogant,obsessive and manipulative little boy who has everyone wrapped around his fingers. His melodramatic overacting and exagerated truths mean that he gets everything his way. He is lazy, demanding and has a disregard for any relationship that exists outside of his direct sphere. His arrogant behaviour means he has very few friends and so is always at home. He doesn't go anywhere unless he is driven there. He throws tantrums if there is something he doesn't like. He uses his grandmother to fight all his battles for him, including any disciplinary actions that are laid on him. He is the master of getting things his way. He lies, doesn't clean up/ pick up after himself. He doesnt listen to any rule of the house unless there is a direct consequence for misbehaviour i.e do "that" and you loose "a computer game". My husband and I fight whenever they are with us. I hate them coming into my home and taking over. I used to put so much effort into cooking for the 2 SSs to find that it would be snubbed "I don't like it". I would feel devastated that I couldn't please. Since marrying my husband and having to deal with this Skid, I have been diagnosed with depression and stress and have sat with two counsellors to help me "adjust" or "develop stratergies". None have worked. I hate my step son and wish I never see him again.
I am sick of hearing the "suck it up and deal with it" approach. I am fed up with the "you have to try harder" and "you knew what you were getting yourself into" statements. Well I didn't, not to this extent. No-one truly knows until they are in it and have to face every demon that comes out of the closet AFTER you are married. It's not my fault their parents got divorced and it's not my fault the consent orders state that he gets bundled from one family home to another every alternate weekend. That family unit is over and a new family unit is beginning. Put all your energies into the new family unit and let the old one to the original members to deal with. Put yourself and your Bio Kids first.
DETACHMENT is the way forward for me (at least until he is of legal age and then he will not live with us anymore). HE IS NOT MY kid and so I don't have to worry about him eating, his school work or his behaviour outside of my home. My husband and I have gone through simple house rules and both agree that the boy has to follow these. I do not cook for him anymore and if I do cook, I don't care if he eats it.
Put yourself first...Good luck, we both have a long journey ahead of us.
i want to emphasize that your relationship with your hubby will resist breakdown if you leave his kid out of the mix. he will sense your detachment and initially be relieved, but eventually will come to appreciate your past efforts and begin to want them back. by then, it may be too late. but in the end, your own dignity and sanity will be in tact. and if he gives you trouble for 'not caring', tell him: 'when i DID care, i was judged and criticized for it. make up your fucking mind.'
buy the book: The Enlightened StepMom: Revolutionizing the Role. This book states how to be a good step mom WITHOUT being stepped on.
I agree with....
Step-witch and Moody cannot all be on your they say you cannot be on top of the world if you carry the world on your back. Worry about your kids, get SS into a different counslor and forget the guilt, he sees it, he feels it and he will and is playing on it...My SS loves to see me and BF fight and will do anything to make that happen...don't let him.....
take a bath and get some wine, and don't forget to lock the door.
Step Mom
I am feeling as the first mom does with my 16, soon to be 17 year old SD. I can not stomach her. she acts like she is 12 most of the time, she lives with us for 2 years now, and just starting acting like this at the end of this last summer. I think that like most kids that do not have their "mother" in the pic are just trying to get attention, good or bad. do they not know that they get as much as we can spare with other kids involved as well as them? it is infuriating. unfortunatly unconditional love does not go for step kdis and I know with my experiance that the bridge is about burned down. 7 years and now out of the blue i am the bitch. she is jealous of me and my husband which to me is just sick. they are 2 diff kinds of relationships how can they be compared? I resent her like her mother and that is sad cause at one time we were close and now i like to say i hate her. she is miserable so she makes everyone in the house like her. i have a SS that is 15 her full brother and I love him like my own. how can this be? he is so unlike her i assume he is more like his father and that is why. she is a friendless, selfish, manipulative child. she purposely lies to me to make me mad, upset, etc any emotion just to do it. I suggest to all step mothers that have younger step kids to nip it in the butt now, do not give them the attention they want, do not beg for them to get ready, leave them. enough time with doing that and they will smarten up, do not go out of your way for them, ect until they respect you. i did it all backwards gave her everything like a friend and then got the shit end of the deal. she now expects it. her loss i do not even talk to her now. i will to until she sees what i do for her, shelter, food, ect. her father does not work in the winter so i literally have been doing all this. how can she not see it?
