Advice on dealing with BM's from a BM...
I've seen a lot of posts here involving problems dealing with biological moms. I am a step-mom and I have an amicable relationship with my step-children's mother (wasn't always this way and definitely wasn't easy). I'm also a biological mom and have a good relationship with my boy's step-mother. Here's how I survived and lived to tell about
I remember when my boys first met their step-mom and the stories they'd come home to tell me. I believe children initially do this because they feel guilt because they had a good time with their step-mom and need to re-connect with their own mother; sort of like forming alliances on Survivor! Us biological moms are guilty of fostering this when we show any negative feelings towards the step-parent (which again is natural at first because this stranger is raising our child(ren) and we stress about the type of parent they are).
At first, I listened when my children complained about their step-mother and but didn't make any comments (which was not easy since I didn't know this woman and it would have been very easy to dislike her based on these stories). Now, I could have joined in and voiced negative feelings the long run, whether I liked it or not, this woman played a part in raising my children and it is my job as their mom to make them feel comfortable.
Soooooo....I sucked it up and I asked questions in a very neutral tone (lots of questions!) like..."Why did she do that? What was happening in the house just before she did that? What did your father say? And the MOST important question "What did you do? Did you give her a reason to do/say that?"
I remember the pivotal moment when I finally relaxed. It went something like this....
Me: Why are your boots soaking wet?
10 yr old Son: Because my step-mom threw them outside in the snow.
Me: *Deep breath; count to ten* Why did she do that? *VERY neutral tone*.
Son: I don't know. She does that all the time.
Me: *ANOTHER deep breath* That doesn't seem like something (name of step-mom) would do (wow, that was hard to say!). Can you give me some background information?
Son: Well, if we don't put our boots away, she throws them outside.
Me: Hmmm....I'm starting to see the problem. In Dad's house there are you three boys, your step-mom's two girls and your half sister. The entrance is really small. I imagine if everyone leaves their boots in the entrance that would be 12 boots and you wouldn't be able to get in the door, right?
Son: Yes, sometimes I have to bang on the door because I can’t get in with all the boots there.
Me: That would frustrate me too! Can you see now why (step-mom’s name) might lose it? Hmm….what can we do about this problem??
Son: I guess I should remember to put my boots away next time and I could even help (half-sister’s name) remember too since she’s little.
Me: What a great idea! You’re such a good big brother!
Son: *Beaming* Yeah and you know what? You make me put my boots away right away. I think (step-mom's name) doesn't know that she should tell me to do that. Next time, I'm going to ask her to tell me if I forgot.
Me: Another good idea!
And voila.....everyone is happy!
Now….skip to my step-children’s biological mom. It took a LONG time and it wasn’t easy but I approached her sincerely and told her the story I just told you above. I explained that as a mom myself, I understand the frustration of not knowing what goes on at the other home and that I will make myself available to talk over any situation that comes up where she wants to clarify what happened. She didn’t want to do this and she kept approaching my husband with these stories. Then I worked on my husband! I convinced him to finally tell her “This story involves {my name) and I have no problem discussing it with you but I think it’s important for her to be here too so that you have the full picture. Boy, did she flip and yes, she continued to try to discuss things with him privately but I was relentless. When she would call and want to “talk”, he started avoiding it. Then I had a brilliant idea. I would email her (as my husband) and ask, “What’s this about?” and pretending to be him, I got to tell my side. Eventually, her attitude towards me softened and surprise, surprise, she came to me to talk about a situation. What a turning point victory! Now, we discuss things and she rarely mentions anything to my husband anymore.
Hope this post helps you step-mom’s who are struggling with this…
Oh, if it was only that
Oh, if it was only that simple. Yes it should work like that
but went the BM is a screaming, yelling, cussing, texting, voicemail,threatening person. Logic goes out the window.
Myself, Bf, and the new SD all look at each other and say it should be easier than this. We talk reasonably and
rationally. But when the BM just does and says what she wants
and doesn't care how it affects her new husband or her kids,
guess what? Nothing can fix that.
You have what I want to have. But you can't fix stupid and ugly.
i'm working on this myself
i'm working on this myself with my daughter, i wont lie, i currently HATE my dd's smom, and the bm i deal with doesn't care too much for me neither
it's a struggle that's for sure
congrats to you!
