NEEDS ADVICE; Are these feelings im having normal?
Ok, where do I even begin with this rollar coaster. Ill try to be as breif as possible:
I am a 26 year old college graduate who just last year this time was living it up, going out everynight with friends, just having a good time. Last summer I met my now boyfiend, and he is great! What attracted me so much to him was the way he treated his children. Awesome father.
I just didnt know what I was in for. His crazy BM has made our life hell. His 6 year old daughter COULD NOT STAND ME at first, but eventually came around and wouldnt leave my side. That is until recently. BM got word that I moved in, and that my BF bought me a car and all hell broke lose. BF spanked their son at daycare so she took out a 50B on him,(felony) and child abuse charges, so his children have been taken away since December 2011, he only gets them on sundays till this is straighted out. (thats not nearly all shes done but its the lastest and most relivent)
Heres the problem: ITS ALL MY BF EVER TALKS ABOUT. Everywhere we go everywhere everyone we talk to its going to come up in conversation. It didnt bother me the first 6 weeks of it, but now im starting to get REALLY annoyed and irritated when it is brought up because all i hear is " all this is because im dating someone, everyone says she just cant let go of me" Which irriates me and makes me feel guilty. Im so sick of hearing and talking about this I could SCREAM. I know these children are his life and thats the way it should be, but I swear I feel it has consumed our lives. I didnt sign up for this and I dont want my life based around her actions. But its not fair to leave him because of how she acts.
Also need to know if this is werid: BF bought me a puppy for valentines day and told the kids it was their puppy. This crawled all over me and i dont know why. I get irritated when they come and get him from me and run all over the house with him. Both have dropped him, and it just annoys me, when he clearly wants to be with me. Its like I just want ONE thing to be mine in that house.
Am I being immature or are these feelings halfway normal or what??? please honest answers!
Oh boy, I'd sit him down and
Oh boy, I'd sit him down and tell him to let the lawyers handle it. If it's all he wants to talk about, it's going to get real old, real fast. Sounds like he's enjoying the attention speaking about this gets him.
Tell him that you are in a relationship wit him, and you don't want your relationship consumed by what BM has done, is doing, or will be doing--otherwise, you will need to take some time away from him because he's obviously not ready to have a relationship given how much this rules his life.
Sorry, it sucks. I sometimes get yelled at by FDH because he says "Stop talking about her! I don't want our relationship to revolve around what fuckface (his nickname for BM) will or will not do! I don't want to hear her name ever if it doesn't solve a problem!" when I get a little out of hand about wondering what BM is plotting.
Tell him, if there isn't anything he can do about it right now, leave it alone. The more he talks about her and lets it rule his life, the more power she has over him.
First off - when the feelings
First off - when the feelings of guilt start creeping in, make sure to tell yourself (and BELIEVE it!) that it is not YOUR fault. This type of psycho BM would have reacted the same way to ANY attempt from your BF to move on with his life.
Secondly, I would make sure that he knows how you need to have a break from all the drama. Tell him that you don't want to give BM free rent in your head space and that all this talk of her is taking away from YOU building YOUR relationship.
Thirdly, that is horrible of him to give YOU a puppy for VDay and then tell the skids that it is THEIR puppy. I would definitely tell him how you feel on that one. Ask him if he'd be happy if you bought him a gift and then told someone else that they get to share that same gift with HIM!
Wow. thank you I thought I
Wow. thank you I thought I was being totally irrational about the puppy. He didnt mean any harm by saying that to the kids about the dog, but I was just wanted to say UH NO HES ACTUALLY MINE. but how immature would that have been lol. I know hes mine and if i leave he is coming with me haha
Sometimes i feel totally trapped. I feel like this was those childrens house first, and here I am all the time trying to find my place as well. And it doesnt help that Sundays use to be OUR day together to go drink and watch football or basketball all day while his mom kept the kids, NOW our Sundays consist of kids running around the house all day. yay. I just want to leave for the day so I think im going to start, but I feel like this will hurt his feelings or make him think im pulling away, because normally im so involoved but since all this ive lost interest in being around them.
It makes sense--the children
It makes sense--the children are not there to see you so yo are not obligated to stay. He's not doing his job by being conscientious to you and your feelings.
con·sci·en·tious [kon-shee-en-shuhs, kon-see-]
1. just, upright, honest, faithful, devoted, dedicated. 2. See painstaking.
More than love, more than like, more than the butterfly feelings of dancing around in passionate love, responsibility and conscientiousness to the people in your life is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE. I cannot stress this enough.
If something doesn't feel good to you, and your BF will not do anything about it, then your only route is to disengage, which includes leaving if the children are there. But always remember to communicate with him first before you do so, so he knows where you're coming from. If he chooses not to, then you do as you see fit, be it leave the relationship, or leave when the kids come over.
