I am exhausted, utterly exhausted
A little background: I met my husband 2.5 years ago. He was going through a divorce. I was a single mother to 4 kids working my way through nursing school. We married 4 months ago. I have full custody of my kids and he has 50/50 of his daughter. She is with us every other week. Last year, hubby initiated a change of custody due to many things going on at mom's house. Sexual abuse from another child in the home, partying and sending her daughter to her parents 4 of her 7 nights, her little girl cooking on the stove because mom was too drunk to wake up. Mom was also into the Swinger lifestyle and would bring her daughter around these couples. Prior to filing for this emergency hearing, he called his ex wife to communicate what their daughter was alleging. Rather than be concerned for her safety and rushing to be with her daughter, she exclaimed it was his business what happened at her house. He called CPS and initiated a change of custody. What a joke this became. The judge agreed that the threshold was met for a change and sent it to an investigator. That took place 5 months after the order. In the meantime, dad got his daughter into a counselor. The investigator found that he had best interest in 3 of the 9 areas but felt it still wasn't enough to change custody In the meantime, his daughter is failing out of school ( 2nd grade) and there is a potential for a learning disorder. Mom said she wasn't concerned, but dad initiated a meeting with the school for potential intervention. BY the end of last school year, she was still at a kindergarden reading level but her grades were A's because they lowered her curriculum. Mom was still not actively participating in her daughter's medical, educational or emotional healing. She lives in the denial world that everything is fine and there is nothing to see here.
Mom found out that we were getting married in June and had a total meltdown that she shared with her daughter. My relationship became strained with her because she took the stance that she hated me and my children. I understand where the root of this is coming from, and she is a child. I still treat her with respect and like she is my own. At our house we have rules, and structure. We are like a family from the 50's. There are no video games, cellphones, ipods or internet. We do not have cable, we eat dinner together almost every night and spend time as a family. The kids have chores and a homework schedule to follow. Her mom's house is the exact opposite and doesn't "make her do anything she doesn't want to do". That is her stance. She does not discipline her, yet tries to get her medicated for being disrespectful and having tantrums. ( This child does not act this way at our house).
Last month mom made an appt for her to have a new counselor. My husband took the day off from work so that he could be there. He is on board with his daughter needing help with the divorce, new family etc. Mom then changed the appt time and did not tell him so that he couldn't be there. He requested a copy of the intake notes and found that mom had alleged that dad is not involved in her life, he is not educationally involved, won't allow her to see a counselor ( Last year she had one for 6 months) and that he is always gone to work. ( He is home by 5 each night) She alleged that we beat her with a wooden paddle ( We do not use that form of discipline), that we filed false sexual abuse allegations and we she gets yelled at and punished and does not like it. She also stated that she hates her step mom and her kids.
My husband rescheduled the appt so that this counselor could get the truth. His daughter told him the reason she lies all the time is because her mom said that she would lose custody of her. The counselor showed that he was biased by taking mom back alone for 30 minutes and then allowing dad back there.
Yesterday she sent a text to her dad 15 min prior to coming over for the week stating that she doesn't want to come over anymore, she doesn't like any of us and he responded that he loved her and would see her soon. She responded again that she just can't come over anymore and would be staying with her mom and would come over after school for two nights a week and then go back to moms. His response was the same. Her mom brought her over and his daughter stood on the porch crying stating that she hates all of us and she wouldn't be coming over until we were gone. Dad was soft but firm that she needed to get her backpack and come inside.
What can we do? This little girl went from loving all of us to hating all of us. My husband is in tears and feels like he is grieving the child she once was. I am terrified that since getting rid of us won't happen, she will then start making dangerous accusations about me or my boys. We are so conflicted because we know this is coming from mom, mom is a pathological liar, mom has shown her contempt for me every chance she gets. This year during their daughter's IEP she screamed that I wasn't allowed there ( Which they promptly explained that I was allowed and not to forget that this was about their daughter) I typically sign her daily reading log and two weeks ago became very anxious and said I wasn't allowed to sign that because her mom freaked out the week before when she saw my signature on it. I am lost. I want to do what is best for this little girl but we feel helpless.
First of all, you have to
First of all, you have to make sure that is she never alone with your boys...ever!! You might want to get some nanny cams just so you can cover your ass if any accusations are made. Get a lawyer...sue for custody. Don't go through CPS, many judges are very hesitant to remove a child from their mother, you will need a lawyer, judge, and possibly a jury trial. Good luck and God bless.
We have already implemented
We have already implemented that they are not to be in her room and vice versa but we did communicated with the kids it was for privacy reasons. Also, I am home when the kids get home so that my teens are never watching the younger kids. After the investigator decided that there wasn't enough to remove her from her mom, and that 50/50 is will stay, we can't even get in front of the judge unless we are willing to spend thousands more. Now that mom feels invincible we are considering a new petition. Can my husband ask that all of the adults do a psych eval? This little girl is turning into a monster. I am struggling with not starting to hate her. She disrupts our home all the time and I try to keep in the forefront of my mind that this is the work of her mother emotionally abusing/manipulating her. I don't want to hate her, but she is making it quite difficult. Does that make sense?