Great advice.... IF you're
Great advice.... IF you're dealing with a rational BM. Unfortunately, most of us aren't. I am not even a part of my SO's childrens lives (my choice) and the BM still plays mindf**k games whenever the mood strikes. No rhyme or reason to it. No matter what it is, you can bet I did something to piss her off. Not sure how since I don't even live in the same city. It's ok though. One more kid to go, turning 18 in a few short months. Life will be good. I figure by this point, I may be able to have a peaceful co-existence w/ the kids and will hopefully have a chance to undo some of the BM's lies. I'm not delusional though. I know this will likely not happen. Still, at least both of them being 18+ levels the playing field a bit. Maybe some hidden truths about dear old Mom will help them see the light. }:)
Or when she is an ex stripper
Or when she is an ex stripper with a seventh grade eduaction and three illegitimate children by three different men... it just doesnt work.
iwishyouwould: LOL LOL I am
iwishyouwould: LOL LOL I am sorry, I know this is probably true and the source of many annoying hassles for you but this made me laugh sooo hard. Cannot reason with crazy assholes.
man id probably laugh too if
man id probably laugh too if i wasnt smack dab in the middle of it. i just keep wondering at what point did my life go from intellectual bohemianism to being locked in life with Joy from My Name is Earl.
Thanks for the advice Alison,
Thanks for the advice Alison, I am sure there are plenty of steps on here who can use the words of encouragement.
Of course, not everyone on here has even remotely reasonable situations, and that has made them understandable unhappy, even to the point of being snarky to someone who has managed to make something good. Please don't let that stop you from posting in the future!
Some more history... My
Some more history...
My step-children's biological mother has...
1. Called the Children's Aid (as we call it in Canada; the agency that removes children from your home) on us while I was in the hospital being treated for cancer. My children were terrified that they would be taken away.
2. Has told her children I am disgusting because I speak English (she's French).
3. Has called the police on us.
4. Made it her mission to make her children hate me.
5. Has had my son removed from school (because of her influence with the school officials) because her son and mine told the school they were brothers.
6. Has screamed at my 7 year old son in public and made him cry.
The list goes on and many of the things she's done would shock you. I have every reason to HATE this woman (and I admit, I have!). I only have one reason to suck it up and that is that she was making MY life miserable.
"Life is 10 per cent what happens to you....and 90 per cent how you respond to it".
My advice for the biological moms that just won't listen to you.....stop listening to them. Hang up or leave when they rant and calmly tell them that you're willing to talk when they calm down.....and smile.... lol
You'll be amazed at how exhibiting that power and control over the situation will make you feel.
I'd still love to hear your comments; both good and bad!
Alison12345 you are right
Alison12345 you are right about feeling in control over the situation when you respond calmly to someone going psycho. It's very hard not to get dragged down into the same drama. In my own situation, I've let my husband deal with his kids and his ex. It gets me no where to interact with this woman. I've tried for 13 yrs to be a supportive wife, fair and reasonable s/mom. I could write a book about the bi polar melt downs with this BM. In the end, if I say or do anything, the s/kids side with their mom regardless of the things she has done to them and the damage she has caused to them emotionally. Therefore, I have disengaged totally. I am happy for you tho' that you seem to have found common ground and can take the higher road instead of getting into the fray. Keep up the good work!
I hear ya and....I'm not a
I hear ya and....I'm not a saint. I must confess that I had my moments of screaming right back at this crazy mother and wasted way too many tears over the situation (almost 7 years worth!) I can SOOOO relate to everyone's frustration here.
I guess I just woke up one day and didn't like who I'd become because of this woman...and I decided to change even if she couldn't/wouldn't.
I am sure it was not easy to
I am sure it was not easy to get to the place you are at. How wonderful it must be! But I am in the same boat as most of the sm's here. The bm is a screaming lunatic that has no idea how to have an adult rational conversation.... We have also said many times that it should not be this hard!! If only everyone would put the children first and think of their kids needs before their own....
Thanks for the advice, I will give some of it a try.
I envy you I am both a
I envy you
I am both a biomom and a stepmom and I don't understand how some biomoms can't get past their hatred for their former spouses and their new wives. The BM I deal with is totally irrational.
Hey, I am all for low to no
Hey, I am all for low to no contact with psycho BM's/BF's. I'm also for parallel parenting plans when dealing with nasty Bios. It's just not always that easy. This is why having a place like this to vent is awesome. You get to say what you want w/o being told you're being unreasonable (most of the time, lol.) Maybe you could cut some of the people here a little slack and they will do the same in return. After all, walk a mile in another's shoes comes to mind.
Don't think op was being
Don't think op was being harsh. She was sharing her experience and what helped her. I like hearing something good from someone who has a semi rational BM. My situation is similar so I like hearing what has worked for her. I don't think she was being judgmental at all
Yes, I too am also a BM and
Yes, I too am also a BM and tried two years ago to do the, "I am also a mom and do understand" thing and was completely civil with the crazy bit*ch. It did not obviously work. I still refuse to stoop to her level though and some of this is sad actually as it gives all BM's a "bad name", which is not true. We can just see on "both sides of the fence."
