BM involving 6yr old AS in bulky tactics
Sorry but this might be a long one but I am desperate. I am the newly married and my husband has two sons from two BM which he has custody of every other weekend. We have no issues with the mother (BM1) of the eldest. However, the mother (BM2) of his youngest is a different story. Both are remarried, the first has an additional child and the second has one on the way. He has good communication with BM1 and she's always willing to compromise and they coparent in a mature and effective manner. BM2 is a bully, makes everything difficult, is unreasonable and demeaning, uses their son as a pawn and on a complete power trip over my husband and their child. She demoralized, isolated, controlled and emotionally abused my husband throughout their marriage and is obsessed with doing the same after. She posted pictures of our courthouse wedding that she took from my husband's FB page, posted it her own FB page and then her and her friends made extremely derogatory comments. The only reason we were aware of this (since we don't monitor her FB like she does ours - we have since deleted his account and blocked her from mine) is because she then texted him the link to this particular post. We constantly just ignore these attacks on us and never retaliate but then she texted us video of my SS laughing and making derogatory comments about (mostly) me and his dad while she laughs and eggs him on in the background, even his SD joins in. Involving the child in her hate campaign is taking things too far. When my SS is with us he tells me he likes me, He wants to play and hang out with me and he even asked me, before we married, if I'd marry his dad. My husband has had several private conversations with both kids about me and always received nothing but positive feedback. I have been very careful not to force my relationship with my SK, I let everything occur at their pace. I don't over indulge them nor do I discipline them, I only step in when a situation needs to be immediately diffused and their dad is not around that second. Even before I came along the youngest has had behavioral issues. He's been suspended from school for fighting, he has constant temper tantrum and can be very disrespectful towards others and while my husband does EVERYTHING he can to provide structure, consistency, appropriate discipline or positive reinforcement it's not easy when the main custodial parent works so hard to counteract everything. I think he is a confused little boy looking for direction and attention. He has repeatedly tried to reason with BM2, to work with her to do what is right for their son, to keep things civil but she can't look past her own obsessive feelings of hate (which are unwarranted) in order to coparent in a mature adult manner. She says its all in the best interest of her son but it's very evident that it's stemming from her own feelings and need for control. She tells him he's a horrible dad, constantly threatens to take him to court, says he's cheap, asks him to sign over his parental rights so her husband can adopt him. He pays all of his child support and even buys things that his child support should already be paying for, follows the custody agreement and spends hundreds of dollars in gas to see his kids every other weekend as they live 8 hours away. He is a loving, caring and attentive dad. He is an exceptional father and loves his kids more than anything and is treated like a deadbeat. At this point we don't know what to do to get the endless bullying to stop, especially now she involves their son in it. We aren't looking to take custody away we just want to be able to communicate and work with her effectively and maturely. We can't afford lawyers. She lives in a very small town where her husband and his family have strong community ties. The mediator they have is a divorced mother who is known throughout the county to take sides with the mothers in custody cases. I love my husband so much, he has such a kind heart and is so undeserving of this treatment, I truly want to spend the rest of my life with him but the behavioral issues with his son and the BM2 are controlling our life. Everyone always sympathizes with the BM. The SM doesn't matter and couldn't possibly understand. No one ever looks at the SM feelings or point of view. I have put my feelings aside over and over and I am willing to continue to, even when it's almost impossibly hard, for the sake of my marriage and for this innocent (let's face it no matter how bad the child acts he is only 6 and can't be blamed) but I can't continue to this way. I am in serious need of advice and support.
Sorry autocorrect screwed me
Sorry autocorrect screwed me up. S/B BM involving 6 yr SS in bully tactics