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Loving my step son

Dogscatsandkids's picture

My husband and I have only been married for 1 month, though we dated for 6 years. I have 2 sons from a previous marriage, and he has 1 son. I am having a hard time "actively" loving his son. Some back ground, all 3 boys have ADHD, my SS has a very serious case. Hits, cusses, throws anything... He goes to a councilor and is on meds but nothing seems to be working. I feel, ashamed and guilty, but idk what to do.

notasm3's picture

Many, many of my close friends have had children that I really did not like. But they never knew it. I was always kind and sometimes even put out the extra effort to connect with the "spawn I didn't really like." But the difference is that I never had to live with any of them so it was easier to keep up the pretense.

Usually I really like one of the children - but the other one was an obnoxious brat.

LikeMinded's picture

I have an SS10 with severe ADHD. He can't sit while he eats or goes to school or even takes a poo (so he ends up finishing in his pants), he's not mean though, and certainly not violent.

You can't love all children, just like you can't love all adults. We click with different people in our lives and kids are just people.

People with issues are harder to love.

Strive for like.