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Update on our court date...thanks again for all the help!!!

Colts_mamma's picture

I just wanted to update everyone on my fiance's court case over his ex refusing parenting time. let me just start off by saying it was very humorous. She ended up getting a lawyer and we paid ours Tuesday and went to court yesterday so she didn't know we had one. She tried to lie and get herself out of having to let my fiance have his daughter. She told the judge that she would allow him to have her every other weekend from 7:30pm Saturday until 10:30am Sunday mornings. Lets just say our lawyer and the judge about had heart attacks. OUr lawyer was amazing and well worth the money we spent. He really got onto her. My fiances ex's husband almost got kicked out of the court room, he even once stood up and yelled I object after the judge said something. But we now get my soon to be step daughter every other weekend from 6pm Friday-5pm on Sunday. We got pick her up on Friday at 6pm and she has to drive here to get her Sunday at 5pm(we live 30miles apart) we get her every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 8:30pm and same driving situation. She tried to say that he shouldnt get her on Fridays because he works Saturdays and she doesnt, judge told her if she wanted to watch their daughter she has to drive here and pick her up then have her back when my fiance gets off work that night. We get 4 1 week visits a year and all our holidays. I am very very pleased with the outcome and couldnt have built the case I did against her without all of your help! Thanks again! Smile