I was trying to relay to her
I was trying to relay to her insane ass that I was not trying to take over her status as a mother because I was already a mom myself.
Thanks, HS, for the positive
Thanks, HS, for the positive comments. I just had to respond to your post about 'I understand' to clarify something.
The 'I understand' didn't work for me
It was only the firm (not nice but FIRM), "We'll listen to you when you're calm and ready to talk to both of us (my husband and me). It flew her into many, many rages but we just walked away, hung up the phone et cetera. Eventually, she agreed to a talk with us and then told us she'd decided to go to counselling to work out her issues with feeling scared that I would take her place in her children's lives. As I write this, I, myself, can't believe it happened but it did.
It sounds to me like you're a very caring person and I think you're doing the right things. Problem is; not everyone is like you (ie; biological mom) so we do what we can to limit the control these types of people have over our personal lives.
Good Luck!
I wouldn't say harsh...
I wouldn't say harsh... judgemental w/o having all the facts? Hell YES. As I stated, walk a mile in another's shoes. The truth is you can not reason with a disordered mind. Many of these BM's are in fact disordered and b/c of this, I believe their insanity breeds this chaos. These BM's act as if the SM's broke up their marriages. They PAS the kids, act like the victim, and create constant drama where none need exist. It is NOT ACCEPTABLE that their x-husband is moving on with someone else but, pay attention here... many of them have moved on with someone else themselves. if you're dealing with a BM who has already jumped in to a relationship or gotten remarried but, is still creating sh*t for her x and his new someone.... DISORDERED! Period. If they are unable to move on.... get some professional help before you do irreperable damage to your children (whom you claim to love) and their relationship with their bio-dad.
I was not looking for kids
I was not looking for kids when I married to play mom with, I was only marrying to be a WIFE- no desire to play mom- I have my own?
It is strange. BM has major insecurities.
Thank goodness I never had
Thank goodness I never had any BM drama from either side. I got along nicely with my oldest son's SM. She was terrific. We had no problem at all communicating about the kids. She asked me the first time they were there after she entered the picture about some rule or other and how did I do that in my house. Wow! I told her how I did it, how I didn't expect her to make the boys act any different from the other boys in that house. It was a crazy mix of yours, mine and ours, but she was a damn good mom to all of them and a fine lady. I had my boys give her cards on mother's day. She deserved the notice, too.
As far as skids BMs, I think they were actually more reasonable parents trying to raise responsible children than XBF was! He was the one undermining them and I can now see why he was recycled and both BMs have upgraded considerably.
I am very sorry if I offended
I am very sorry if I offended you Distorted. That wasn't my intention at all.
I was giving you the 'reader's digest version' of what I went through but suffice to say, when I decided to stop listening to her garbage she didn't stop dumping it. I went through about six months of her acting like a crazed woman; trying to get us to listen to her rantings and ravings and then trying to get other authorities to listen to her in an attempt to ruin our lives.
She had an affair and left my husband for another man. I came in the picture after she was long gone with no plans to return (she was and still is living with this other man).
My husband and I were told by a counsellor to do this. Trust me when I say that I was VERY skeptical that it would work but magically, miraculously once she realized that no one was listening, she finally stopped.
I know it sounds so simple and I know I'm not in your situation but I put this out there in hopes that maybe it might work for someone else. I don't pretend to know what you're going through. Just trying to help...
No offense taken. Just so you
No offense taken. Just so you know, that what you have done has been tried ad nauseum by many of us to no avail. Let's face it, this isn't Ozzie and Harriet and most times there was real dysfunction in the previous marriage that we somehow get dragged in to. It's not like most of us haven't tried what you're proposing. It just doesn't always work, especially when you're dealing with a special kind of crazy
. Glad it has worked for you and as I have stated.... I am all for low-NO contact with BM. Parallel parenting can be a God send. Just have to get over all the 'guilty daddy' BS and the psycho BM drama. Then we're all set. 
I'm sorry nothing's worked
I'm sorry nothing's worked for you, Distorted. What a shame. I don't think I'd still be here if I was still going through that!
Now....don't get me started on the 'guilty daddy' bull**** because I am at a COMPLETE loss on how to deal with that one! That is MY major
Anyone have any advice on that!?@
i like the post:)thought it
i like the post:)thought it gave a nice picture of how things could be when people act like grown-ups.It would be impossible for you to put every single struggle you've ever had into this one post just to make others feel better and show you aren't looking down your nose.i WISH bm,sd,and mil would stop trying to roast me over an open fire.I'm currently working on my ignore skills and I hope it works as well for me as it did for you.
