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DH doesn't want me involved with his BS and BD

errer1984's picture

New here *waves* I'll try to keep it short.

DH has 1 son and 1 daughter previous marriage
Myself has 2 sons previous relationship

DH+myself= 1 child together

My DH and I were stationed on one part of the country, we chose our station (military)clear across the country, away from my family and friends to be closer to his BS and BD. Once we got here he avoided them at all cost...and has avoided the ex... It's been over 2 years now and he has seen them about 3 times.

At one point he said he wanted to give up his rights to the ex wife's new husband and that he has no strong bond with his BS and BD :jawdrop: "then why did we move here?" was my question in my head.

I have tried numerous times to encourage his involvement with them, to take them out or have them spend the night here. He becomes very defensive and closes off. I mention anything about me being their step mom and he snaps back " NO you're NOT, you have no involvement with them!". I want to have involvement and enjoy those kids but he is hell bent against it. :?

He took all of us ( myself,My BSons) to meet the kids and they got along great, we played and visited for hours! Since then we have had another child ( together ) and he has not met his half B and S. I brought this up and he got upset.

I've tried talking to him but he shuts down, I've written him emails while he is underway but he just doesnt want me or my boys involved. I feel like he has un resolved feelings and issues with the ex and maybe is confusing that with feeling towards the children.

either way I feel bitter and angry now when he talks ( complains ) about the ex and the kids. I told him yesterday that I was not going to talk to him about them but that I would listen, but don't ask me for advice.

My thing is, if you are going to pay child support, move your whole family closer to your kids, you are not going to give up your rights then why avoid your Bio kids and why are you hell bent on blending the families together?

any help or advice would help.


dodgegal05's picture

I have very little experience in this area, but I wonder if he feels as if sharing his kids from the previous relationship more (i.e. with you also in addition to the BM and her Husband) will just be too much. He wants the kids all to himself. Or he feels he cant live up to the DAD he feels the kids need him to be. He feels insecure to the BMs husband and their (the kids and his) bond.
Perhaps he feels if he does try to bond with them he will just hurt them further. Especially with being in the military he could leave the country at a short notice and doesnt want to be in and out if their lives like that. The BM's hubby is a stable father figure.
Talking to a therapist might unlock the reasoning behind his avoidance.
Hope this helps, keep us posted

errer1984's picture

That's a good theory! I never thought of it like that. I do know that when he divorced his ex ( by his choice) he at that point started to feel a disconnection with the children (his bios). They call him by his first name and have pulled the " mommy lets us do....mommy said you have no money.....mommy thinks...." and it makes him feel bad. The Stepfather to my DH's BS and BD is also military so IDK...

I want to talk to him but I just dont want to "rock the boat"