braty step son
wow my step son is so spoil he is def and has adhd his dad is completly worthless never helps out with any thing med bills shcool clothes afterschool care nothing so his mom and grand mother give him whatever he wants he is six and has always been a only child now that im with his mother he is competing with my son and daughter who are ages seven and ten . mom thinks my kids should share everything cause the moved into my house and her son has belongings were bought just for him . but it goes futher if he dont like dinner he just refuses to eat and will cry till she gives in and give whatever he wants healthy or not if he dont get his way the same thing happens my kids are no angles but everone has a breaking point and when they get pushed too far the rebel aginst him an she thinks this is their fault and they are ganging up on him . this is realy driving a wedge between us .....PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
we did have boundries but
we did have boundries but they seem to have been put to the side . we cant afford councling . i dont mean to make this out to be completly bad the three kids are realy good kids but the fighting is getting to be more and more i have sugested giving them space as in letting her son have his own room insted of the boys shareing one but she thinks this would push him away be alinating to him