Need advise ASAP
Similar situation here. I am a father of two wonderful babies, a girl of 4 yo and a baby boy of 3 yo. I am also a stepdad of three teens, 16 yo boy, 15 yo girl, and a 13 yo boy. The oldest was and still is the source of all our major relationship ordeals. Since from the beginning he kept a mentality that since he's not my blood that he shouldn't hear nothing from me, and I kept on instilling on him that since I'm one of the adults and parents in the house, I have the right to make decisions and that all of us will have to follow and respect house guidelines. I always thought that I will never have the capacity for so much hatred, he has proven me wrong constantly. He's very much self-centered, conniving, manipulative,constantly lies, doesn't respect house rules much, and extremely lazy with house chores. He feels that he's being punished when sent out to do his laundry, he hurts himself when grounded, like taking phone privilege will cause him to bang his head against the wall, or scratched/cut himself and file a police report againts me which he admitted that he did it because he was mad at me and two officers and another higher ranking officer came into my house and talked to me and told me that they just can't believe his story. A social worker did and almost took my babies away from me. He hurt both of my babies by burning them in the arm, burn marks the size of a quarter coin, cops told me they look like rub-burns (whatever rub-burn means). This morning he kept on playing gang music really loud filled with so much obsceneties and filths while the babies were watching cartoons, my stepdaughter tried to make him stop but he just shut her up and I have to go and told him to please use earphones or something. Here lies the problem, my wife protects this attitude with all might, whenever I tried to talk to her about my stepson for something she'll get so defensive and start a real bad arrgument that I just hate his son that's why I couldn't stop noticing him and his mistakes. Her son knows this and he uses this to his advantage. My wife and I had a real bad argument last night and from there he never stopped fueling the fire ever since. This made my step daughter mad and tried to talk to her mom, but mom is 100 percent behind her son. I am done, I am living this house as soon as I can. I would like to save my self so I could save the rest of the family (my kids, my other stepkids, and my wife if she's willing). These are just samples of my daily routine with this kid (a year more and he's basically a legal-work capable, able adult but I just cant see that from happening ever!). Anybody out there please advise.
I wish I had the answer for you - that is terrible! I wanted to say take his stuff and throw him out of your house but I guess you can't do that if he is not 18 yet? I have to say, maybe you should leave! if your wife won't support you in this. There doesn't seem to be an answer if she is determined to let him rule the household! sorry dear
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
Have you thought about some
Have you thought about some kind of Job corp placement, there are some out there that will take them when they are 16. They will help him with school and job training.
Say what??
OMG 16 or not I'd kick his ass!! I think your wife needs to open her eyes and see what she raised. If my child ever touched one of his younger brothers or sisters and did that to them he'd be in juvie so fast his head would spin. That's child abuse and at 16 he's old enough to be charged for it. Sounds like the kid needs some 'tough love' or to be locked up for a couple of nights.
look into military school
to frustrated stepdad
my heart breaks for you. i don't know what to tell you. if you leave, will you lose custody of your babies? if you stay, what kind of danger do you put them in with this hostile teenager under same roof? please consider giving her an ultimatum: 'i've made us a counslling appointment on _____ at __ oclock. this is for us both in order to work out our differences and get a chance at solving our problems. please agree to go, for our family.' if she refuses to go, consider leaving with your biokids. this will be hard, but use the police reports of abuse towards you bio toddlers as proof of danger in the household as long as that out of control little dirtbag continues to live there. he needs to be sent away (i agree with grammyto4) to some sort of school. or, he needs counselling. but either way, i woudl worry about the safety of your small children. be very careful to NEVER leave them alone with this teenager. NEVER. i don't want to alarm you, but molestation and sexual abuse could be just around the corner.
Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.
thanks for replying folks.
Thank for replying folks. Me and the wife had some serious talks after our most recent argument. I simply told her that I'm done and I'm leaving in a weeks time. I'll leave the babies to her care if she quits her job and work graveyard instead coz I want her watching over my babies the whole time her son's around. And that if her son ever bring drugs in the house, I will be taking my babies away from her or from that environment. We reflected on everything, the day we started, and how we started our family. She was weeping, admitted her faults and begged me for forgiveness and I did the same thing. She made some serious promises of changes. She begged me to give things one final chance. I know I just placed my self in harm's way but I love my woman and I have babies future to look forward to.