This is his problem, and his inability to protect your feelings--and if he can't, then you must, so that you do not become resentful or angry. I would ask him if the puppy is yours or the kids. If it's the kids, then it is up to him and the kids to walk, feed, clean up after the dog. If it's yours, you will take care of it, but that means it is YOURS and that no one can touch it without your permission. Dropping a puppy is devastating to their bones and joints, if nothing else, for the safety of the poor thing, boundaries need to be set.
Oh we have established that
Oh we have established that the puppy is mine without a doubt, and it actually caused a bit of an argument bc he thinks im being obsessive or crazy over the puppy. He told them it was theirs bc of all the drama and stress this custody and recent event have been causing and just wanted to see them happy. I think he just said it without thinking. I am a little crazy over my pup though bc he is young and fragle. We have had other tiffs about this pup (aside from the kids) bc we just have different opionions about animals lol. He thinks a "dog is a dog" and I protect that dog like hes my baby lol. And i dont want his rough kid coming in here grabbing all over him. But I know hes not goign to ask my permission b4 he picks him up ect..
I really didnt start feeling this way towards his kids until we got this puppy. I tihnk that is what has set this off. And they arent mean to it or anything I just dont want them all over it carrying it around everywhere when he wants to be with me. I feel crazy.
You're 26. And this is
You're 26. And this is supposed to be the best/most fun time of your life. But it's not going to be, because you have to deal with a psycho BM, probably for the next 10 to 15 years. And you're going to look back when you're 40 on all the. Crap you've put up with to make the relationship work, and you're going to be sad that you threw the best years of your life away on drama that isn't even yours.
And you're going to be like, oh, but this is the bestest relationship besides the psycho BM. And you'd be right. But it's still a deal breaker.
Imagine if you got a great deal on the bestest house ever...but it's infested with rattlesnakes that you can't get rid of. Would you live in the house anyway and say its perfect besides the rattlesnakes? Or would you run away ?
That's just my two cents of course. Your. Feelings are totally normal, but if the BM is this psycho it is just going to get worse
Nah, mothering instinct. I
Nah, mothering instinct. I don't even let my FDH feed my fish, (they're a fragile species) because I will freak if anything happened to them, they really are like my babies, fat, and cute, and cuddly (if fish could ever be cuddled.) So hell no would anyone touch anything of mine without my consent.
It's a matter of principle when it comes to what is yours, especially a living animal. Puppies need quite a bit of sleep too, so until it grows to a certain age, being constantly carried and played with isn't healthy. They're really like babies.
I HEAR you loud and clear! We
I HEAR you loud and clear! We deal with a crazy BM too and it bugs me when he is checking email at night or on weekends to see if she sent any shitty emails.....her emails are always nasty and get us all worked up so it is not something we look forward to but looks like DH does
Go figure.
I was attracted to my DH for the very same reason too because he was a great father and my ex isnt....but now its ironic that that is the thing that bugs me.. he obsess over them, feels sorry for them all the time and lets them get away with stuff, makes excuses for them all because they are going back and forth and "going through a lot". Guess what kids are manipulative and they use it! But he cant see that.
And I have the same issue with my dog. Although he is not a puppy , he is my baby! and my 6 y old SD treats him badly like trying to pick him up or squeezing him, etc and he has a bad back leg too! I get really worked up and angry but my dog has learnt to growl at her and run away if she even comes close! LOL and I dont blame him!!!! But I can understand how you feel! In my mind I am screaming, "He is mine! take your dirty hands off him!" heheheeh
In conclusion, my advice,and i dont think you will like this, is you are still young and have your whole life in front of you. I know this guy is probably great and all but you are getting a package deal! These things only get worse as the kids get older
Sorry if I am being brutal but this is a sad truth that I have realized the hard way. I am always second place when the kids are here, he doesn't have time for me or doesn't even want to spend time with me when they are here.... Is this how you want to live your life?
I am sorry if I hurt you or anyone with my reply but just my two cents. Hope you feel better soon!
Everything you just said I
Everything you just said I have thought about, believe me. I sat on the couch crying last night because I feel so confused. I think I jumped into something too fast without thinking of the consequences. He truely is a great boyfriend, anything I want I get. I have a great life, pool in the back yard tanning bed, anything i want i get. But, is it all worth it. She didnt act like this the first few months we dated so I thought kids every other weekend no bid deal i can handle that. But they more BM acts crazy and stresses him out and costs him money, they more panicked (spelling)? I get. I almost had an anxiety attack the other day. I just feel like I dont have another option. If i move out i have to move back with my mom and we DO NOT need to live together. lol. Im looking for a job and I feel like once i get one, ill feel more indepenedent and honestly will probably leave. I cant deal with this the rest of my life.
But these feelings come and go with me. Sometimes i feel completelty at ease with all this, and others i just want to run far away.
-very confused.
But do i have a right to tell his kids dont mess with my dog?? The one time i did, while he was sleeping it started a huge ordeal. SS said let me hold charlie, i said let him wake up first he is sleeping" SS said no i want him him now. I looked at him and said "I said no, when he wakes up ill give him to you"
OMG you would have thought i told the child to play in traffic..ran and told his dad i wouldnt let him play with the dog blah blah blah at that point i wanted out.