BM & SM here as well.
BM & SM here as well. Luckily, I have not had to deal with SD's mom for quite some time. She decided if she wan't going to get her way then she didn't want any contact at all. As for my son and his's all good. I have no issues with her. That is mostly because we treat one another like adults and act like adults. Case in point: son went to visit his dad (who lives hundreds of miles away) for a few weeks one summer...they wanted to get family pics done...and so she asked my son to cut his hair for the pics. He didn't want to. She really pressured him too and in the end she did not get her way. Was it because I stepped in and told her where to go and how to get there??? is because I left it between her and my son. I know that I raised him well enough to speak up for himself and that is exactly what he did.
Not all people behave this rationally or have the maturity to deal with a situation like this. That is the problem. Jealousy over the "other woman" tends to get in the way, and most moms would have taken the stance, "oh no she didn't just tell MY kid what to do with HIS hair without asking me FIRST!" and go off the deep end. I can see how it happens. It is easy to freak out on someone, it is not so easy to be rational and let things be handled between who it is occurring with and let the chips fall where they may...because you want to step in and handle the situation...we can't do that all the time or what are we teaching these kids?
Yep, that is exactly how it
Yep, that is exactly how it should work. That is how it worked in my wife's home. She was raised from birth by her StepDad. Her BioDad was killed in a car accident before my MIL even know she was pregnant with my wife.
BioDad's extended family just became the extended family of all of my FIL(Step) and MILs kids. My wife's younger sibs considered my wifes Paternal GrandParents no differently than my FILs family and my MILs family.
In the case of a toothless dipshit in the blended family opposition there is not much chance of duplicating your success story as a SM and BM interfacing with your Skids and kids other family.
I have been dad to my SS-18 since he was 1yo. My wife had SS when she was 16. BioDad abandoned my wife and his oldest child in a nasty travel trailer before SS was 1yo to run off with yet another 16yo. He was 23.
Since then BioDad has gone on to a stellar breeding career spawning 4 out-of-wedlock children by three different baby mamas. He abandoned the youngest three on SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa's doorstep for them to raise and considers all of the baby mama's to be gold diggers out to take advantage of him and interfere in his life.
I would rather shoot him than think about him and when he and SpermGrandMa are finally in the ground I will make a special trip to piss on their graves.
But, I would much prefer for them to be reasonable adults and have what you have with your kids SM and Skids BM.
Wow...amazing how reading
Wow...amazing how reading your post HelpMeeee, makes me tear up!
Thank you for saying (writing) that; especially the 'wish'. I think that's the one thing that we (step-moms) never get....appreciation....and we so badly need it!
And thank you for reminding me why I'm still hanging in...the kids.
Back atcha
In reference to the original
In reference to the original post, I can say that I tried with my ex's wife and my husband's wife to befriend them both as I felt it was best for the kids for us all to work together. It worked well with my ex's wife. We nevr had any comflict in 20 years of them being together. I accepted their children, told my kids these were their siblings, they had 2 moms and 2 dads, I never question anything ex's wife did or said concerning the children. It worked great! She finally left my ex for the same reasons he and I divorced. I ahve not spoke to him in years but she nad I are friends on FaceBook. When they divorced I made sure my girls still knew this was their other mom.
Totally different picture on the other side. My husband's ex did not have custody of her boys, I was raising them and I think she felt threatened she was going to lose them. She acted like she owned them and there was no befriending, she made that very clear. Every chance she got she was playing head games and filling the boys' heads with lies and hate. These were very hurt, very angry boys (5 & 7 when we met) who have grown into very hurt, hatefulyoung men 21 years later.
The girls get along fine with their stepdad, stepmom, and even as bad of a person their father is I knew if they ended up hating him for what he did that they would have years of turmoil to deal with so I have always told them, "that is just they way he is, he will never change, you have to accept it." And they have managed a relationship with him to.
The boys are all about bio mom who abandoned them. They have nothing to do with me, their father, or my daughters who were raised in the same household as siblings. Bio mom may have got what she wnated but the boys paid an awful price for her own desires.
It warms my heart to know
It warms my heart to know that there are BMs in the world that are not psychotic shit for brains losers. I really believe your post is admirable and I think it can help those who aren't dealing with the most serious of bitter BMs.
After 10 years of dealing with our BM, I have learned there is no reasoning with an idiot. Some people refuse to be reasonable no matter how hard you try. I've always tried to be supportive and understanding and nuetral. As a step mom, I have been made into an evil villian.
I consider myself a rational mother. I am cordial with my ex and we coordinate all events, holidays and presents. We help each other live life peacefully. It is better for the kids this way. They want to see their parents get along and I like to give that to them.