Child Custody, don't leave the babies in that house!!!
NOOO, don't leave the babies, take them with you! If you leave the house and leave the babies, the court won't favor you for custody, take them with you; don't leave them in that dangerous house. How could you leave and let the babies stay with hostile Teen, mom can't be watching over them 24 /7 plus she thinks her Terrible Teen is an Angel incapable of harm, you know better????? Come on dad! Arrange a baby sitter, do it how another single mom does every day, you can do it for the future of your BABIESSSSS, or you will lose them (PS- child support sucks)
i'm glad you talked....
i hope she's sincere about making changes. i am curious as to what these changes will involve? i hope it involves dealing with this toxic teenager? he's too young to kick out on his own, but there must be a way to control him. i think if the two of you could appear to him as a 'united front' you will be pleasantly surprised to find his power diminishing. the fact that he senses that his mother and you are not a team, he doesn't respect you. perhaps now, once he witnesses this new team approach, he will. as for your babies, again, how can you be sure your wife will never leave them alone with him? i am worried for you and your chldren. i am sending healing thoughts and good energy to you and your family.
Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.
Step son comes between us always
I seem to have similar issues with being a step parent as most. I try to be good to my husbands son but it seems that the more I do the more my husband wants. He seems to want me to be the mother to his son and take care of him in every way - clean his room, wash his clothes, make sure he has fun (since his BM has made him fear his father), make the meals etc. I moved 600 miles away from my family and have no one here. His parents started on the wrong foot with me - telling me tha I was no one and all that mattered was how the child felt. While I understand I am the adult in this relationship where do they get off trying to make me feel like I am insignificant. I am the one that made sacrifices so that my husband could still be with his son (he sees him every other weekend and one night a week - if the ogre allows him to). My stepson I have known since he was six and now he is eleven. He has some pretty gross habits that to be quite honest make it hard to get close to him and love him (not that he lets me after six years - his mother told him that I want to kidnap him...mind you I have met her once and that was good enough for me.) He picks his nose and eats it, chews his nails down to nothing as well as his toe nails, sucks his thumb (now has buck teeth)...twirls his hair when he is bored or uptight..always lies even when it seems like he is telling the truth - he ends up contradicting himself. The worst though is that he is very good at manipulating...his father thinks he is the best son cause he will pray when he is asked to, says thank you etc. - he seems to say all the right things when he knows his father is listening (that is the fear he has of him - I know this because my stepson has told me). When he sees his father and I getting along - hugging etc..talking in the kitchen he has to run in and do something to get his attention or even mine. At the start you feel you need to help this child but you try and it gets worse or he hides his trueself for a while and then starts he sneaks pick his nose or sucking his thumb because he knows I am watching. So I mention these things to his father and I get why are you trying to come between us...I'm not for the record but I gave up friends, family to be here with him so that he could be closer to his son...why the hell am I taking care of his kid and he plays with him only and ignores real issues that require attention. I finally have told him he nees to be a father not a friend..and that my stepson is not my son and I will no longer take care of him..that is his responsibility. So for all of you out there that wonder how can an adult hate a child well there are many reasons...a child of 10 can take ownership of his behavior - they are not as innocent as one would like to believe. Don't you remember what you were like at that age? Well think to this day and age, times have changed - kids do things that back then we would never have why not. Do I hate my stepson, no, do I resent him, hell yes, but I also resent my husband for always putting me second. Children don't always come first in a two parent home, sometimes they are told no, and the parents need to put themselves first. How is it that guilt drives the split parent and child syndrome. It's not just hard on a child in this situation, it's hard on the adult..for once stop thinking that it's just hard on them. It's just as hard on step parents..we are the ones sacrificing, compromising, sacrificing and compromising some more. My stepson, gets what he wants at his moms, gets two Christmases (not anymore I won't allow it since we try to see him and he refuses says he wants to be with his mom - so too bad)gets two birthdays, gets pretty much two of everything...and who bears the brunt of this? Step parents. Not the children they snag money, gifts etc..and if you think for one second that is not important to them...sit back and listen to them a little you would be surprised..they know what's happening and will milk it for all it's worth. Do I treat my step son poorly no. I always am nice with him..but my relationship is suffering with my husband, If my birthday lands on his sons time, I suffer, no my husband doesn't switch the day...I have to spend valentine's day with his son (he's not my son - while this may be normal for some it's not for me...I need my time that is just about the two of us) anniversaries - not our own...- nothing for once people take a look at the other side of the coin...yes children hurt but there are some that play it well...