W...T...F... Your BF needs to
Your BF needs to address this issue NOW. A child does not get to tell you when you choose to give a fragile animal to them, ever, and they sure as heck do not go tattling to daddy--if daddy can't pull his head out of their asses, then no, I don't think any amount of what he could give you, without respect, is worth it.
haha thats how i felt i was
haha thats how i felt i was like wtf ??? I think at that point it was more about me establishing myself and him not telling me what i ws going to do. Of course all i hear from my dh is that puppy was the worse thing i ever did all our arguemnts are over this puppy. Well uhh YEA, im going protect my animal at whatever cost and i dont give a damn if it upsets your child. period. Believe me, i would leave over this puppy.
We have a rule in our house
We have a rule in our house that no one bothers the cats if they are sleeping, period. Pets are living creatures that deserve basic respect, not toys to amuse you when you see fit.
I don't care if the cats on your bed, if its sleeping in the chair you want to sit in..... If its sleeping, you leave it alone.
I like that rule! I just want
I like that rule! I just want to take him and leave on Sundays, and I can only imagine how tense im going to be when they start coming on weekends again.
LOL.. you and me both! I have
LOL.. you and me both! I have my waves.. I will be so low and DH will buy me flowers or take me out to dinner and then I forget all these things
Not sure if it is good or bad.... LOL
But find yourself a job (I know easier said than done) and be independent... You dont need things in the long run.. You need peace and if you eel like this now, imagine how you would feel in 2 or 5 or 10 years? Can you handle it?
And one piece of advice, the BM NEVER changes. I was naive enough to think things will settle down.. Been waiting for 4 years now. Even when the mediator told her last time, that if she does any more drama, he will take the kids away from her, she still continues like ever before! So dont count on that..
but if your guy is willing to make the change for you and genuinely starts making an effort, then its worth considering. But dont do it for the wrong reasons!
Just 5 mins ago he called me
Just 5 mins ago he called me and tells me BM has dropped all her charges on him and that the courts are ordering her to physcatric (spelling) evaluation and putting in the court docs that she is to have no contact with me or bad mouth me or BF to the children. I dont know how these things work, so Im going to give it a shot. We dont ahve any children together nor are we married, but the children love me (they have said this to the mediator) so if it starts up again, i have no ties and will leave. I feel i owe it to him and our relationship to see if it will ease. If not, see ya!
I did kind of let my BF know
I did kind of let my BF know about everythign i was feeling last night and it felt great. I told him how i felt about him always talking about this whole situation, and he seemed to understand and will make an effort to not do it as much. I really dont think he realized how much he was doing it. But i basically told him if BM didnt stop her shit, that i wouldnt live like this. he claims shes finally going to stop bc honestly she is the bad parent here )child protective services are investigating her now) and he seems think she is scared to make any more ridiclious moves for fear of losing custody. Fingers crossed.
Wow, I just joined and posted
Wow, I just joined and posted but your feelings totally mirror mine. I am financially dependent on DFH right now and though I love him, the kids issues have me staring out the window longing to get out, but then when I actually threaten to leave I can't do it. Not only for financial reasons but because I really don't want to lose what we have. I know the walking on eggshells feeling of wanting to scold or tell the step kids no but knowing it will just wake the sleeping monster and I will end up looking like the bad guy!!
I must say, the fact that it sounds like he is at least somewhat receptive and willing to try to change somethings to make you feel better sounds reassuring for you.
Everytime I try to to discuss these things, my bf puts up a wall and basically tells me he is the way he is and can't change the way he treats the kids. Sounds like you guys might have a chance at bending instead of breaking.
Well let me tell you, he use
Well let me tell you, he use to jump all over me when I would mention ANYTHING about the kids. Get very offensive and say things like 'Well they are my children and that will never change so you can leave bc they arent going anywhere" Oh YEA, I use to get that all the time. So what did i do? Yea i left and taught his smart ass mouth a lesson on respect. From then on he never said that to me, and he always tries to make me happy as well. I think you just have to show them that youre not going to take shit. Im am Wonderful to his kids and he knows that, and yours should appreciate that about you as well.
It's called following through
It's called following through on your word. NO ONE deserves to live in unhappiness, and partners, to make a relationship WORK must compromise with EACHOTHER. Not just bury their heads in the sand and say this is the way it is, this is the way it's always going to be.
Good on you for leaving. I did too, at the beginning, when the way he dealt with BM was making things worse. I told him I he's not ready for an adult relationship (funny saying that to someone 12 years your senior) and that if he has no desire to work at and grow a relationship, I was done. He would not be the man I'd like to spend the rest of my life with.
That is a lesson he has not forgotten. Good practice has turned into good habits.
Thank god for ativan.
Thank god for ativan.