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Not ready for the weekend...

confusedsm03's picture

So I made dinner yesterday, especially for the kids. My DD was super excited to see an "octopus hotdog" with goldfish crackers swimming around here plate...SS just whine and yelled about most of it. I thought I was making the night easy by making such a dinner, but I was wrong...and he didn't like it. As he was whining about the mustard eyes and how he didn't want it cut that way, I stood next to DH and said "well, I'm really glad I put out the effort now". DH says to ignore him. Fast foward as I left for an hour for a school event for DD, DH is getting ready to take SS home. DH asks SS where he got his sweater (I asked too but SS doesn't speak to me) and he yells " It's mommy's! MOMMY GAVE IT TO ME!". I looked at DH and said if DD spoke that way, she would get spoken to. He said "What?" I said are you stinkin kidding me? He is yelling! He is ALWAYS yelling. DH disagrees! He is so out there that he doesn't even hear yelling?! This makes sense though on why DH doesn't see my irritation. He doesn't see SS whining, crying and complaining as anything. He thinks it's his normal tone of voice and just to ignore him. I'm sorry but I'm tired of the FOUR YEAR OLD yelling at me, as that is what it is regardless of what DH says. I think maybe this weekend, I will re-engage myself with a firm foot. Maybe it will help DH see how much he yells at DD and not SS, or maybe just how rude SS really is to me if I'm correcting him every time he yells at me. I already know this weekend is going to suck bc Thursdays are always the what the heck?! I might as well make my presence known in my own home.

confusedsm03's picture

lol if you cut the bottom portion of the hotdog, it will have 8 "legs" which will make it look like an octopus and stand up nicely on a plate of shell pasta, mustard for the eyes, and goldfish crackers swimming around Smile

alwaysanxious's picture

that's cute!

As for your approach to the weekend. I've been there too. If you are going to get shit on, might as well make it work the effort. Its a skid weekend for me too.