Very frustrated step parent.
my oh my....
sounds like you and i have ALOT in common. i have a 12 yo SS and a 9 month bio daughter with my hsuband. SS is very much like yours. ihave caught him wiping his snot on stuff and refusing to shower, wash, etc. he is emotionally playing all the adults in his life (so subtly however, that his own father can't pick up on it, but i can) and he has recently told me he wishes he were an 'only' child so he could get ALL the attention and MORE stuff. i almost flipped. i have stood on my head for this kid and i just CANNOT feel close to him. why? not because i haven't tried. at 12 i believe you can (like you pointed out), take responsibility for your behaviors and attitudes and stop playing the 'poor me' card. the buck stops with me. i have since decided to ignore him and his sulky face and remind myself that this is MY house and MY life. i get NO support from his father b/c his dad thinks everyone in the world is mean to his son and picks on his kid. i told him that with an attitude like that, you are setting your kid up for a very, very, hard life. you are building a 'victim' from teh ground up.
you can't control what others think/do, but you can with yourself. disengage and stop caring. refuse to cater to this kid, don't cook for him and don't clean up after him. require respect in your presence and the rest: well, who gives a sh*t? take care of yourself first. and if someone asks why you seem disinterested in your SS, tell them this: "when i DID care, when i DID take an interest, it was not only NOT reciprocated, but i was judged unfairly. so i've decided to not put myself in that very precarious position anymore." you have feelings too, you matter too. not just this child. i am so tired of everyone tiptoeing around the skids feelings and how they are handling things and not ONCE asking how the stepparent is doing in all this.
since no one will do this for you, you must do it for yourself. i did. and it works wonderfully. it also removes my SS's power over the situation. b/c he knows he cannot get away with that stuff with me.
good luck...
Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.
Frustrated step parent
I feel for you. Sounds like yours is worse. Not that there is a competition..haha...
You seem to get more attitude from your step child...while mine is devious in the sense that he pretends to be a saint and then doesn't call his dad, doesn't want to spend time with him if a holiday or birthday lands on his dads weekend or excuses get made. Anyways I know you are right, ignore it and live my life..the problem is I moved here (all my family and friends are back home - pretty far away) because of my husband wanting to be closer to his son...and as much as I do love my husband...nothing has changed in 6 years or the three that I have been here...his son still plays these games. He's just better at it..and I keep hearing (just this morning) why can't you be the adult...
I do feel bad sometimes... but then I think but I am human too and while he is living his life over with his mom and just visiting life is on hold in most areas because it is all about I don't see my family very often, I miss out on my nieces and nephews growing up and wanting to hang out with me, hugs and kisses from them (God forbid my stepson show any affection for me in any way)...
I admire your determination. Even though he has no power over me, the fact that his father doesn't see it and will not make any decisions without thinking of him first makes me feel like my life is on hold...and in most cases it feels like it.
Good luck to you. I am just taking one day at a time...and this weekend he is with us...summer is coming and that is when most of our problems start...haha..
Don't quit yet
Well just let me start by saying I have a 9 yr BS and some of the things your saying about your SS are ringing familiar. Let's start with the homework...boys are notorious dreamers...they'd rather be doing anything but homework. I constantly have to be on my son to get his done too. I just refuse to do it for him....but I will nag him and make him sit there until it's done. At 9 I don't think they are reasonable enough to figure out they have to do this stuff. Lying well there's another son is the same as your SS he makes things up to lie about sometimes, I have no idea why, I just chalk it up to their imagination....what a kid! I know you've tried I will make a suggestion....simply because it's helped my son....he's been in taekwondo for 3 years now....and let me tell you they don't let him get away with any of the crap! They teach the kids discipline, respect for adults and siblings...and most of all self respect and self worth. Sometimes that's all kids to feel like they are worth something. From the sound of what he went through with his BM I doubt he felt that way there. Even though he wasn’t that old they do remember. Could be a lot of his problems stem from her from the things you were saying. The ‘teen’ years are coming so now is the time to try and help him…once they hit those years forget it!
