Equally rude to everyone
Saturday after SS12's game he and SS15 were at our house for a couple of hours. It was date night so DH and I had plans. DH took them home an hour early. Before they left this happened........
Our neighbors were out of the country for a few weeks and we were asked to get the mail, feed and check on the cat. They came over Saturday to bring thank you gifts for me and DH. DH yelled at Skids and had to tell them to speak to our neighbors. For the first time in a long time I was not embarrassed. It was a relection on DH not me.
When our neighbors left they only said goodbye to me and DH. They have experience with blended families, so I guess they have had their share of drama.
SS15 started peppering his dad with questions about our neighbors after they left. I went on my merry way and began getting ready for my night out. Before ST I probably would have been annoyed. My evening was not ruined. I didn't even mention their not speaking to DH.
So the skids are equally rude
So the skids are equally rude to everyone. At least they are consistent and it has nothing to do with you. Date night sounds fun. Glad you had a good time and the skids didn't ruin it.
Yes we had a great time.
Yes we had a great time.
Why did the Skids need to
Why did the Skids need to speak to the neighbors?
I mean I understand a polite hi would be nice but how involved are they with these other people?
Where they present in the room with the neighbors or did DH have to call them from somewhere else in the house?
I mean even as an adult I don't talk to everyone whose around for whatever reason if I don't know them well enough to warrant it. You'll get a polite hi and then if I can I'll excuse myself to my room.
Well for one they were in the
Well for one they were in the living room when they arrived. My neighbors said hello when they walked into our house. The polite thing for them to do is say hello in return. I have gone to their house to simply drop something off, if they have company I say "hello everyone". It costs you nothing to say hello.
Now if they were in their rooms, or another part of the house, no need to speak. For the record, they know who are neighbors are. If we are feeding the cat and taking mail in for them, I think it's safe to gather we have a relationship with them other than just a polite hi.
Your DH is trying to teach
Your DH is trying to teach them manners; in this case, your DH did fine.
Yes he did. I was proud of
Yes he did. I was proud of him.
Really? When people come to
Really? When people come to your home, in your living room while you are there, you don't greet them? How unusual.
I always thought it was normal to 'make the rounds' when you arrive, exchanging names and handshakes with the room. Depends on the size of the event, but most events that take place at home are small enough.
Perhaps they do that at home
Perhaps they do that at home with BM. I was taught to speak. When we go to MIL's house and everyone gathers for breakfast everyone says good morning. It's just common courtesy.