The first blended family?
Merry Christmas everyone!
This weekend I attended the annual womans brunch at my church and a funny thing occurred to me... Were Mary, Joseph, and Jesus the first blended family? I mean do you think Jesus said to Joseph ..."I don't have to listen to you, you aren't my REAL dad"?
Its funny... Until that thought crossed my mind, a part of me always felt a little cheated. Like, this isn't the way a family is supposed to be. But I found some peace in thinking, "If my Lord and Saviour lived on this earth in a blended family, than I guess I can too."
***I'd like to add, this is MY personal belief. I am not trying to offend anyone.
That is an interesting
That is an interesting thought. Luckily for Joseph though.. God wasnt a psycho BioDad trying to undermine Mary and Joseph at every turn, or make their lives a living hell.
As for feeling cheated... I often am jealous of my sister's life (Not financially, as she cant save for her life, but of the marriage situation.. she and her hubby have their baby together.. no other kids), several of my GF's have married men that were either bachelors or divorced w/NO kids.. and I am jealous of how easy their lives seem compared to mine. How peaceful their homes are..
To frustratedinMA
I feel the same way about people who are married to men who do NOT have other children... When it is just my husband and I and our two BDs, things run so smoothly. But when SD is there, everything is a pain. Things I would get onto BDs for are turned into me picking on SD. (Like making BD4 push in her chair at the dinner table but SD14 getting up and leaving it out where someone has to push it in to get by. Every single time. But I can't say anything about it to her because it's not my place to "discipline" her.)
I have heard people before talking about Joseph as a stepparent. Luckily for him, he was a custodial stepparent without the other bioparent second-guessing his every mood and calling to bitch at Mary!
Elizabeth.. I thought I was
I thought I was alone on that one.. Looking at my friends that married available men (as I now refer to them as) vs. a semi available man.. I find their "trying" moments funny, since I would DIE to have that be the most trying thing I have to deal with.
I do not have any children of my own as of yet, however, I do have the parental teachings my parents used. I often try to instill in my skids the parenting my parents used.. because I turned out ok.. I can support myself, and am a nice person... There are times (more often than not) that my husband doesnt agree w/me.. and says.. if they were yours you wouldnt do this or that.. Then I say.. you're right... if they were mine.. here is what the punishment WOULD have been (and its always way worse then the punishment/speech they got)
Most recently.. (kind of like the pushing your chair in at the table problem) my skids came in the house dead of winter, and left the front door wide open. I asked them.. "do you live in a barn?? Close that door!" now.. this is what my parents used to say to me.. and I learned from that to Shut the door.. because I didnt live in a barn. My husband was sooo upset at this comment.. til I pointed out that my parents used that line all the time.. and I was THEIRS!
Joseph was lucky!
Here is my christmas
Here is my christmas wish.... That we don't have to deal with psycho bio parents... that our significant others, spouses, boyfriends, etc....start putting us on the pedestals that we deserve, and that for once we didn't have to stop what we were doing in the middle of the day to drive 3 hours to pick up kids. By then the kids are crabby, everyone is exhausted, and the liquor store is closed... And that the so called "normal couples" who don't have relationships with "accessories" would stop looking at us like we're freaks. And on that note.... I'd like to see them try and get through some of the issues we've all gone thru. I think they'd crack after the first overnight.