Don't quit yet....
I agree it is his home life that is the problem but no matter how much we reach out to him he pushes us away. He plays his father to get whatever he wants...he would come here and cry all the time if he didn't want to eat at home ...he always wants to go out for dinner...or he didn't get what he wanted or go out to the movies etc...until I got here and noticed this pattern for about a year...and I just lost it ...I pulled him aside (my husband was there) and told him enough, eat what is on your plate and you will go to bed when it is time for bed, your tears will not work here. He still tries it but it doesn't work..
The lies he makes up are not imagination, he lies about if they have moved further away (which they did and my husband didn't know- he was asked point blank and lied to our faces), never says sorry, blames everyone else for something he has done, tells his dad yes I want to come on a holiday and then when we plan he says no I don't want to I want to be with my friends or cousins, it's not fun with you.
Now I understand that this is his upbringing but he is turning 12 in two months, if we always use the excuse that he is young or he needs guidance (which by the way we try but he is only visiting here, doesn't living with us) it doesn't work, he starts to cry or looks off into space to ignore us. He is far gone. And to be quite honest, I don't have the time or the desire to help him...he doesn't want it, I try and he pushes me to hell with it..I have family I miss and each day I stay here I resent him even more as well as my one wants to see that this child requires help, professional help, except for me, but I am not his mom and his mom is well, I can't use the word. I know so many people in split relationships that don't have children that go through this and exhibit the normal behavior that you mentioned in your son. But this I must say goes beyond and I think unless someone helps him and not a parttime step mom he is going to grow up with some real issues and miss out on being with a wonderful man - his father.
He is already at the stage of going beyond help because he only listens to his mom. He told me at Christmas (which we had to wait until two days before to find out that she would let him come for 5 hours only because he wanted to be with his cousins not his dad)that he fears his dad and not his mom, he likes his mom. For the record my husband is a nice guy, he just is more rigid than she is, he will tell his son to stop a behavior or not buy him that toy...but her method of parenting is let the child do what he wants....
I explained to him in my home they are my rules not hers.
Sorry I run off at the mouth, well because living this is frustrating, I have no control over anything and I am about ready to call it quits and move back where my family appears to be much more sane (if that is possible in any family)..haha
Thanks for the response.
i like the idea about enrolling a child
into some type of organized activity. however, when you have a moody spoiled SS like i do, who gets more choices at 12 than i do at 38 (all adults involved feel guilty so let him get away with whatever he wants), i can predict he will choose 'not' to enrol. he has no interest in activities except for surfing the net and playing video games. if I were his parent, i would tell him: you WILL be enrolling in something, now, you get the choice of 'which' activity. but you will NOT just sit around and eat chips and play video games all day on the net.
Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.
I like the idea about enrolling a child....
Moody blue, are you sure you don't know my step son..haha...all he wants to do is eat fried and fatty foods and play video games. Anytime he is enrolled in something (by his mom because he decides he wants to) he drops out because it was too expensive. I remember when he was taking violin lessons which didn't last long by the way, he turned to his dad and said why can't you buy me the stuff I need, it's not like you spend money on me. OH boy did I let him have it...and then he dropped out. He gets a pet, then they move so they get rid of the dog, then a few days later realize they want a dog and instead of getting the old dog back they get a new one, I asked why and he said well ...well..well..(as I see the wheels turning) cause I wanted a new one. They have two cats, one dog right now, an iguana...
And when he loses interest he gets rid of the animal gets a new one or drops out of whatever he enrolled in.....
If he was my kid yes I would not allow it and I agree I would make him do something better than sitting on his lazy little butt playing video games..
He can't even open up a water bottle, he says it is too hard. I told him then he's going to be pretty thirsty cause we aren't going to open it for him..haha...
Your SS and mine must be related..haha
Frustrated and tired.