Give up. You already have 4
Give up. You already have 4 kids to raise. Why are you wasting your energy on a child who doesn't want to be there? She has a mother and her grandparents. Let her mother deal with those issues instead of letting them seep into your home.
Sure, Dad will be sad. Let him grieve. But make no mistake...it's his fault for procreating with crazy. Protect your own kids.
I can't imagine any parent
I can't imagine any parent giving up on their child because one of the parents are bitter and unstable. I hate the disruption. We both highly dread the Sunday's she comes home because we know there will be drama and constant conflict. However, there must be an easier way so that she doesn't become an emotionally disturbed adult.
I do understand what you're
I do understand what you're saying... you see the bright side because you know that her mom is poisoning her. You had dreams of having a happy, peaceful life with the man you love and all of your children...to have a real family! That's the part that stinks. It feels like someone dashed your dreams, and if only you try hard enough, you can make this situation better. You are the logical ones. You can combat this as a team. You would never hurt your kids like that mother does!
However, head over to the adult stepkid forum and see how many kids turned into emotionally disturbed adults because they had ONE bitter and unstable parent. Again, I say protect your own. You have four children whose lives who are being affected by the "drama and constant conflict" and I'm sorry to say it so callously, but I don't think many people listen to this viewpoint since we're programmed to "save" the children at all costs. We don't want to admit that some kids are more trouble than they're worth... but check out how many people regret wasting their time, love, concern and money on kids that turn out screwed up anyway. What I've found by reading these forums, is that the easiest, and hardest, thing to do is walk away. At least consider it as an option --- for YOUR kids.
And even though you probably won't take that advice
I wish you the best since it sucks that you have to go through this.
And sadly, you are probably
And sadly, you are probably 100% correct but I am so unwilling to give up...
I would say continue with a
I would say continue with a counselor, as for visits maybe DH needs to take her out for visits. that way your DH still sees his kid, and there could be no chance of allegations on you and your kids. hopefully after awhile things will calm down.
This was us a long time ago.
This was us a long time ago. My dh has 2 daughters who I had an amazing relationship with. When BM realised how happy they were with us she did everything she could (PAS) to destroy our relationship. She is one crazy woman. We tried and tried. Next it'll be I'll visit but only if SM etc aren't there. These BMs via their kids will try and destroy your family. It came close to ending my marriage. I had a breakdown caused by situational depression and luckily for our marriage we emigrated. My husband had to accept that the best thing for all involved was to walk away. We'd had 8.5 years of misery together because of BM. Accept it will probably never work out. I retained hope until I read many posts in the adult forum.
My sd made a false allegation to BM that I'd hurt her. This was prior to me having children however as my job involved working with children my whole career could have been ruined. I refused to be alone with them again.
I know there's a book called Divorce Poison which may be useful.
So don't give up. Implement
So don't give up. Implement a comprehensive campaign of complete and total destruction of BM.
What DH can do is hold this conniving manipulating PASing BM in contempt for violating the CO, making false claims of abuse, and sue her ass for every penny she will ever earn for defamation of character. Is SD is so much as a minute late for a visitation DH should file a contempt motion.
The only way to deal with this kind of comprehensive evil and to protect this child from her POS mother is to utterly destroy that manipulative bovine toxic wombed idiot.
Really, no quarter. Ever. You pound her until she is a drooling, quivering, sniveling, broke assed, shell of her evil self.
Destroy her until she either finds how to be reasonable or is living in a cardboard box under an overpass with a cardboard sign. To show how nice you can be you can take SD to deliver a $1 hamburger and a cup of coffee to BM in the winter time occasionally. But, I would not even to that.
I have no tolerance for idiots like this BM you have to deal with.
This is the strategy we took with my SKid's toxic Sperm Clan. It took a few years and it cost a bit of money but eventually we had them quivering under their slime covered rock and doing exactly what they were told when they were told to do it.
We tried to ignore their crap. We tried working with them. We tried giving them everything they asked for and more. No matter what we did they just kept up their toxic bullshit and manipulation of the SKid. So we destroyed them. That worked. Our battle with them began when SS was only 15mos old and continued until he turned 18...... and sadly beyond.
Now the Skid is a self supporting young adult of character and at 22 has accomplished far more than all preceding Sperm Clan generations combined. Even 4 years after he aged out from under the CO we still have to smack the shit out of the Sperm Clan occasionally. Periodically they try to guilt him into supporting his three younger also out of wedlock sperm idiot spawned half sibs. When that happens we send them a new copy of the statement showing yet again that they have not yet paid us the ~$10K in medical expenses for the Skid that were not covered by health insurance and informing them that if we do not immediately receive payment we will be placing liens on their property. They immediately quit harassing the SKid for money. We have gotten a judgment against them for that money and penalties and interest are accruing. The judgment was originally for $6K but with penalties and interest it just keeps climbing. We will keep sending them quarterly statements until the kid is a few years farther along in his career and maturity then we will drag their asses back to court and put liens on everything they own.
But until then it is a great stick to scare the shit out of them with when they fuck with my son.
Your DH can do the same to his toxic X and protect his daughter.
Good luck.