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How to get your stepchild to stop a bad habit

Duckly29's picture

I am not yet a stepmother, but I will be in a few months. I currently live with my fiance and things are great, except for when his child comes over.

Don't get me wrong she's a great kid, but she has some bad habits that I have talked to her father about and even talked to her about. The problem I seem to be having is getting my fiance to tell her something about it and getting her to stop doing it.

My fiance knows i like the house to be clean and for people to pick up after themselves. Dishes in the kitchen (not left on the table) and socks not on the living room floor, but rather in a hamper or in the room. However, the child knowing that i hate socks on the floor, continuously leaves it on the floor. I have spoken to my fiance about this, but it always ends up in an argument because he doesnt care if the house is clean.

Even if it is something small, to me it feels like they are not respecting my wishes like i have respected my fiances wishes in the past. I have talked to him about how this makes me feel and he seems not to care. He's actually done a better job at picking up after himself, but when it comes to her...he won't tell her and won't let me tell her either.

I've tried to ignore it, but the socks just end up being all over the house and I can't live like that.

I don't know what else to do...Any advice?

lintini's picture

"...he won't tell her and won't let me tell her either."

So your fiance has made it clear to you that you have no authority over her and cannot correct any behavior? You are basically walking through the gates of hell right now.

It's only going to get worse, wait until it's dirty tampons or pads that she is leaving on the floor instead of socks.

If my DH told me I couldn't tell SS14 anything in regards to picking up socks, I would start throwing them all away. And if you aren't wanting to throw them away, I would put them in a bag in a closet and play dumb until she ran out of socks.

How old is she by the way? Your fiance is showing you right now how the marriage is going to be....I would be very worried.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

THis is easy: start throwing the socks away eventually when they get tired of not having socks they will stop leaving them around. }:)

SilverPetra's picture

The power games will set in..... DpotentialH needs to make sure SD respects your house.