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How to protect our 7 year old from older half sisters influence.

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I have been married for 8 years, I have a stepdaughter who was 16 when we married,she has run away(twice, once when 14 before I knew her and once when 16 four days before our wedding), done drugs and snuck them into my home where I already had 3 kids and do not allow any drugs or alcohol, slept around with every guy she could since she was 14, and participated in helping her brother plan and execute a robbery of the place she was an assistant manager of, since she moved out at age 18 she has been arrested for being in a hotel room where a drug deal was going down with two loaded handguns on her person. She has managed to get away wil all that she has done with only probation. When she found out that I was pregnant a few months after we married she blew a gasket, she did not want to share her dad with these other kids let alone on that was biologically his, she continued her bad behavior and ignored my pregnancy until the night before i delivered( which was induced), she suddenly wanted all the details about what was to happen the next day, as it turns out that was the night the robbery took place and the next morning her brother who had moved to our town 3 weeks earlier showed up to pick her up for school( which was a first), my mother got suspicious and told them to leave when they went and hid in the woods and watched the house she called the police, that is how they got caught for the robbery, turns out the stepdaughter was going to run away again. She moved back to Pa when she was 18 because we kept telling she needed to follow the same rules as the other kids and she refused, we informed her if she did not she would have to move out when 18, she didn't follow through but we did. She only acted interested in the baby twice in 6 months before she left and has never acknowledged her since and has not spoken to me until last year when I reached out to her via facebook in the hopes of healing the family for my hubby's sake. We conversed quite abit for two weeks and I really opened up and thought we got alot cleared up and I felt there was hope again, but then she cut off contact with me and only speaks to her father. He has told me that she still has said things to him to try to get him to leave me, so I guess she hasn't changed so much she probably just wanted more personal info to try to create some new scheme. She is in our town today and his Mom wants us to bring our 7 year old over there and act like nothing has gone on at all. Our 7 year old does not even know her, we have never spoken about her because she has never shown any interest and has always been very jelous and detstructive about the youngest child. I think it would be damaging and fake to have her sit there now and pretend as if she cares. I would never trust my stepdaughter with her knowing that she has always tried to be a negative influence on the other kids just to try to hurt us. I think my hubby and I should go alone today and see how she acts and talk with her before just spinging her on a 7 year old all of a sudden, if everything goes okay maybe tomorrow or the next day they will meet. My hubby thinks his oldest does no wrong and he wants to take her today, what can I do to protect my daughter???