At my Wits End!!
I am in desperate need of some advice or support!!! I have been married to my husband since 2007, I have 3 children, he has 4, and we have 6 (soon to be 7) grandchildren. My problem is his oldest daughter (21) and how he reacts, or should I say ignore all her problems. She is a full-blown alcoholic (so is her mother) and has been arrested numerous times for drinking related issues, including theft and DUI's. When she became pregnant we allowed her to move in (because baby daddy had to go to jail for a few years), with the one rule that there will be absolutely no drinking. During the pregnancy she did fine, shortly after the baby was born I started finding hidden beer cans. When I called her out on it she came up with wild stories, such as...she hid it because it belonged to a friend and she didn't want us to see it!!! (Her dad believed the story) After the 2nd time, I told her I would not put up with her lies and deceptions and if she messes up again she is gone. Didn't take long for another occurrence, she went out one evening because the other grandparents had the baby for a while, and of course she got hammered and did not show up on time to meet the other grandparents with her baby. She finally showed up at 4 am, drunk as a skunk, and I told her enough was enough and that she was to leave. She had been told no drinking while living with us and she continued to disrespect our home. After 2 weeks (deadline to move out), she had moved in with her brother and I took her house key (this angered her dad/my husband even though he claimed to support me in the non-drinking situation). After living with her brother for a few weeks, he kicked her out. She then moved in with another friend, and a couple months later, she kicked her out. In the mean time she received a sizable tax refund, enough to put a down payment on her own apartment and then some, but instead she chose to blow through the money on partying, lost her job, received her 2nd DUI and a child endangerment charge because she had her son in the backseat and no restraint.
So now to my dilemma, she was arrested and the baby came to live with us (baby is now 1 year old). She has been placed on 5 years probation, lost her license for 2 years, and for a while has to wear a monitoring device. While the baby was with us, she was not allowed to live with us (I was extremely happy about this), but CPS has returned the baby to her, even though she is unemployed and was living on someone's couch, with no means to support the child, they claimed that the case was not severe enough and that there are people out there in worse situations.
So now her and the baby are living in this person's house with no means of support and of course they are all now being evicted and my SD has burned up so many bridges that NO ONE is willing to take her in, not even her own drunk mother. So now my husband thinks we need to open our door again (oh and by the way she is pregnant again by another felon that cannot support his child), and support her. I totally disagree, I think that she needs to learn to stand on her own 2 feet and grow up and face her responsibilities. She walks around with an entitlement attitude, that everything needs to be done for her and she cannot be bothered if it requires effort.
I literally cannot stand my SD, every time I see her my blood boils as to what she has done. She cared so little about her son, or anyone else for that matter, all so she cared about was getting drunk. I keep asking that she gets help, but I keep getting told that she doesn't have a problem or that all is fixed now and she is working on making things better. Since she has been out of jail (2 months), she has done nothing to help herself or her son, She won't get a job because she is pregnant and has an excuse for everything. I really cannot take anymore and because of this, my marriage is really suffering!!!!
My husband refuses to see all the things that are wrong and prefers to keep his head in the sand. Every time I try to talk about it, he refuses to listen. I was actually told by my husband today that he does not want to hear how bad his child is, if he cannot see reality then we have some really serious issues. It has come down to, if she moves in, I move out!!! I hate to put my husband in this position (I do love him very much), but I am tired of every time she messes up, our lives are sent into turmoil.
Sorry this was long
Thank you so much!!!! I have
Thank you so much!!!! I have been preaching the enabling for so long, but he cannot seem to see it. I am so tired of being tired, I just want to be happy and live my life with my husband without the drama!!!
And I will definitely try to talk to him again
I agree with echo. My SO and
I agree with echo. My SO and I have a set policy of the conditions in which our daughter or my SDs ( all of them my SOs daughters) will be allowed to live in our house past 18. These would not be any of the reasons for one of them to be able to indefinitely come back home and in your situation she already got kicked out once.
I can imagine its harder for him since its his grandchildren, but nothing is going to help his grandchildren have a better life if his daughter doesn't get her act together and you guys can't do anything to help her with that at this point.
DH and I just talked about
DH and I just talked about this situation last night. My DD15 is amazing and they love each other so she'd be welcome to come stay with us after she graduates high school (she lives with her dad during school years in MI). HIS DD14 however; will NOT be welcome in our home.
We plan on keeping a small apartment until we can move East and then there's really no reason to have any larger of a place.
Well I have held my ground
Well I have held my ground about SD21 and it has been difficult. Last night she was put out on the streets with nowhere to go and we took in the baby (but not sure for how long), and my DH is devastated. It was extremely difficult for me to watch him breakdown and I hope I am making the right decision. I hope this is a wake up call for both of them, SD21 needs to know that it's time to grow up and take on her own responsibilities and DH needs to allow her to grow up and stop enabling the unacceptable behavior.
Thanks for listening !!
There are plenty of resources
There are plenty of resources for her out there; no need for you and your DH to support her. That would not be doing her any good, she needs to learn how to stand on her own (even if it is with the help of taxpayer's money).
I have never wanted kids, so throw a grandkid in the mix and I am even more inclined to say no. My SD has 2 kids and her husband left her a few months ago. She and the kids are living with BM.
She dismisses any advice my husband gives her about how to stand on her own two feet so that's on her. She has no high school diploma, no GED, and has never worked (she is 22). I am sure she will live with BM until she hooks up with another guy to take care of her. After all, that's what she grew up watching her mother do. Not my problem.
I do feel for my DH, though, I know he would love to swoop in and save the day and he feels bad because he thinks he has not done enough for her.
I know my DH feels guilty for
I know my DH feels guilty for all of SD21s problems, because BM is a full blown alcoholic and the girls grew up in an environment with no nurturing and they were pretty much self supporting. DH did what he could, but discipline wasn't one of them because he always felt bad for their atmosphere. I cannot make him see that what he wants to do will only cause more damage and encourage SD21 to continue to be dependent.
Today, I requested that he attend counseling or we both attend because we are so far apart on this issue. Of course he got angry and said we do not have a problem, except this issue. Now he only wants to give her a month, and I am still saying no. I told him I will not allow one day nor will I financially support her. I did not force her to drink and I will not pay the price for her misdoings. I hope he agrees to go!!