Husband don't take my disengaging seriously.
I told my husband two months ago that I want to spend as little time as possible with SS13, to keep my sanity, and keep our toddler away from him too. (He like to play with little kids only, tickle them, touch them, etc in a not very appropriate way, he is socially disabled)
I told him, I might take the little one to a farm, to path animals, etc.
He says: That's a good idea, we all can go.
But I was trying to escape the presence of your son!
He talks like he don't even hear what I say.
Don't worry, we all go, and the end of the day we can drop him off to his mother. (Would be the end of visitation)
I don't want to fight, but how could I make this more clear?
I just don't want to have a ride with him in the car to anywhere. He put his face in the baby car seat, and the last time we had a ride together, my two year old said: Mommy, he is touching me!
I just don't feel like I can put up with him any longer.
My husband just ignoring every of my attempt of disengaging.
Thanks! That's make sense. I
Thanks! That's make sense. I have no experience in this. I know SS for 9 years, but he is getting worst and I can see already what he is going to be at 18, 24, or 40.
I don't mind my husband spend time with him, but is too stressful and depressing for me to do the same.
Be straight forward. Your
Be straight forward. Your responsibility is to your child.
Be straight forward. I just
Be straight forward. I just made it very clear-"I don't want to go anywhere with my SS." It worked and still works.