New blended family
This is quite a long and difficult story so I'm going to make it as short as possible. My fiancé and I found out that he had a 9 year old daughter that he never knew about last summer. My step daughters mother contacted my fiancé on Facebook to say hello when he saw pictures of his daughter on her page. They had a one night stand back in high school and when she said she was pregnant he went and got a paternity test but she refused to do it claiming there were 3 other possible fathers. After he got the test done she never returned his phone calls and moved out of state. She had another baby almost 3 years later and lost custody of her second child when she was only 6 months old due to a drug addiction and hasn't seen her since and the child is now 7. When she lost custody of her second child she gave her oldest to her grandfather who had her for a few years then gave her to her aunt who she lived with ever since. My step daughters mother was not consistent in her life from the time she was 3 until December of 2010 when she got out of jail and was trying to stay clean and she never lived with her. My step daughters mom moved in with her aunt where her daughter was and moved out a few months later with her then current boyfriend (which was one of the possible fathers back in the day) when she found my fiancé. He immediately went to get another paternity test and she didn't show up again the second time. Finally after a week of trying to contact her she went and the test came back at 99%. He immediately contacted a lawyer to get some kind of visitation and rights to his daughter. After only 3 months of knowing her her mom was back in jail for violating her probation to drug use and was 3 months pregnant eith her 3rd child. She has a pretty big criminal record and my step daughter has been juggled around to different families her whole life. She now lives with my fiancé and I full time and he now has full custody. This has been a very difficult time for us and for my step daughter. She is now doing very well and is happy with living with us and being in a stable environment. From the first time she met my fiancé she started to call him daddy. We have gotten pretty close with her aunt and uncle who raised her most of her life and they told me that she really needs a strong mother figure in her life. I want all of us to feel like a family since we all met each other st the same time but I don't want to upset her and have her be confused by calling me mom. She said she wants to find a nickname for me but doesn't know what it should be. When we are out in public or she is talking to other people she refers to me as her mom. Is there any kind of nickname she could call me instead of mom?
My stepkids call me by my
My stepkids call me by my first name. Maybe she could call you by yours
My sd called me "Mutti" which
My sd called me "Mutti" which is Mommy in German. My parents are Oma and Opa.
I like the suggestion of Ohma
I like the suggestion of Ohma and mutti or there's alway bonus mom but I personally like Ohma. I'm glad that she's happy and so far things are going good sounds like she's got a lot of caring people in her life.
Mamma is Italian for mother,
Mamma is Italian for mother, however, if you google Bing Translator type in Mom, Mother, or whatever it you can very, very easily translate it into a heap of other languages and maybe find one you like. eg" matka is, mother in Polish. Perhaps you could find a language that your name actually translates into and use that.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your suggestions and kind words! It really means a lot!
Ask her what she wants to
Ask her what she wants to call you and let her decide. As long as it's not offensive.
Ohma is a great idea, Mom2 or
Ohma is a great idea, Mom2 or your first name are also good ones. Have you asked her?