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Ready to walk away- help

SM again's picture

I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do. I feel like I am ready to walk away from the most wonderful man I have ever had the honor of being with. He is a guilty dad....yes I know this and try to understand. But I've had it with him choosing her over me all the time. I know kids come first, as mine do too. But I never make my fiancé feel like he comes second. I have been planning my finance 40th bday surprise party for almost a year. It falls on a sat and I wanted to make it a.special day for him. He threw me a whopper of one for my 38th ..catered, band, the whole 9 yards. So I've been so looking forward to throwing him a whopper! He tells me he is picking up his daughter for his bday! I'm like, what!? It's not our weekend with the kids first of all, secondly why can't he get her Sunday for the day if he wants to spend some birthday time with her? He should know I would want to do something for his birthday sat night. We always do. I'm so upset. I tell him how i am just pushed aside and he tells me that birthdays are so special to SD10 and hes not going to deny her time with him for his bday. This always seems to be the case. It's it's his time with her, that's it. It's her time, no one else matters. I've had it. He told me he felt guilty because we didn't plan to take the kids with us on our honeymoon! Are you freaking kidding me! I love my girls to pieces and they are my world, but I sure the heck want adult time and special time with my partner. I am so ready to call it quits. Please help. Am I being irrational or am I justified in feeling crappy like i am 2nd choice all the time?

ownedbypedro's picture

You're all correct - men are NOT mind readers. But I don't understand WHAT THE HELL HAPPENS to these men when the skids are around...

my dh once COMPLETELY IGNORED me for FOUR DAYS because his son was visiting from college (the older one - the good one that I actually can stand). He said "well M****** is here". I told him I don't care if the Pope and the President is here, I am your WIFE and you do NOT IGNORE ME! He didn't get it.

Bio father's picture

i agree with all of this because I'm guilty as well but if my fiance asked me not to make plans, I would not or I would go to lunch with fiance and the kids and after that, it'll only be the two of us. I would never feel guilty about not taking kids on a honeymoon, is he crazy?

SM again's picture

Thanks for the advise, I did Spell it out to him completely the other night with almost ending things. He said he didn't realize how important this was to me and didn't think much of it. Of course, right. Got to hit them in the head! Anyways, hopefully things will get better and better as we communicate more. I'm always the one that crawls into my shell and he always tries to talk about it. I told him I would try to communicate better if he promises to make himself available for those important events that we as a couple desperately need to have together, such as birthdays, anniversaries..etc. I told him if we continue to just live for our kids and don't have those special moments/memories what kind of relationship will we have left once the kids are raised and gone. I said..nothing. We will be sitting there looking at each other like what do we do now. This is not easy and I'm so glad to have found this site to vent and get advise from those that know exactly what I'm going thru.