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Can't take SD18's constant snitching to BM who is lovin it!!!

nobodieshome's picture

SD18 has chosen to live with us now that she is old enough to choose and we are more than happy to have her! She is a delightful young lady! So sweet and kind...and a fabulous cook! (VERY nice to have around!) Wink She and I have gotten along wonderfully since the day we met along with her sister SD16, and younger brother SS8 who still live with BM over 9 hours away. I love all of his children dearly (I really do!) and they love me too.

However SD18 is slightly awkward. Not necessarily "slow", just a bit socially awkward. She has very little tact and can be offensive if you let what she says get to you. For instance, she was doing her nails and spilled some polish remover on my kitchen table, let it sit there, and made a big mess of the table destroying the finish on a 4'x6' area. Of course I didn't yell or throw a fit, but I did show my disappointment and ask that she be more careful. She instantly told me what a cheap table I have and when was I going to get a nicer one that was made with real oak. Um, it’s "real" Indian Mahogany deary! Grrrr! Mind you, she has grown up in a filthy house, (her mom is a slob) with 1980's Honey Oak furniture and flowered patterns everywhere while my home is minimalistic, modern, and spotless! My children D13 and S9 are used to this and somehow manage to keep from destroying things. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Her tact is nonexistent. Kinda like how she told me and DH that our marriage wasn't real because we didn't get married in a church. What?!?! Just some background so you see what I am dealing with.

But my issue is this; her lack of tactfulness is starting to cause problems. She is running to BM with every little thing that happens in our household. Of course every couple has a fight every once in a while, well yep you guessed it, BM knows about it the very next day! And we ran out of milk! OMG What a disaster! Yup BM had to know about that too! Your tummy hurts while we are sitting in the movie theater? SD must instantly text BM and let her know that she is in dire pain and DH and I will do nothing to help her! And it goes on and on and on..... Every tiny little thing to text or call mommy about...she is on top of it! I understand that she doesn't do this maliciously, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body, she just has NO tact! And of course BM (That's a whole other story - that bitter, hateful bitch is nuts!)is taking every opportunity that SD18 gives her to meddle in our business, call DH and either question him about what is going on here, or yell at him for not properly caring for their daughter! It's such BS! How do I get her to stop running to mommy with every little issue and with information that is none of her business! It's like living with a spy in the house!

I love her lotsa, I really do, but this shit sucks!

twopines's picture

It's all good, Hypovic! Anyone who has a Benjamin Linus quote in their signature is aces in my book. Smile

nobodieshome's picture

StepAside and Hypovic, Thank you so much for all of your wise words.

To clarify; Yes, SD18 and I have a great relationship, and yes, while some of the stupid things she says and does are annoying, they do not bother me much and I usually let them go knowing she is just too awkward and immature to comprehend her own offences. I really do have to treat her more like a 10yr old than an 18yr old.

The problem is her mother. That hateful, bitter, spiteful BM has been a nightmare from day one. Most of this I have blamed on my DH for - a. Not setting boundries with her from the start, b. Coddling to her neediness of him and his attention, c. Allowing her to bad-mouth me and our relationship, and d. Unknowingly allow her to control him and his relationships with his children. But...He has seen the light! Oh thank the heavenly Lord almighty!!!!! He has made many changes and put her in her place and she can't stand it! She is reeling, kicking, and fighting these changes as hard as she can! So to now have her daughter living in our home, she is squeezing every bit of information she can knowing her daughter is too backwards to even realize it's weird and inappropriate!

I know I should let it bother me, but it does...when she sends my DH a text at 3am laughing at him saying our marriage will fail and she was right about us all along, all because her daughter is upstairs texting her mommy that Daddy and wife are yelling. UGH! Wrong I know. Sad We shouldn't be yelling. Sad It really isn't that often and is usually regarding something the BM did or said! But it kills me that it gives her ammo against us! As for the other stupid stuff like milk and tummy aches...come on. Really? Now she goes off on him and attacks me for not caring for her daughter, being irresponsible, etc, etc, etc....

If her mother wasn't such a thorn in my side, I don't think it would bother me in the least. Well...maybe not.

I do feel like I should say something, but what....and how? Of course I will be loving and gentle with her, that's a given, but my fear is that she will go and tell her mother of THAT conversation too, and then ALL HELL will break loose!!!

Maybe I should just yuk it up and deal with it, but I really HATE feeling like a caged lion at the local zoo in my own damn home!

hereiam's picture

It sounds like you and your DH have a lot to make up for in terms of what BM did not teach her.

The obvious question is, have you and your DH talked to her at all about this? Asked her why she does it? What does she hope to accomplish? When faced with these questions, it may help her understand that it's not right for her to be doing this.

Regarding BM, just ignore her. I would just concentrate on helping your SD with the social skills she needs to become a fabulous, functioning adult.

In order to gain social skills, she will need to be in social situations. Is she working or in school? Are there community colleges in your area that offer interesting classes? (not for college credit, just for fun)

I am wondering why she chose to live with you when she is so dependent on BM?

anafiodorova's picture

This is what my ex `s 12 year old did all the time. First to me - I was decorating a Christmas tree and she would hide behind the fridge and report my every single move , then will move in the middle of the kitchen and talk about the color of my eyes etc. My ex never believed it and told me I am delusional. Then I disengaged and I hear that his mother is complaining that she took her to brunch and shopping at the mall and the whole time my ex`s daughter was on the phone reporting everything to her mother. Then they believed me - 2 years after I told them what she was doing.Sadly they never did or changed anything about it and said that it is ok the way it is.They do not mind it- so what if she reports it . Let her do it. So it is going on the way it is.Just sharing my experience with you. I do not have a solution.