i'm done as done can be
I keep coming to this site. ... I am fed up done finished want out over. .... step daughter arrived with DH was announced she staying 2 days :(. ... :jawdrop: .... she leaving tomorrow (and no doubt will bring SD 2 back) SD1 barely acknowledged my existence. ..... she's 12 and I got a few dirty looks today. ... I fed up trying. ... then DH making excuses for her behaviour. ... he overspent on his 2 girls and had a cheek to undercut me with bill money by 100. ..I must left tonight went out with a few friends and doing the same tomorrow........ have taken my poor dog out about 20 times tonight sat in my car plotting. .... everything is under my name apartment bills car everything down to the furniture and I just feel like throwing them out. .... just fed up totally. .. I only have one bed apartment which leaves not a lot of places to hide out. .... until DH went to work left me babysitting overnight again.....
}:) :(:(:(:( I want to scream. ........ I never signed up for all this BS. .I have a healthy 20 year old at college brought her up on my own. ...... even his family are nasty towards me only hear from them when they want something. .... arggggggggggggggg
Sorry just had to get that out ;)). ....
Sorry. I really mean that.
Sorry. I really mean that.