14yo SS I feel has changed towards me
Evening everyone,
I am new on so I really am looking your help and advice from anyone in a similar position.
So firstly a little bit about me.
Myself and partner are together just over 2 years now. He has a 14yo son from previous marriage but are divorced 10yrs+
Myself and my partner now have our own daughter who is now just over 1 yo.
Before our daughter was born we moved down to his house after living for 6-9months in my house due to his flooding. So once his house was sorted we all moved down. I sold mine and used the money to pump into improving his.
I have recently found that his son refers to our room as his dad's bedroom. He will ask his dad is he wants any of his share size chocolate, while I'm sitting there with him. Also I find that when I leave the room to go to bed he goes to the living room, with his PlayStation and will have more mid night feed with his dad. Also today I walked down the hall to mind him in on our bed with his sister whom he had lifted onto our bed. Obviously I was a little panicked as I have ladies things in my room and not eyes for boys also it's my only personal space I have.
I might add I have moved about 30miles away from my family and don't have any friends here,
I feel isolated and not welcome. I feel as if I am being pushed out. I do everything for everyone in this house and its very difficult for me to think this is happening.
I tried talking to my OH but he is like there is always a drama and always a problem with my son! He said it's my problem in my head and walked out.
The drama he is referring to is I would say to him try and do something with...... (his son) rather than him playing video games constantly cause it definitely effects them. Things just like that because indo see a difference, if he is on it all day he gets robotic like.
Anyways I am feeling like crap and I really don't know what to do. I feel like nothing can be talked about regarding our family and including his son. Our daughter doesn't get any attention or playing or fun time with her dad and it really upsets me. He would rather play on his phone or annoy her until she cries and then he complains and goes to his sons room and closes the door and leaves me to deal with it.
I feel so lonely and like a single parent and tbh I don't know if I should stay.
So there is a few things going on really and I can't really cope with it all. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
P. S. I know I'm not easy to live with, I do get annoyed that our daughter isn't cared about. He said to me the other day "oh my goodness she can walk" the said thing is she has been this few weeks.
Thank you all x
Well, I feel badly for you & your Little One
The way it sounds, you have a consistent DH/OH problem. He doesn't parent his son & ignores your daughter. No one wants to feel alienated, diminished or ignored in their own home.
Can you document the $ that you've invested into his house? Think about it at least. Text messages, emails can help to show the money trail in case you ever decide to leave.
Wish I had some great advice, but I don't. Your baby's daddy doesn't seem to be a great prize. You're not alone.
Please tell us that you had
Please tell us that you had him put you on the deed for the house before you put a penny into it? Please, please, please, please, please.
Get your money out of the house, move back to your town, buy a place that is yours, protect your daughter as much as you can from the influence of that shallow and polluted gene pool and nail his idiot ass to the CS wall for a ton of money for the next couple of decades.
Hire the the best killer shark divorce attorney in town, meet with all of the top 10 for consulations to get them off of hte markey for your STBX to use, and get on with your life.
Good luck. Take care of you. Take care of that baby.